
Michael from Maui
Hour 4

60 minutes
Tuesday ~ 22 May 2007
Michael continues
Saturn Earth Connection
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.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 4
Curtis : Welcome back to helloearth with Michael in Hawaii, and Michael was telling us about his trip out to Saturn. At one point I said... I usually would say in the rings of Saturn, but Michael corrected me. He said "No, no they're not in the rings. They move around a bit, but they're close by Saturn, but not in the rings. And where we were in the last hour Michael was just saying that when they first pointed out where their destination was. And I'll let him tell you what it looked like. Go ahead Michael.

Michael : OK yeah... um... picking up from there... and I... I remember saying... uh... You mean that light bulb thing out there that looks like a light bulb. And they said yes. And... uh...that was uh... pretty much what happened. It was just like a... a NASA pictures up on the web site. It looked just like that... and... uh it wasn't reflected like... it was as if it was... uh... illuminated. Self illuminated.

Curtis : How bright did it look to you?

Michael : um... a... I didn't see another object of similar size. So I can say this much. I could see the rings of Saturn and it was brighter.

Curtis : um

Michael : How's that answer?

Curtis : That's good. It was brighter?

Michael : It was brighter, yes

Curtis : brighter than...

Michael : That's why it came to me with this... "That light bulb over there" because it was automatically... just like... like... lit up there... you know. That's my first impression. And first impressions are really important. This is just off the cuff, but first impressions... your thought, and your first impressions are immediately picked up by them, and they can read that. You cannot lie to them, or you cannot try to hide something from them. Uh... They know right away and they like your first impressions. Uh... Don't worry if you don't think that's uh culturally... um... uh... acceptable or socially acceptable. Laugh... Things... laugh They... they... they pick up on it. They'll... They'll correct you. So how do you like that? Just these first impressions, they hear it right away.

Curtis : What do you mean they'll correct you?

Michael : Well... um... did they cover that part where I... un... seen... um... the big octopus guy?

Curtis : Yes, you talked about the octopus and his eye.

Michael : and the... uh... big insect guy... and both of them...

Curtis : Oh, the insect guy, yes.

Michael : Yeah, they're real, I mean real people. I would say real people. You could converse with them. And I asked if... I asked if they were God and they said "no" and then basically gave me a feeling like, you know we're on your journey too. We're... we're going there that way. But anyway... uh... after that I... I went to a room and we sat down and in this room uh there were others in there including those that... uh Riley has called the Dorians.

Curtis : um hum

Michael : and I was thinking... and I said "uh Why are the Dorians all women, all female?" You know I thought that... and uh... one of them... ah turned to me and looked at me and stood up and came over and told me that "we're not females." And I said "Oh, excuse me... I... I thought you are, you sort of look that way. And they said "Oh, no... um... we're not males either. We're neither."

Curtis : Neither

Michael : Yeah, how you like that?

Curtis : hmm... That's something Riley didn't say, I don't believe.

Michael : Yeah. So... Apparently there are... That's why they look all identical... you know.

Curtis : Yeah, Riley was fascinated with that also.

Michael : Yeah, they're... they're like rubber stamp individuals. I'm not sure about personality cause I only got... Well, I got a discussion with the one that was in the tail of the long line of them.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : But that was the one that didn't look like the rest... was short. She looked like a young version. But... um... just talking with that one... picked up on that right away. Came over and said that " We're not... uh we're not females... I said "Oh". "We're not males either". So. That was one of the interesting things. I was sitting there and... uh... he went back and sat down. And that same guy that introduced me to The Urantia Book...

Curtis : Yes.

Michael : He came over and sat down with me. And... uh... originally my purpose was... uh in search of God... in search of the... the first source, the creator of all... um. You might say the one who put everything together, because to me, for what I could analyze at that age... ah... things did not seem to be organized in a random fashion. I mean, there seemed to be mechanism to everything.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Ah. Organism to everything, which is order... and uh... He came down and he uh... sat with me... and ah... he drew... ah... circles. A center circle and concentric circles. And, I said "Oh, I know what you're drawing. You're, you're trying to tell me where I'm at... ah... in the solar system." And he said "No, I'm not."And uh "yes in a sense it's a system but what you're looking at... are... is... I'm trying to show you where you want to go. You want to find God. And he drew seven rings... seven concen... Well from the center out... including the center was seven... out to the... to the outer most circle.

Curtis : um hum

Michael : And then he drew... another... bull's eye... ah... essentially was a center with two rings. And he says this is you and... uh... I said ok um and then he described me as... he said you are physical, you have mental abilities, and then this outer most ring is your spiritual self, and that's all... that's all that you are, but if you exclude yourself, your spiritual self, this outer most ring will not be available to you. Cause you won't know how to go. Essentially he said it's like strike you... you... you're trying to find a direction and you need to know where to aim. So this outer most ring is that spiritual sense and it basically needs to tie in to the outer most ring of... uh... how God is trying to draw you into himself... and uh... uh... that outer most ring is that first step... and it's spiritually detected... essentially by faith is the term that was... uh... used.

Curtis : I see, and he was drawing these concentric circles on a paper...

Michael : You know, I really can't say that for sure. It seemed like he just drew it on the table top.

Curtis : Oh

Michael : But I was... I never saw him give me... he didn't give me the paper or anything. He just gave me that as an example.

Curtis : Now, I'm sorry. Was this one of the Dorians?

Michael : No. It was... uh...

Curtis : Oh. This was...

Michael : Yeah. It was a human guy that looked like just any body else.

Curtis : Who spoke of the Urantia Book

Michael : Caucasian guy, about six feet tall. So

Curtis : Was he comple... was he a complete human being?

Michael : As far as I could detect, but I don'tt thing he was mortal.

Curtis : Oh... You thought he was a mechanical man?

Michael : No. Essentially... um... closer to being immortal. I really don'tknow, but he was able to give me this kind of information as if I was just sitting next to some guy in a restaurant or something. Walking story with him.

Curtis : I see. Yes, well. So he just sat down with you and drew these circles, and tried to describe.

Michael : Yeah. Tried to tell me how to navigate to God. So essentially he drew a target, but he also drew me as a target with only three rings. Actually two rings and a center. And... uh... I think that's probably where... uh... later on the full... more full guidance was given to me... uh... back on earth because it's avail... that same... same journey is available to everyone here on Earth. It's just that you don't understand that maybe you might miss the message, or you might miss the target.

Curtis : I see. Well, what else can you tell us about this... make it clear... more clear to us since you've had time to absorb this?

Michael : Well, what I found out was that... uh... He... uh... mentioned. I mentioned the bible the first time as the book, you know, with the book on earth that he said was the Urantia Book. And the Urantia Book does clarify that except the Urantia Book has... if you were to take out... some... some of these... study it a bit... it does have... terms of first source and center, where God is, and... and... uh... these outer domains... and... uh... Celestial domains and dominions... And also does talk about spheres of... architectural spheres, and that's for sure that, that... uh... mother ship out there by Saturn is an architectural spheres. It's a created world. It's... uh although small in comparison to those that are described in the Urantia Book, it is one architectural sphere. That's exactly the kind of information he wanted me to get to help explain what's happening to me. And then he did not want it to be... uh... non inclusive of the bible. He wanted it to be sort of like... uh... do not throw the bible away. Kind of... Now we... Now we understand that... cause there's stuff that the bible is doing that is amazing... like the bible code and things like that. That... When it comes right down to his guidance he was telling me that... as plain as he could and as simple as he could... ah... so that I would begin to understand. Uh That... They work where God is, they were not God, and they were pointing me in the direction cause they knew where to go.

Curtis : Um hmmm

Michael : How you like that?

Curtis : They knew where to go

Michael : They knew where to go.

Curtis : Tell us more. I mean... What do... what do you mean they know where to go?

Michael : Well... They... uh... One of the reasons I...I know we're out here and we somewhat... somewhat think of ourselves being alone is that we don't have the full sense of... uh... of... uh... I guess belonging to the whole... ah... the whole universal... system of... uh... sentient, intelligent, spiritual beings. You know. Much of the time we spent here on earth is running around... very close to the animal level, and not moving up beyond it, although... uh... many times... uh... they help us elevate ourselves by inspiring us in our inventiveness, and consequently moving us up in a civilized... uh... manner.
And so our inventiveness has some inspiration from them, and not necessarily... uh... uh... just from, you know, our own sudden... uh...

Curtis : inspiration

Michael : Inspiration. Yes. If it... if it comes to them... if it comes to us in a fact that... in a way that we would consider it... inspiration then it's probably from them. If it comes in a factor of just... oh... I just forgot how it worked, or I just... I just... uh... unique... uh... you know, noticed something. Then that may not be that way but just an inventiveness of us but some... somethings are inspiration. They... they really... um... you know... come in a sense... like... People try to tell us to think outside of the box. And that don't mean... and if you were to create... uh... uh... you say think outside of the box and you put the outer ring of that three rings that disguise me as a human being... you see that outer ring is a box. That means you're telling me to think with that spiritual kind of level. So we are all got it, it's just that we don't know how to use it yet. You know, so thinking outside of the box sometimes help us reach..that reach... that point where really good ideas, uh or communion with the... the creator... uh. Things like that happen.

Curtis : Well it's good they're helping us. It sounds like there're helping us. They're making us thing we think it up.

Michael : Yeah, one of the things I have... uh... was told was that... and I still maintain... ah... that level of communication with them is that they definitely do not want to create some kind of crazy religion out of this. It's... The next point in which we are moving is... in this reality... is exactly what people want is... Why don't they just make themselves real. But the problem is that... uh... they're not here to stop our development. If they just make themselves real, that could cause a lot of problems. I think that's been done before. So... in order... that... that follows that many we have no idea what would happen... ah... a preventive. They have to approach us with kid glove... uh... they are... I'm sure that they are the group of the life carriers. Very, very ancient. Essentially the builders of... uh... life here on Earth, but they're not God. They may have been called God by some people or even given the name the Elohem. Like the Elohem was like the multiplicity of gods. Like not just one God head, but like a group of... you know.

Curtis : Yeah

Michael : So, anyway... um... Ultimately we're moving toward a time where... they know... eh... They look like they're getting ready... ah... when I was there, and that's thirty years ago, but it looked like they were getting ready to... be able to... you know... get going if they need to... do whatever...

Curtis : How did it look like they were getting ready?

Michael : Oh, by just the size and number of craft. If they were just curious... What do you need a big... craft... a beling (?) craft for?

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : This big... big... craft is huge. You know. They come over there... let's say help... Let's talk about Tan and Nela. They come over there, just Tan and Ne, and they got a few helping... uh... gray type aliens... uh... Subservient type people with them there... and uh... what do they need?. You know. They just come over and check thing out and go back. What do they need a big huge ship. There's several, I mean lots of them... uh... What do they need that for? Do

Curtis : I see. When Tan and Nela came?

Michael : Yeah. They didn't come in a big ship.

Curtis : Yeah. They just came in something...

Michael : Something small, yeah.

Curtis : How many people could fit in that ship?

Michael : Eh, a dozen maybe, but not that big.

Curtis : Well, you were a child then.

Michael : No, I was, well... when I... I was like nineteen.

Curtis : Oh. Alright. You were

Michael : Yeah. I was an adult

Curtis : You were an adult

Michael : Yeah

Curtis : Big. Much bigger than them.

Michael : Yeah. I was bigger than them. Yeah... um... yeah So I'm kinda winding, you know, down on this whole... mother ship experience... it's... it's more that goes on there but this last piece that I just gave concerning... uh... Dorian... think they were male or female and... uh... this one figure... he might... he might... people might call him an angelic figure because he looks so human and he's wearing light, white and stuff like that. But drawing the direction and you know, the simplicity of moving towards the first source and center, or God, would be... um, you know. I'll always try to do, and then after that, you know, we're pretty much on our... on our way. They done a lot. Really so... um... I think I've... uh... ???? At that point I'm headed toward just finally saying... meeting... uh... getting our titles... uh... titles are... uh... Riley Martin was ticketer... I navigator and this lady person was called communicator. So... um... there's other navigators though... um... In fact there's one of many. I'm not sure if there's any more... um... ticketers. I doubt it... um... only Riley I think.

Curtis : Well, Riley was told to draw 144,000 of us people

Michael : Yeah. It's a... Oh, I didn't tell you that I looked in to the mon... the... uh... the projector that he got those 144,000 of his.

Curtis : Yes

Michael : I asked to go into there and take a look at it, and I was allowed to go look at it and they... um... what they did was they took a flat piece of paper. It was like... I looked at it and I... I already experienced quite a bit, so I looked at this and it was ah... it looked like a hand drawn Riley Martin type... uh... drawing on it.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : And I looked at it I says you passed it over the viewing port, and the port activated after that. And they said now you can look inside of it. My question to him first of all "why do you need that piece of paper and that little pencil drawing on it?" Looks like a pencil drawing... um... you know, for something as sophisticated as this, and he never answered me about that. Didn't really tell me. But, he said now you can go look at it. That's how he just started up with this. So anyway. I looked at it and it was... uh... and it was holographic image that was a... if you looked at it you could almost become... uh... you could almost go into it... so holographic... you know so...

Curtis : Was that inside the device?

Michael : Yeah, when you look in the viewing part you could look all around, and as you looked around you could actually explore the inner parts of the... the... the... field of vision. You could almost become a... wac... cm... I guess the video guys got this term called immersive. I mean, that would be the ultimate immersiveness, but... um... it seemed that way... ah... although... I don't think they had it on fully because it seemed like it only was... it was only in... ah... ah... without the light source, so ]it was more like golden views (?hues) not... uh... full color

Curtis : You mean what you were seeing inside.

Michael : Yeah, what I was seeing inside... and... uh

Curtis : What did you see...

Michael : They were all 3 dimensional. I could... If I wanted to see the side of them or the back of them I actually could. Yeah, the field of vision would change and I could see that. So it was a 3 dimensional... um... experience in a sense.

Curtis : I see.

Michael : Yeah, so... So what Riley is drawing is maybe a 144,000 views of the same place. Laugh

Curtis : Oh, really.

Michael : Yeah, that could be it is too, yeah, but I don't know. I just know I looked into the same device. Laugh I remember that part where it said... he said... hey... uh... you know... this is how we turn it on, you know, with that piece of paper, that disc, but that seemed so primitive to me but I guess... when you... it's an example of how they're reaching down to us. And to get to us they gotta condescend... get down there with us. Laugh

Curtis : What did he call that piece of paper or ???? What else can you remember about it?

Michael : Key... or something like that

Curtis : It was like an activation key?

Michael : Like an activation key, yeah.

Curtis : Did it make a sound?

Michael : No, no sound. It just... uh... it just activated the ??? part.

Curtis : Is this something, when you... when you put your eyes to the view port... was this something you put... could put your head in and look all around or...

Michael : Uh, it was... um... at first I, you know, I wo... I would look a bit further away but I had the disc??? They said you can get up closer... you know, as close as you want, and then... uh... it was pretty close.

Curtis : Colorful?

Michael : No. Again I think it wasn't really fully on. It was just... um... open and allowed me to see this 3 dimensional... uh... holographic... uh... virtual world.

Curtis : A virtual world.

Michael : Yeah. A virtual world of... ah... talking about... not just as if it was... uh... as if it was a planet or something. It was like included planets, included dominions, and you know... included... the symbology in there was nice... really beautiful in though. The art work was really cool. It didn't look... uh... like a photograph of some place like... uh... take a picture of Yosemite and holographic it you can walk... go into Yosemite and look at, you know, El Captain, or something from different angles... uh... it was in a sense like that, but it was not that. It was... it seemed like it was more actual... symbology... their art work, although 3 dimensional.

Curtis : hmmm Sounds extremely interesting. Just uh... I'm trying to visualize it in my mind when you describe it you said you look all around, then when you said there's planets and,

Michael : Yeah, laugh

Curtis : But when you see planets don't they just look like spheres?

Michael : Yeah, they look like spheres, but there are other symbologies that surround the planet that guess would tell you what the character or the name of the planet could be given that way.

Curtis : I see

Michael : Yeah

Curtis : And what did you take this device to be when you... when they were showing it to you?

Michael : When I... um... first looked at it it was... uh... really quite simple looking. Nothing eerie about it or anything.

Curtis : Did you ever see Riley's drawing of the device that was hooked up to him when they downloaded the symbols into his brain?

Michael : ahhh... I kinda forget it... I don't know. I'm not sure how it... if I did see it, or how... I don't really remember it. I know how this thing goes. I know there was a... a... comfy... comfortable chair I could get into.

Curtis : I see. You could get into?

Michael : Yeah. Like I did get into it.

Curtis : And were you facing the machine or...

Michael : Was I in the... what...

Curtis : What kind of material was it? Were you facing the machine or
was it to your... was it next to the machine or...

Michael : Yeah, it was... uh... facing the machine

Curtis : I see.

Michael : Facing the device. So... um... I know... uh... the one guy that was next there. He looked like a Biaviian. He was sitting in the room, and he was the one that was there, opened the room up and let me in... yeah. And then... uh... past that he was sitting on the side. Wasn't too worried I wasn't going to get everything get broke and everything cause I don't think they really started the whole thing up. Uh Open it up and look around inside of it, but not for me.

Curtis : Michael, why do you think they showed you this machine?

Michael : Well... um... I wa... they had basically everything I wanted, when I asked for.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : If they could they would show it to me. It's like when I asked for the engine. I want to see the engine. What makes this place go? They took me there, and they showed it to me. It was like they weren't going to hide anything from me. If I asked... whatever I asked about they tried... including asking about God... in fact that was my whole thing. I kept asking... are you God... is that God? Or what is that, you know.

Curtis : mm hmm... Did they express that God was there on the mother ship?

Michael : Oh... well... they took me... the elders took me for the experience of... a... presence with God... not God... head.

Curtis : mm hmm

Michael : You know to be in presence... so that's... that's the spirit of God. And I guess what he talked about The Urantia Book, The Urantia Book does... uh... talk about the trinity, the Father, Son and Spirit. And what is interesting about it is what after they took me back, on the way back... uh... talking to Nela again, and... uh... we discuss it again and I said yeah, I mentioned to her... yeah I found out one thing though. I gotta go back to find is The Urantia Book, and she looked at me. You were told about The Urantia Book? And I said yeah. Well that's not ordinary. We don't tell anybody about The Urantia Book. But... yes... that's... a... good, you know, and uh... um... and... uh... then, you know, just took the ride back, you know. Pretty much close... uh... to the end... already passed Mars, already on Earth by that time that conversation took... took place. And... uh... then I wanted to make... I wanted to retain as much of this story as possible. I wanted to retain the whole thing, but they weren't through with me yet. So... uh... Nela came out and she had an actual copy of The Urantia Book. She showed it to me. This is The Urantia Book but you... you... you cannot take it back with you right now. So she took from the shelf where The Urantia Book was sitting along with some... Holy Bible... other, other, other books, lotta books. They, they um... passed over to me... uh... she passed over and she pointed a... like a wand like instrument toward me. And I said I know what that is for... um... they told me... he told me that you're gonna make us forget... make me forget... uh... uh... and she said... uh... we have to... uh... make you forget otherwise, you know, you wouldn't be doing things correctly so an ended up... I... uh... and she put... she was gonna place that between on my forehead and... uh... I turned my head real quick. I thought I gonna fool her. I turned my head real quick and... uh... directly and (laugh) uh I can remember. And she said don't do that. (laugh) uh... I don't wanna have to bind you again. Basically that means to just make you unable... just stop your motor functions so you cannot move.

Curtis : Yes.

Michael : So... um... I... I said ok... I know, and, you know, I know you love me and I know you care... ok... you have to do. Will I ever remember you folks. Will I ever remember. She said yes, you will remember. We'll make sure of that at the proper time. And what's happened is I guess the time is coming now. It's a long time and it seems like what I'm remembering... it seems like it just happened, because it's so fresh, and that's their ability to do. They can do that... and... uh...uh like a timer or something. I don't know. I doubt it was a timer. I... I'm...I know they were here just last September... October, October and... uh... so

Curtis : With you?

Michael : Yeah, yeah... That was just here. I didn't even leave the Earth.

Curtis : Yes

Michael : Yeah, yeah

Curtis : So you're, so you're saying they came and stayed or visited you?

Michael : Yeah, visited me and... I'm not sure what... all I know is that now I... uh... even my wife... both my wife and I, we've got a lot more insight of them... again. And... un... I think the story is really the purpose that they took me... rather than having some measurements done by those scientist guys.

Curtis : mm hmm

Michael : yeah And uh... let's see... uh... After they dropped me back here on Earth... uh... and all the missing time... uh... within about a few days I had... uh... been led to... uh... a local Pentecostal church that operates in the gifts of the Holy Spirit... as the complete Father, Son and the Holy Spirit along with that... uh... born again Christian and... uh... began my study without any knowledge of... uh... the whole trip but... uh... again what happened was... uh... I was... I was so... uh... I guess people thought I was special in the church and I became just a demand item and the next thing I know I began... I was... uh... uh... a ordained minister and everything. And... uh... the training and everything came in... and then I remember when I... uh... stopped ministering was at a point where I got a little too fanatical... and... uh... essentially... uh... didn't realize that the whole... that the pic... I was losing the big picture. Then I'm pulled away from that. Then... uh... now I'm back again and I realize what... where... where... where... uh... um... things went wrong in a sense, and exactly where they said things... uh... do go wrong is that... that is happening right now in the world is religious wars is basically why... uh... it's really wrong to believe that... uh... uh... this is not some religion again. If... you know... take it in terms of reality and, and not one guy gonna have favor over God or another, you know. They, they never... they were always obedient. Basically... basically... I'm never saw them try, no. Say I'm doing this so, you know, I be obedient to God. No, they just were doing... uh... um... their thing... ah... whatever that was, and... uh when it came to God they... I was at the elders... and they were... went... were singing... and it was beautiful. I had a beautiful time... that presence and that... that blue light was... present right there. It'sa beautiful. Swirling light.

Curtis : And that's the same blue light that you saw when they first came an...

Michael : Yeah.

Curtis : Picked you up?

Michael : Yeah. That's the first impression I got. I said oh and the last time I saw this blue light I went some place else, you know. I went to the ship... and now I say I wonder where I'm going now but ended up not going a whole... uh... you know different place. Just was immersed in uh essentially... um... the presence of God, but not... where God is. Like where God is all... the spiritual part. That part there... up here. Anyway...

Curtis : Back, back to September, October... you said they came (interruption) I'm sorry you said it was October?

Michael : Yeah. It was early October.

Curtis : Early October. Remember the Date?

Michael : No. I don't remember the date. All I know is that... uh... this little icon that I kept from... uh... that rocking horse thing... the wire frame rocking horse thing... uh.

Curtis : Oh, could you tell us about that again?

Michael : Oh, OK When I first was picked up after... uh... uh... Nela... basically had finished her thing with me and I was allowed to just kinda roam around the little craft which is not really roam around... just sit there... uh... The first thing that came in and sat next to me. She gave me this... uh... wire frame... uh... rocking horse that would, it would sit on top of a shaft and balance. And she said, oh, you can... uh... have this. This is yours. I want you to know that, you know,... itt's a symbol that, you know, you did not have. When you go back you'll have it. And... uh... if you lose it or see that it's gone just think about this... um... it's a symbol that we came again.

Curtis : Oh.

Michael : Yeah. So now it's gone, and I remember my wife coming in one night, and she as... he specifically asked for that... and... um.

Curtis : What do mean she came in?

Michael : She came into the bedroom.

Curtis : OK

Michael : It's like... ordinary.

Curtis : Right. It was in your house.

Michael : Yeah. Woke me up and said, you know, where's this... where's that, you know, the rocking horse thing. And I told her exactly where it was and... uh... next thing I know (laugh) uh she was a little while later (laugh) she laughs at me and she chuckles and she says "questions not real". Where did that come from? (laugh) and she said (laugh) of all the questions I had to ask I had to ask where's question. (laugh)

Curtis : And she asked them where question was?

Michael : She asked them where question was, and they told her. They, they stopped. They knew exactly what she's talking about and it just embarrassed her. Question's not real.

Curtis : And how did she know question?

Michael : Uh... she liked that chapter in The Coming of Tan.

Curtis : Oh, I see.

Michael : She thought it was a real character.

Curtis : Yeah, it was a character.

Michael : You know... and uh... uh... she said I felt so embarrassed... keep having this, this memory of that because of all the things I could have asked why did I have to ask that?

Curtis : You're saying that she saw these... she saw Nela?

Michael : Uh... yes.

Curtis : Last October?

Michael : Yeah, yeah.

Curtis : Was that her first time seeing Nela?

Michael : Well... that's one occasion that I know of that is real clear. There are others who have come... that are I would say are not Nela . Ther're, they're important in saving my daughter's life. She, she... might of miscarried... uh... my daughter. And there was that one time... that was really... anyway... um... we call... you know... we have... we have... um... experiences with angelic forces... angles... and sometime you just think they are only spiritual, but they're, they're... uh... semi or half way between... or... or... ah...up. The term was like, like when, Christ resurrected he was able to... do a lot more than being mortal.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : That level. And I think that's the lever that all of... uh... those that were up in the mother ship were... essentially at that... at that point already.

Curtis : Will we get an opportunity to hear what your wife has to say about this some day?

Michael : I, I seriously doubt it. Laugh

Curtis : laugh I see. Laugh... you doubt it.

Michael : I leaked this out on her behalf, but I, I seriously doubt it because... uh... it's, it's just... uh... it's just something that... uh... she thought was... uh... you know, kinda for, for her... asking a question like that and... basically I told her you probably ask a whole lot of questions and you probably got the answers but the answers aren't for us right now. Uh... cause trouble

Curtis : Did she see these beings when she asked them?

Michael : Oh, yeah.

Curtis : And this was...

Michael : She also mentioned there was... uh... behind... uh... like looking through... uh... plastic bag, you know. To... like a zip lock bag kind of a...

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Not real clear, like a shower curtain.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : She saw... uh... what looked like... uh... uh... a dark... uh... thin person, you know.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Could, could be some... uh... some guy who stayed on our nice beaches over here for long enough time to have a good tan or something. But uh...

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : But... uh... you think that was Riley again. She said "I don't know". Laugh But there was somebody out there but she wasn't allowed to see.

Curtis : And this was last October.

Michael : Yeah

Curtis : And that's when she came into the room to see if the object was still there.

Michael : Yeah, no she, uh... she wanted it. And... uh... not there any more.

Curtis : Hmm, and this is, this is an object you've had for 30 years.

Michael : Yeah. Pretty close. Yeah. Actually... uh... it's come and gone... a couple of times. In 19...

Curtis : Oh

Michael : About 19... when I came here... now I can't really pin it down, but I know it was lost for a while. A little while. Anyway...

Curtis : It was lost for a little while.

Michael : I just talk about the last one, you know. I think it's important enough to know that they're truly... um... interested in our welfare. They want us to be directed spiritually. That, that last outer ring of our... who we are. We need to exercise that part. And we need to exercise it in search of God and then find the answer and... uh... the answer is in all of, all of us right here on Earth. It's in the local churches. You've gotta believe that.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : With enough purity of heart not to... worry... if I got to go to some holy war now. Do God some favor. God doesn't need any favors.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Yeah

Curtis : So, when you first thought of... uh... well, before we started this recording tonight you said that, that you were calling in to Riley to just, not necessarily tell this story, but to... uh... how did you put it... that just you didn't want.

Michael : Just to verify. Just to give Riley the credibility cause... uh... Riley takes a lot of gaff, you know, because of the where he was sent to. I... and... particular... uh... concept looks like he's fulfilling a role... and... that's also in the marketing end if you were... uh... looking at it as a business model. He would be on the marketing side. Get out there and advertise, and get in the... become a character on a commercial... on TV where they got ridiculous. The more ridiculous the commercial the more you remember it. And uh...

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : kinda thinking... I'm kinda fulfilling this, you know. And prepared sort of like the way. That's why I didn't know about him, and then when I did... decide to get... listen in to... uh... I didn't know about Coast to Coast a lot. It's just through my ham radio I heard... uh... I heard... uh... Art Bell on the radio... says this guy sounds like a professional disc jocky on the ham radio. Then I found out it was Art Bell... and he says this is Art Bell on Coast to Coast, and that's how I found Coast to Coast.

Curtis : I see.

Michael : The ham radio... and then from there I found Riley, and George Noory or but... or something like that had a recording of him.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Then... yeah... and after I saw... uh... The Coming of Tan, went inside and saw the picture that he drew and I said Oh, now this is somebody who knows something. And then, you know... yeah

Curtis : You saw the picture of Tan he drew.

Michael : Laugh. Yeah, yeah. A picture of Tan that Tan drew. Correct.

Curtis : With that orange face.

Michael : Yeah, That was stuff... I'll never forget that when he walked in... and I was, was, you know, with Nela, and he was looking at me, and he walked in and he scared the heck out of me, because he's red, blood red face.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Yeah

Curtis : And so they're still maintaining a connection with you. They...

Michael : I... The connection I believe... not with just... uh... it goes off because what I did was they actually directed me down the line, and I have the same connection available to everybody here. And it goes through... obtaining it through Jesus Christ, so that's... that's the way it is. They uh... they know exactly who he is and I think that's one of the in... points that is interesting about why there are people, some others, who are touring essentially from other planets, and they wanna come and find out what was so good... what's so special about these people on Earth that... you know... the ruler... you know... the absolute God of heaven... uh... has to become a mortal man... on. That's an interesting... you know.

Curtis : Yes.

Michael : Why did he have to choose... an... an... this planet?

Curtis : Why do you think he chose this planet?

Michael : Laugh. He chose the worst one. Laugh. He chose the most disorganized, worse one. Most messed up... uh... an... to prove a point that love is the answer.

Curtis : Oh. It's a beautiful planet.

Michael : Laugh. Yeah, yeah, so if we can just maintain that course, that's, that'sthe ultimate attracting force. Yeah. That's what makes this planet even more beautiful. Yeah, so, so... real way it should be.

Curtis : The real way it should be as love is the answer.

Michael : Yeah, yeah. The love of God... both ways... not just one way.

Curtis : In both directions.

Michael: In both directions, yeah. Flowing both... and... and that's the concept of the river of life. And we're... um... s'pose to journey toward them. Uh... These beings, not necessarily the robotic ones, or the... these ones that are... they're living but they're made. I'm not talking about the Dorians. I'm talking about these that so many people see, which are like the grays. Uh... talking... um... Tan and Nela... they're just so much real... uh... people... but... what Riley had written in the book... how old they are... could very well be. I think a lot older... you know, and uh.

Curtis : Does it, does it seem like they have a lot of patience with us, I mean...

Michael : Tremendous.

Curtis : They're... they're been out there for how long?

Michael : I don't know, gillions of years is easy to say.

Curtis : What do you mean, Michael, they're been out there millions of years.

Michael : Millions? Because of essentially we are bound as, as creatures that are in a, on a time line. You know, we are crawling out on a time line.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : And they... are not necessarily on that same time line.

Curtis : And they're been watching us.

Michael : Yup.

Curtis : And some times uh...

Michael : They been... watching us. They actually... those that are at that Saturn... er... uh... mother ship... that particular... they'rre part of the... uh... life carriers that help to make the Earth... uh... come alive. They brought over the knowledge... uh... under the instructions from... uh... God actually... to start life here, and then to create us as living beings up to a point which we she (?) can now go back from mortal back toward God. So it's a double direction sort of. God goes and creates... the universe of.. uh. create sentient beings... uh... that can appreciate it then... then he reaches all the way down to one end, which is our end... mortal end... uh... uh... time and space. These are, these are locked into a time line and dimension of space, area and we are... can now ascend to toward the eternal. And that is the message. That... uh... they want us to go on, but the way is through, through his love. Through his love again.

Curtis : You said they want us to go on the wave?

Michael : Way back to the creator. Back to God. Because then that's...that's the whole message. That's what their mission is. To... this world could have been a planet... uh... without human form, without intelligence, without civilization...if it was just a planet like that, it wasn't ready to move back toward God. It wasn't... it wasn't brought up to a level where... uh... individuals and creatures... creatures or creature... uh... would know that they're... who they are... um... and actually look for the creator. That's part of their task. They already, they already put that in us, and there are many ways we search it out.

Curtis : How do they think we're doing? I mean... I can... we can see how it appears how we're doing... looking at...

Michael : Yeah, what... what

Curtis : Looking at ourselves...

Michael : What I found out because I was taken there...

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : Is that... um... they're really re... uh... really thinking hey (laugh)... it working.

Curtis : Oh, they think

Michael : We've got some kook over here in the... his back yard screaming for you God. Go down there and... you know... kinda... you know... help out the poor guy.

Curtis : Do you think that's why you're speaking of yourself?

Michael : (laugh) Speaking of myself in a sense, yeah.

Curtis : Yes. And do you think that's why they came and took you out there?

Michael : Yeah, yeah... um... there many di... many levels in which people find God. This is not the level I found God at. I found God at the same level that everybody can which is at, you know, church. Go church and find God that way... and all I ended up with is after coming to a point of maturity of understanding the bible, of theology, of understanding world religions and then... uh... now coming to be exposed with the full picture of "Oh, this is what it was all about." Now I understand these... they're not about... uh... taking over the world. They're about making sure the world is able to... uh... nurture these human beings who are God bound, eternity bound creatures who just don't know that. We just don't know that that's why we were created as the lowest level ascending toward... uh... eter... the eternal. Versus the eternal went and tried to make the mortal so they would have a progressive... uh... reating an... eternal number of beings. First mortal then eternal.

Curtis : And they say we're... uh... we're right on track? Is that how you view it?

Michael : No. No, we're... we're not right on track, but we are... um... you might say continuing in the right direction.

Curtis : I see.

Michael : Yeah... there're still a lot of religions of the world that... that have the concept that they can do God a favor rather than just obeying, finding out what his will is and obeying.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : And... uh... one of the first things that you know (laugh) what I was doing I guess I must have been doing one of the first to figure out was God real, and that if real he should have been able to make himself know.

Curtis : And how did that go?

Michael : Well, yeah, it went really, really well... really well, but now I'm just telling the story because they use all kinds of, you know, ways to get that same story across.

Curtis : Do you think that wire object will reappear again?

Michael : What will reappear?

Curtis : The object that your wife said was missing.

Michael : Oh, Laugh. Aye, could be, but all I know is... uh... we can't find it around anymore so...

Curtis : I see. What size was it?

Michael : It... fit in the palm of your hand

Curtis : Palm of your hand?

Michael : yeah

Curtis : Was... do you think that was a communication device they had with you or...

Michael : Naw, I don't think... just some ordinary... some ordinary device. Just that they... uh... they don't keep anything from you, and it came with you. Send you back with it.

Curtis : um hmm. Well, you've said some extraordinary things here, and in the... and in our past... uh... recordings you've... uh... said some amazing things also and, and now we find out that your wife is... uh... has also had contact with them.

Michael : Yeah, yeah, but it's something that she wants know there's, there's a lot of us out there. I'm sure. A lot of us who have partial memory.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : uh... Like her don't want to become public about it. And that's the way I pretty much was for the longest time until I saw... uh... The Coming of Tan.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : And because of that I said... this, this needs to be told because we can't just leave Riley Martin out there as the only crack pot out there.

Curtis : um hmm

Michael : There's a real message behind this and Riley Martin is, like that, like I said, like a TV commercial or he's like... uh... sticking in peoples' head. They don't, they don't forget him. He's a character... got the strong personality, and... uh... After that then maybe this, this is the real message that, you know, don't abandon, don't abandon the bible. You know the bible is... is where the answer is. There's more coming out of the bible every day, and if you want to put the, the... uh... if you want to put the rubber to the road then there's The Urantia Book. That's really what... you know, if you put my experience in a... in a little... uh... compressed form... uh... there's a short, relatively short experience. This is what happens and... uh... the progress was he... uh... went to church, discovered God like everybody else at the Center Square. You know, born again Christian, learned the bible and now of course we can all follow that course and also, you know, validity that says The Urantia Book is, is... uh... explains a lot of what's going on, what happened.

Curtis : Well, we'll get back to that again, and I hate to cut this off. We're over an hour already and I can't believe how fast it went. Thanks for bringing all this to light for us, Michael. It's a... I find this fascinating and I know there's other people have written to me and... and uh... find it amazing also. We'll have you back next week and... uh... I'll talk to you again and we'll... uh... continue.

Michael : OK

Curtis : Thank you Michael. Aloha

Michael : Aloha

Mildred Williams transcribed this hour 4
with Michael then sent the text to Curtis
who transfered her email text into html code and colors.

Thank you Millie.

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