
Michael from Maui
Hour 34

60 minutes
Tuesday ~ 25 March 2008

The Space that you say is empty
is not empty.

Saturn Earth Connection
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.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 34
Curtis : We'd like to welcome you back... to with Michael in Maui and this is hour 34 and it's... ah... Tuesday the 25th of March 2008. And Aloha Michael.

Michael : Aloha

Curtis : Aloha... yeah... good hear you... and welcome back from your trip... and... ah... we have Ned who says... ah... he's eagerly waiting for the next recording with Michael. And... ah... Nicola he said... ah... to look at Wikipedia for the Urantia Book. And wow that is really terrific. And Paul in Quebec his comments were about spiritual beings this morning... he said ah... When we enter this world we're all equal spiritual beings. And... ah... Brian said ah... he suggested for Michael to arrange having Tan talk from the sky station.

Michael : laughs

Curtis : I don't know if you can arrange that Michael... but that would be interesting.

Michael : Actually it's more than... you know... just Tan. And I met the what (? ?) group of what ah... um... Riley called the Elders... I met them. They're a pretty good size bunch of people. When I was in um... the hall of... their hall of... ah... I guess meeting room or worship room. There were only enough seats for each one of them. And ah... The Urantia Book kinda... gives them a title. They are ah... their part of the garden of destiny of... Urantia... you know... Earth. The Guardians Destiny... in a sense they gave me a real... understanding of... um... what they were doing. Not only in the fact that they were... um... coming to contact with and... ah... in... in terms of worship... you might call it worship. With the first source and center you might say... another name for God. The blue light... being surrounded in that blue... um... all encompassing light... of ah... complete... ah... ah... being immersed within I guess you might say. That blue light... which could be... you might say... the presents of ah... one of the (? ?) of... of the first source and center. But what it amounts to is that... ah... they're... they're really... trying to... continue to... ah... effect... ah... good ah... for... toward... ah... the planet. To keep it essentially growing... ah... in a... in a healthy state. The challenge of course is that they will not... ah... tamper with our free will. They will not tamper with our decisions. In other words... ah... nullify any of our decisions. ah... Example would be like the presidential election. They're not going to set up one person or another... and put that person in power. um... They can try to effect it though their... um... through their... you might say... their prayerful wishing toward us... you know... ah...

Curtis : uh huh 3:42

Michael : That's the concept of... that ah... could... we could ah... say in terms of... yeah... um... and some communicate our way. ... ... Anyway... um... that's... ah... that's it... as far as that. um... My comment on that would be... as far as really having Tan come... and say... hello... you know. ah... He does um... send essentially... his...ah... good wishes. And... ah... really... um... What is opened up and because of being taken to the New Jerusalem... ah... was opened up a whole lot of... ah... other communication lines... lines of communication. Which... will be... open... which has essentially is open to all of us.

Curtis : Yes... it is really wonderful to have these communications open. And... ah... thank you for helping... open this for everybody.

Michael : yeah... um... I mentioned to you this really interesting... um... um... paragraph out of The Urantia Book... I think I'll read it now... which has to do with... our challenges right now. But it comes from... ah... the paper one... one... one... paper one eleven. It's under... section 6... paragraph 6... so it's eleven six dot six. One eleven six dot six (111.6.6) And it says... Science is the source of facts... and the mind can not operate without facts. They are the building blocks in the construction of wisdom which are cemented together by life experience. Man can find the love of God without facts... and man can discover the laws of God without love... but man can never begin to appreciate the infinite symmetry... the supernal harmony the exquisite repleteness of the all inclusive nature of the First Source and Center until he has found divine law and divine love and has experientially unified these in his own evolving cosmic philosophy. Now that's a pretty powerful paragraph in terms of what our life should be. And the challenges in our life experience... here on Earth is really a wonderful opportunity to put those together. Our mind and our hearts and basically forge our eternal soul. A vessel... our... our actual... beyond our vessel... I mean our vessel I guess might be our bodies right now. But given the opportunity to forge... this wonderful relationship with... God... giving us an eternal destiny... um...

Curtis : hum 7:17

We can fail at it. We can decide that... we don't want to live anymore. Take a gun and blow our brains out... and just say I quit. And consequently um... um... the opportunity to develop that eternal life... eternal soul... um... can come to severe... ah... severe... a severe challenge. um... Presently... um... we are moving into a much higher realm. A realm which is... ah... actually... divine. The divine nature... ah... the Bible considers that ah... uses that term... ah... we are a part... we become participants... in the divine nature. Now the divine nature has dimensions which are far beyond our... our ah... our anchoring here. In terms of... um... time and space. Time and space... ah... seems to be a comfortable zone to be in. You got... you can look at past ~ present ~ and future... you can look at location... and dimension. And you can... you can... ah... begin to say... I'm... I'm comfortable within this time to me. But there are certain... um... problems that are... are... true. um... When it comes down to having these limits in terms of... ah... time and space. But the divine nature transcends both time and space. This is one of the things that... um... was shown to me... and as experientially given to me... at a high level... with beings already know that. Beings who have in fact have transverse... um... the mortal... ah... dimension... are moving into a higher level. ah... Depends... depended upon... ah... their... their... um... their position in this... ah... experience. Time relative... ah... to them... ah... is the variable. Space... relative to them... is also variable. We can ah... for us... experience time and space as a... as a fact of... of being. But yet... what's happening to... um... much... many of us... is that we are moving out and reaching far beyond that. We're becoming... creatures of... a divine nature that surpass... our limits. ah... That moves into... multiple cells that are united under a cover of... true... ah... spiritual you might say. True spiritual linking which goes beyond... ah... our own... ah... limits. It's like ah... being in many places at one time. How can that be? How can you split yourself up into so many places at one time. um... People have used terms like ah... remote viewing. um... Remote viewing is a... is a dimension that all of us... um... should grow into. It's just the dimensions of divine... the divine nature... the divine abilities that are... are... are beyond our own. um... This is the things that develope as we continue... ah... functioning here. There are many things that we can stay here and function with that has only... limited ah... potential... um... beyond our physical self. And there are things that we can do which have tremendous potential and tremendous benefits beyond our physical life. And these are the things that... ah... sometimes is... is really easy to forget... and ah... um... But... you know... in our defense... above... you know... the basic basic animal. We need to climb the ah... the rungs of the latter. Up and toward ah... more of the divine nature which is... ah... far beyond our own... ah... initial abilities until we begin to experience... ah... time as... as something that is... ah... much more than... ah... what we... we... we can... ah... express as a dimension. And as a result... what happens is our minds... begin not to be bound by simple facts. Or facts which limit our... our minds ability... but somehow... because of our relationship... essentially...the know this concept of the love of God... to love God... to seek after God which was probably my first real um... real cry out... for more than just fact and science. Ended up with a... with this whole experience... that says... you're on the right track. um... You are right on the right track... you just need to continue. And then they showed me more things... ah... concerning about... you know... having that love for God. Love for seeking the First Source and Center. Not only the science... not only trying to repeat... the ah... you might say divine laws or... or be able to use them. You know one of the many things we use in our... our technology today are just... ah... ah... cause and effect... or... um... a way of harnessing certain laws. We use electricity. Yet many times we really don't know... ah... ah... what it really is.

Curtis : yeah... We don't know what electricity is. 13:58

Michael : We have a concept like Tesla... you know... ah... was was... the door was slammed in his face... when he began to... say we're going to... we're going to... ah... ah... try to... ah... distribute energy freely... you know. And... people can have whatever they want. That didn't go very well with the banking industry did it? laughs

Curtis : No... J.P. Morgan didn't like that idea.

Michael : Right... yet it is possible.

Curtis : And he pulled the funds from Tesla... so it ended.

Michael : Right... and Tesla himself had more insight into electrical energy than... ah... anybody in his day. Absolutely

Curtis : Absolutely. Even today.

Michael : Right... and... um... What I was shown was... you know... when I was shown this... ah... Frandalank... that Frankenstein I called it.

Curtis : yes

Michael : The Frandalank... which had to do with energy regulation and energy... ah... distribution. Looked like this... ah... stomach... right?

Curtis : uh huh

Michael : Well that kind of energy... is um... had a bit of electrical energy in it. um... I asked about it and I says... is this like an electrical energy? And they said... some of it is... but there is other types of energy that are being moved through that. And I was looking at that... and I was wondering... you know... do they really know how much I understood about the term electricity. And they pretty much knew that... you know... it was incomplete. And ah... they tried to... you know... give me more... but there wasn't that much more time. They break things down to... such a simple level. Maybe just a couple of words... and concepts so that I would... you know... kind of get the picture. and... ah... In this particular case... they said it was... a little too complicated... and... almost like giving me the secret of energy.

Curtis : Could they assist you with that knowledge now... about as far as what electricity is?

Michael : Well... our... our concept of empty space is wrong. We are only now beginning to understand that... ah... the concept of dark matter... or things like that. But they said... space is not empty. I said... you know... when I looked at that huge... huge ship... with wings and you know... it had those holes under it's wings... and I think it has been spotted... in...

Curtis : uh huh 16:39

Michael : ... areas... Texas or something. You know... I asked them about... what do you need wings around here? There's no... there's no... um... atmosphere for it to work in. And he says... well you know... it can work in the atmosphere as a... as a wing... but also... ah... there's other... there is something more than you understand. In the space that you say is empty... is not empty. How do you like that?

Curtis : yes

Michael : um... We begin to... try to look for... um... some kind of dark matter or some kind of total neutral... um... energy. um... well... This supposedly non existent has to do... not only with... our... our position. Is what I am talking about... is our position in time and in space. Has to do all at... that position in time and space... goes all the way down to the atomic level... believe it or not. okay?

Curtis : huh

Michael : But... we can observe strange things happening... at that atomic level or actually be... more than atomic level... um... quantum level you might say. Where we have some strange happenings which... ah... even Einstein said was... gave them names like... ah... spooky action at a distance. He liked that word spooky... like how I like that word spooky... which is... it's beyond our normal experiential senses. And... ah... where our... our observation of a particle... um... the activity that happens... when you... disturb it... at one point another particle is disturbed... simultaneously or beyond simultaneously. um... With fiber optics it's been ah... tested... that... They'll shoot a... ah... a burst of... ah... energy... ah... and it's before it is actually shot... it's on the opposite end it's measured. So how can that be... before it is...

Curtis : How can that be? 19:00

Michael : yeah... How can that be... it's... it's strange. But what I was going about saying in the early part was that... we have ourself... much bigger than we are. You know this... this self that we have is... got multiple dimensions beyond... multiple... we're actually within... our... um... multiple universes... ah... you might say... we're... ourself... are connected to ourselves... in a multiple universe sense. um... so... This... ah... concept of being just... a finite being... is... is... is in a sense wrong. ah... We... we transcend more. But... ah... getting back to the point about is quantum entanglement was this idea of how the ships work and... their movement through... actually moving faster than space and... and... and... and light... you know in space... faster than light... ah... is this quite ah... amazing in a sense... that... what they explained to me was that... is was... we're not... shot out of a gun. We're not propagated out of a... ah... a point in time... a point in space toward another point in space. um... It is actually... you're just there. ah... You're just... need to understand that space is dimension when given our... our measurements are... using time... but it is really more than that. We we adjust the phase of our... our being. We've actually stepped... we're actually beyond our own dimension. ah... And that move... that can... that can move... um... ourselves... or... their ships or whatever. um... without... movement. But... that sounds a little bit strange... but anyway. Move without movement... in other words... ah... you're neither here nor there at a point in time... a point in space. And... as a result... there was a lot of tricky things that... I do remember... didn't seem to make sense in terms of how much time I spent... there. And how much time was measured here... you know. I could measure it because... there I left at the early evening and then I came back in the... ah... er... later... well earlier morning when it was fully lit... lit up. Yet it seemed like there was a lot of time that occurred... ah... there. A lot of... a lot of things happened. And ah... it must of... it must of been some of... some... some amount time distortion or time travel that happened in just moving me back and forth between the two. And... ah... I don't fully understand that... but they was trying to give me some simplistic ideas of... what was happening... you know. But to go beyond that it would be... beyond my knowledge right now.

Curtis : Is it possible... if they could fill you in on some of these things that you... ah... are a little gray on? 22:38

Michael : It always is possible... I mean... um... much of what we are doing right now is... just rediscovering what is already... been done. You know.... and it wasn't necessarily done by... um... someone who is much better capability mental capability... beyond our own. ah... Our intellect is... is more than... ah... more than enough to... to ah... develope such technology... given the time or given the understanding... mostly the understanding. The biggest thing was... that we don't under... we don't understand that space... at the time... back... back in 1972. They didn't understand that space was... truly not empty. My... my concept then was that space was empty. You know... um... you know... between the planet and stuff like that there is... there's nothing there... there's no atmosphere. And... and as a result... because there could be no atmosphere there's nothing else. um... Yet... you know... it we... you know... we look at the problem of... of ah... gravity. Which they solved for me in a simple term. And they said... what we perceive is gravity... is not gravity. You know... so... gravity in terms of standing here on Earth... was due to expansion. Expansion at the very quantum level... at the... at the... the vibration level of each individual... ah... particle you might say. ah... But at that point there is more that is going on. There is dimensional things that are going on. And once you understand these dimensional properties... then time and space suddenly change in terms of how we interpret it. And much of what we are going to discover soon... will become... ah... applicable as we can begin to apply... some of the... you know... some of the principles... like electricity into... what I'm using right now. ah... To... essentially teleport my voice back to you... and also to record it... and digitize it... and... and ah... do a lot of things. um... I can explain it to you but it's going to waste a whole lot of time. But... and that's a well known technology... all of them. And all of them are based on our... our... ah... incomplete understanding... believe it or not. Yet with the incomplete understanding of electricity we are still able to do a tremendous amount of things.

Curtis : yeah... what...

Michael : (? ?) where that's going... I mean... what if we have a complete understanding. It just expands the dimensions of our abilities even further.

Curtis : Well we know how to use electricity and how to make electricity... but if we knew more about it we could... do things with it... that we... don't even have any idea what... that we... could do with it.

Michael : yes... yes... Well... we know this much... we know... simply that electricity and magnetism are related. You know electricity and light are related. We use them hand in hand in our technologies. And then if we look... at our Sun... which is a magnetic... um... energy. And we know that our Earth has a magnetic energy... in a sense.

Curtis : uh huh 26:24

Michael : And if you can take a compass... and we realize there is a north and a south pole... and... and we have a... we have a idea that... you know... we have a dipole or... um... a magnetic... field. In other words... has two poles... a north and a south. But for the Sun itself it does... it does have... but if you look into the Sun more carefully... you begin to realize that... there are multiple zones of north south poles interacting in a bubbling soup. And if we look at an electric motor... um... there is a continuously... changing field... and Tesla understood this... believe it or not. Way back when... he... he understood the... the phasing of energy... the... he... he developed... ah... ah... first of all he developed AC. Now... Edison liked DC. But when Tesla was able to understand... um... AC or just the same electrons. Except just changing their polarity over... was able to do much much more. um... He a... ah... he went up against... ah... a hard head. laughs

Curtis : uh huh

Michael : But later... of course our technology... is still based on technology... ah... technologies that Tesla... understood very well. We have got a three phase system... we've got a... phasing kind of (? ?) off of... our ah... many of our electric... ah... motors... induction motors work... their... their brushless... their induction motors... rotating in an magnetic field. We look at that... I think it's an octagonal shape under... under Saturn. You know that one that... people noticed a long time ago... I actually...

Curtis : yes

Michael : Astronomers have notice that

Curtis : oh I think it is on the North Pole.

Michael : Is it on the North Pole or the South Pole... I don't know if there is a pole... on Saturn. But there's that hexagonal shape...

Curtis : That huge hexagon.

Michael : yes... it's a... it's a... it's a... actually a result of the dynamo engines type... design of their... ah... ah... the ah... some of the energy that is... creating the fields... which ends up looking like that...

Curtis : Is that a...

Michael : ... very similar to an electric motor.

Curtis : Is that a natural phenomena on Saturn?

Michael : um...

Curtis : With all those straight lines... and those angles just perfect... it's very strange.

Michael : yes... Looks like it's ah... related to... the ah... the New Jerusalem... you know that... the fact that they (? ?)... that Saturn is not... bipolar... it's not a dipole... magnetic field... it's got a toroidal magnetic field.

Curtis : oh 29:14

Michael : ... with a... ah... you know that... that... You know that Saturn's got beautiful rings...

Curtis : uh hum

Michael : ... and that magnetic field sort of follows that in an active... active... ah... um... active way. um... Much like... if you'd try to look at an magnetic field of a... a... a... electric motor running. You wouldn't be able to see a dipole effect... but you could... ah... differently see an energetic... ah... magnetic effect... if you're... take a compass... close to a... you know... close enough to see it's going crazy. ... Anyway... um... ah... That's part of our... um... a partial understanding... you know... and yet... when you have a bigger understanding of... electromotive... force... ah... and magnetism... you begin to realize... it is... it is... it is a really powerful energy... I mean it effects us on Earth... um... the Sun's activity... effects our magnetic field. And... ah... we are heading into a particularly interesting time. Right now with the... with the Sun's... ah... activity. Presently it just... just didn't want to get started... through the next... ah... Sun's spot cycle. Sort of getting going right now. So the Sun is going through some kind of a... cyclical... ah... ah... point... where it's magnetic fields and our magnetic fields interaction are... are... are changing. Presently decreasing quite rapidly. And we know that... there is an... there is ah... what appears to be... um... a decrease in a... in a... magnetic field as ah... it... we want to change it's... polarity. So pole shift. Well polar...ah... excursion or pole shift can occur. But what I was explaining... to you earlier... um... in terms of... ah... what can happen to our planet. um... If our magnetic fields becomes a little bit weaker.... which is it right now. Is that the... the Earth will expand... even more. Not only are we... expanding at a continual rate. Every thing in the Universe. But there... are things that hold it back from full expansion... so it sort of expands in jerks. And...ah... these jerks we call grand cycles... of cycles of ah... ah... ah... changes... ah... Earth changes cycles... they are all cyclical. Right now... um... we've gone through... ah... some that have... ah... shown that our planet actual... actually expanded. I'm not sure if I had mentioned it earlier... but that Sumatran... Indonesia earthquake that created that terrible tidal wave... ah... did expand Earth to the point where are actual... ah... day got a little bit longer... or... our rotation... on the axis... ah... slowed somewhat like a... a skater... trying to slow their spin down by... opening up their arms... increasing the diameter... ah slows down the skater... to a point where you can stop.

Curtis : uh huh

Michael : Earth's small expansion did lengthen the day... by small amount but it was measurable. And ah... we are continuing in that expansive... ah... area. But there are other things with a weak magnetic field... ah... starts to happen. ah... More exposure to... cosmic rays... cosmic energy. Energy is not only from the Sun. ah... But can be... ah... from other... very distant... distant... ah... celestial events. ah... Super nova events perhaps.

Curtis : uh huh 33:24

NASA Connection page
toroidal magnetic field
Michael : We monitor a lot of things... ah... that are able to be monitored. And consequently in monitoring those things... we know for a fact now... that many of the things that... that are happening... is that space truly is not empty... it's full of energy. ah... What seems like empty space is... is not empty space at all... it's full of energy. Full of a... a kind of matter. Matter that we can easily move through... but it's matter. ... so ah... ah... That's just some of the points in terms of um... um... what I was trying to explain. um... In terms of a... our selves being... far greater... far beyond... what we really are. We're... we're... we shouldn't consider ourselves just a point in space. um... Walking around as... we're far beyond that. And ah... one of the most important things is to reach out... and to... um... go beyond our... the limits of our... our... (? ?) understanding of facts... and... and concepts. To a... a level in which I was taught... of these... this... this level being that is very very powerful. It's um... it's... has to do with... linking up with the first source and center... linking up with God. um... That's where... you're asking... um... where all this knowledge can come from? Where... isn't it possible to... to get more... um... insight... ah... into... um... these kind of technologies. Of course it is. And... um... making the translation... between... um... ah... divine knowledge... which is out there... it's continually flowing and our ability to receive it. um... That is... ah... were we are extremely well adapted for... believe it or not... ah... inspiration... truly does come from above. ah... We don't just... um... come up with ideas all by ourselves. Consciousness that we have... is shared from the first source and center. That's why... um... it is important that I said that phrase in the beginning that... that... ah... paragraph from... from ah... ah... what we are. We are both mind and... a very powerful energy... energetic being... um... that can know the love of God without fact. Yet operating in the divine laws... and even use divine laws and laws... ah... and harness them for our... for our benefit... where we are right now. But... but truly we must go beyond that... and expand ourselves... back... ah... or... back toward the first source and center. That is... ah... ah... this tremendous linking up with... true consciousness. The conscious that is... the I am... or the is... of consciousness. so... um... It's kind of... it's kind of ah... corky you might say the way... you know... trying to explain it.

Curtis : uh huh 37:04

Michael : But it is a big... bigger picture

Curtis : It's a big picture.

Michael : yeah... It's a bigger picture. But... it includes... it... if we concentrate only on one side it becomes lopsided. Remember that rocking horse thing?

Curtis : yes

Michael : They gave me and... it was always to balance the two. And we have these... balancing forces that... we overly... um... move to one side... it offsets the other side and... we can topple over and become non functional. The truth is that... we are highly... ah... developed beings... and... that have been... ah... in a sense... ah... tricked into believing that we were limited. All we needed to do was... ah... realize that... that we are... ah... not only a mind creature... a creature of mind and logic... but a creature of spiritual and energy and love. That can actually link up with the first source and center... once that creating motive and energy of... the divine being... becoming a... divine being. So this... this life that we have... this short life that we have... we actually... create... this. We are participants in the creation of... this divine being. Which... ah... we know as... right now as... this... this human being... um... but later to become the Son of Man... the... the human being... that has the potential of... of divinity... God inside... ah... the first source and center.

Curtis : yeah we're actually... Are we actually creating our own soul?

Michael : Yes... without a doubt.

Curtis : Without a doubt.

Michael : That is... that is the ah... the point in which... the mystery of the soul. You know... ah... was trying to be ah... given to so many people. Until it became... undefined. Just... just something that is. um... What I am... trying to bring foreth... to... those li... people who are... wanting to listen to understand and wanted to listen to this... our soul is a... a... a... ah... actual construct between ourselves... and the first source and center. The ah... the fractal... element of God... that is... imparted to us... given to us. And ah... soul is... that construct. It's a very... true and real construct. and... As a result... our bodies are nothing more like... than our... car... our automobile... you know that... it will wear out one day and... you just got to go and get another one. And that's what interested me also... knowing that these beings were both beings of light and energy. But also... a lot of them were just... guys... you know... people that... you know... had bodies and stuff that... that ah... you could see them walking around... with you know... they had this... like Tan... he had... a suit you know. Jump suit in... ... others... they... they had their uniforms on and... they were varied in their size and their shapes you know. They were... defiantly had bodies... they weren't just... globs of energy or something you know.

Curtis : uh huh 40:49

Michael : And there were high level... in terms and... very very old... so I was thinking my goodness... that's the direction that we are headed in... and we are just moving in that direction right now. The more we expe... we are expect it... the more we'll get... ah... expansive energies in tune (? ?). It's becoming even aware of... ah... ah... of senses beyond our own... beyond our... five senses six senses... moving like that toward the ultimate sense you know. um... Which is fully conscious of the first source and center. So if... we... make up our mind... the mind... which requires fact to operate. Say... that it is a fact... that we will... we are not... dependent upon our bodies. It is a fact... that our consciousness is beyond our body. Then our mind can operate beyond our... our limited... ah... ah... physical live. And... ah... we can make decisions based on that. As a result... decisions that have to do with... ah... lengths of time. Lengths of time that are beyond... lets say... the short term thinking of... lets say you know... business or something that you can do... planning in the three months... quarterly and then... you know... maybe as far as three years ahead. Verses having things that are three thousands ahead or... you know. At one time I remember... looking at difficult problems... and saying that or I was thinking oh well I'll have ah... ah... maybe... oh... thousand years to make up... you know... to get this challenge out of the way and then... I was shown... that... if... even if I make this challenge... a thousand years long... and apply myself... I would eventually be able to... ah... conquer that challenge... maybe... in my lifetime. And so we do make up our minds that we want to... ah... lets say... take up the challenge of ah... some kind of... propulsion mechanism or design. laughs

Curtis : uh huh 43:56

Michael : And that I was talking about. Maybe... it maybe very well within our grasp... if we just make up our mind. And then... link up with the... the source of true inspiration and knowledge. Some of these things just pop into your head and the realization... even with an incomplete knowledge of electricity... look at what we have done. So... that's... that's kind of ah... all part of our... our uplift.

Curtis : And well look at what we've done... but what could we have done without Nikola Tesla?

Michael : laughs... If it wasn't Nikola Tesla...

Curtis : If we didn't have his as a... as a foundation for what we have.

Michael : yeah... If it wasn't Nikola Tesla it would be someone else though.

Curtis : We may still be in ox carts.

Michael : laughs again... It's so funny... um... when it comes down to the concept of the ox cart and the wheels. You know... there is something in the south pacific island called... a dong... {I kept listening}... and... ah... it is a... it is a wheel.

Curtis : a wheel 45:01

Michael : yeah... actually it's... you know... it's money... ah... which was traded between... chiefs and stuff. If you look how it... all you need to do is put an axial in it... and it would be a perfect wheel... you could use that... and yet...

Curtis : laughs

Michael : ... the pacific islanders never used the wheel. Yet they had it all along... in the form of the dong. It's like... somebody gave them that knowledge... they ended up worshiping it... or using it as money... and totally... forgotten how to use it... sort of... sort of crazy.

Curtis : uh huh

Michael : ah... and ah... I even... I even saw some ah... some... ah... things ah... in the Buddhist temple where they had a wheel... and they sort of spin the wheel. um... Yet... ah... what good is it if it is not doing anything for you. you know... You got all this... um... ability... a wheel... you know... we use today... for just about all kinds of... ah... all kinds of industry.

Curtis : It's just great to see it go around and around... and...

Michael : yeah... but...

Curtis : ... and try and think of what to do with it.

Michael : yeah... laughs... And it's sort of like looking at the top... and then say... wow he's playing with a top. Yet it's an ancient design. Many things are ancient designed as toys... and they were trying to... give them to us... but we just didn't have... ah... the inspiration and know how to use them. And I believe that... where in... in many times we were playing around with... the magnetism and magnet... magnetic energy as children. And we... we don't really realize how... powerful... truly powerful... ah... that is. ah... How much it has to do with... where we're going... ah... in terms of... um... um... in terms of energy. Right now... Nikola Tesla used alternating energy... alternating... ah... electrical energy... alternating current you might say. To ah... I mean we are using that in... distribution... the running of electricity... the developing... (? ?)... electro motive... the propulsion of electricity.

Curtis : uh huh 47:21

Michael : We are using it at higher levels... of oscillation up to radio frequency... and moving into the spectrum of light. um... You showed me a chart... of light... and at that the end of that point... ah... light turned into Magnetism.

Curtis : yes... That was the ah... Octaves of Oscillatory Frequencies.

Michael : Right... and this was not something that... ah... is not true... you know. It is true. We just do not have the capability of oscillating things up to that point. But once we do... we'll get down to a point where we can actually shift... the string frequency of matter. Do you understand what I just said?

Curtis : The string frequency?

Michael : Actually shift the string frequency of matter.

Curtis : What do you mean by string frequency?

Michael : The string frequency is string theory. You've to go back to... oh we're so close. um... ah... Michio Kaku... um Super String Theroy... matter is not really made out of... ah... particles. But each particle is design... is a... is a frequency... of energy. And it defines it being because of that. Now if we can shift it at that level. Essentially... it does not exist. It no longer exists at where we are today... dimensionally. It exists in another dimension... slightly shifted off. As a result we can walk... will walk... be able to walk through walls. As a result... um... um... matter will not interact with matter... because it's off... frequency you might say. We just not... we do not have that ability as yet.

Curtis : Do you mean the a...

Michael : Get up to that type of... shifting of...ah... frequencies

Curtis : You mean how things are put together with atoms?

Michael : Well... everything pretty much when you look at it from the...

Curtis : Its got so many holes in it.

Michael : laughs... when you look at... you know... atoms and making holes in it... we've realize that... things are held together by bonds that are... really mag... goes back to... their interaction of... primary... primary... being... ah... being a vibration... you might say.

Curtis : I'm sorry... you said... the beginning of vibration?

Michael : Well... all the things... all of the bases of everything... ah... if you were to give it a base... it's all vibration.

Curtis : yeah... We're all... everything is vibrating.

Michael : Everything is vibrating. But it's doing it in harmony. But if you shift that... it will... ah... essentially move into another dimension. You know... a little bit...

Curtis : If you...

Michael : ... a little bit fast a little bit slower. um...

Curtis : Do you mean if you shift...

Michael : But you have... you have to know how to do it... all at once. We've done... um... those who have played around with electricity... um... we know the laws... ah... how to... um... but we can also experience it audio... inaudible things... um... diatonic scale... in music. um... We can use... um... we can play the same song in a different... different key. It is the same song... it is just a different key

Curtis : uh hum 51:02

Michael : So... in a simple sense... you might say... playing our life... you know... wherever we want to shift it. We... we... we move our reality to a different key. And this is the level which... we haven't come to a point of being able to know how to do yet. Once that is done... then a tremendous amount of things will begin to happen.

Curtis : Like what for instance?

Michael : um... Like... ah... like faster than... ah... light travel.

Curtis : okay

Michael : um... Time... ah... time slips and distillation. ah... You can start to use that for the benefit of again... probably movement and time travel. ah... Life... life... ah... life... ah... would also be another thing that would be very interesting... it would be like ah... extendable to... unbelievable lengths of time.

Curtis : huh

Michael : So... anyway... that's... that's not we're at right now. It's just a peek ahead. And ah... that's where our... ah... we're... we're stuck in this... again in this... this battle between the two. Between... our minds desire to operate... in fact... and our hearts desire in operating love. Just got to balance the two correctly and it all comes together. Cause once you... you understand that... a lot of these things begin to make sense.

Curtis : Well it would be nice to know more about our soul and what that really entails.

Michael : okay... well... our soul is... um... partially like... somewhat like... our... program... you might say. Not truly that... but partly. So if you were to look at your computer... and you say... okay... if I take out my hard drive... that would be the soul of your computer wouldn't it?

Curtis : yes

Michael : Cause you could take your hard drive... and put it in a whole other computer... and it will act... just like the other one.

Curtis : yes

Michael : So you might say that that's... a simple way of saying that... that's a soul... but it's not only that because... ah... that... that hard drive could be dropped on the floor and broken.

Curtis : giggles

Michael : And you have a destroyed soul. giggles.

Curtis : uh huh

Michael : Non functional.

Curtis : right 54:17

Octaves of
Oscillatory Frequencies

chart posted
at the end of the hour

Michael : um... That's also a challenge... in terms of what... um... we are. You can make that... that's a broken... we can become a broken soul. And we don't want to do that. The way you become a broke soul is... is not in the mishandling of ourselves in between... you know... lets say... ah... death... someone (? ?) would die... and their soul goes out there and falls through... some kind of a... a destructive... you know... mechanism... it could destroy it... it... no longer... is it going to be functional. ah... Actually... the destructive ability that we have within ourselves to destroy our own soul... is probably... much more... devastating than... anything... after the body parishes. So... while alive... balance... you know... between... the mind... and... um... that part of us which can love... God... without... logic... you know. That is the... that is the key right there... and if you can... in the soul's construction can complete itself... to make a very everlasting journey. A discovery of... of more and more things... cause if you believe... that ah... ah... ... if you believe that... it... there is an eternity... then you also believe that there is... infinity in terms of... um... possibilities... discoveries... there is nothing... ah... that is... totally known. In accept for... the first source and center. Who wants us to... become to an experientially unified... um... cosmic... understanding of everything... philosophy you might say... this is going back to the statement I said in the beginning. And that's... that's um... that's where we stand in... in their science... in our relationships... to divinity... to... ourselves becoming... ah... more an more divine. We developed... and divinely... ah... orchestrated... orchestrated... by divinity... and are by ourselves... it... in our willingness to do... ah... the divine things. The divinely correct things. Which our thought adjuster is very much in harmony. What's to (? ?) work harmoniously with us... to do... ... Anyway that's just... that's just... um... a little bit of... of... of... I don't know if I confess everything. ah... I try to but them... both together... so they don't stay distinct and separate. um... If they do be are... be... remain distinct and separate... somehow it's... just not... the way they wanted it to be. Cause they... when... I'm talking about... my experience with these... um... extraterrestrial beings. These beings who... have a lot of wisdom... and wanted it to be a complete and equal picture... so many times we want to make it so simple to... one side of our being to another side. And... we can not make the two... come together. um... Say... ah... science and religion are always at odds... against each other... but it's... their unified force that needs to be put together and... ah... understood. And they... they were... really trying to... ah... and that dimensional aspect to... ah... my cry out... where is God. God is... are you real? If no... if not... you send someone... show me... and this is the real picture.

Curtis : And they sent someone.

Michael : yeah... and they sent... you know... send the Quanns... laughs

Curtis : The Quanns 59:07

Michael : Send the Wanns... laughs. yeah... There's are other things that... were interesting... there was... there was ah... I'm not telling you everything that I saw... ah...

Curtis : Well... we have less than a minute again.

Michael : yeah... But there's some very interesting things that I saw... laughs... I have not spoken of yet.

Curtis : Well... we'll... discuss that next time. And ah... so glad to have you back again... and... it's getting... close again to that time of saying... Aloha... and ah... we'll talk with you again next time.

Michael : okay... and... those... those... try to make... ah... I try to make these... things as simple as I can.

Curtis : Well learning more about what the soul is... that's... extremely interesting... and ah...

Michael : oh good

Curtis : We'd like to know more about that.

Michael : yes

Curtis : Alright Michael... well... Aloha.

Michael : Aloha

Recording Subject :
Michael from Maui
visits sphere
near Saturn
Host :
Curtis Cooperman
Executive Producer :
Curtis Cooperman
Historicity Productions
Producer :
Curtis Cooperman
Audio Engineer :
Curtis Cooperman
web site built by :
Curtis Cooperman
Transcribed this hour :
Curtis Cooperman

Michael spoke of this chart... just after 47:21

Michael : We are using it at higher levels...
of oscillation up to radio frequency... and moving
into the spectrum of light. um... You showed me a chart... of light... and at that the end of that point... ah... light turned into Magnetism.

Dinshah P. Ghadiali, M. S-C
Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopedia
18,446,744,073,709,551,616 ~ Magnetism ~ not harmful
562,949,953,421,312 ~ Visible Light ~ Color
~ harmful
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