
Michael from Maui
Hour 333

81 minutes
Tuesday ~ 20 December 2016

The Wisdom Circuit

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Wisdom from Heaven opening up

Midwayers are waiting for an assignment

When one is attuned to the devine energy
the devine guidance


Saturn Earth Connection
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.Michael Connection Part 1
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..............................Part 3
................hour 333...Part 4
............. Michael ~ Images
20 December 2016
read this hour 333
Subject : New Money?

Hi Curtis!

Nancy Lieder has often mention that a guy named Benjamin Fulford
has a lot of good, inside knowledge about the ugly governmental goings-on.
She says he gets a lot of things right, but not everything.
In one of his recent reports, he says that the U.S. will soon be getting new currency, Continental Dollars. Here's a link to the new bills:
I think you'll be most interested in the new $100 bill.

Take care!

17 December 2016
read this hour 333
Subject : questions

Hi Curtis and Michael,

Merry Christmas to you and your families, to all the listeners of these pod casts
and to the Shaharoons who so lovingly guide us...
a full heart of thanks for what you have given us and joyful greetings also!

Michael, I was so surprised last week when you mentioned the wave of energy
that is being predicted to hit us on the 26th of this month
because I had been looking into that information also and
it was nice to hear your take on all that.
And now it seems that in the last three days or so
I have been feeling quite strong energies coming in.
Although these energies are strong, they feel very nice and
I would like to ask if the Shaharoons would comment
on these energies I am feeling and also, if possible,
on this wave of energy predicted to hit on the 26th?

Love and Joy,


15 December 2016
read this hour 333
Subject : A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"Midwayers are not men, neither are they angels,
but secondary midwayers are, in nature, nearer man than angel;
they are, in a way, of your races and are, therefore, very understanding
and sympathetic in their contact with human beings."

77:8.4 (864.5)

11 December 2016
read this hour 333
Subject : A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"Urantia belongs to a local universe
whose sovereign is the God-man of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth and
Michael of Salvington. And all of Michael's plans for this local universe were
fully approved by the Paradise Trinity before he ever
embarked upon the supreme adventure of space."

32:0.3 (357.3)


5 December 2016
read half this hour 331
Subject : ?? for Michael

Hello Curtis!
I'm really feeling the telepathic connection Michael talked about last time,
he had answered most of my questions before you read them.
We'll see if my unwritten question gets answered.

Thanks so much!

About Thought Adjusters..
At this time what percentage of the people of Earth have TA's?

How many do you think are virgin, experienced or supreme adjusters?

Do people have into the mansion worlds to make the choice of choosing God?

How many people choose not to continue on during this life?

Since the Urantia Book states that there is no such thing as reincarnation
I have come to the conclusion that people who have reincarnational memories
are really picking up on the previous experiences of the TA. Am I close?

And about the pineal gland, can it calcify?
Is it something that Lucifer messed with to keep us from our TA's?

remain for next Tuesday
read remainder hour 332
29 November 2016
read this hour 331
Subject : Cassini is headed into Saturn

Well guys, it looks like the Cassini satellite will be taking its last few pictures
in the coming year.
NASA has given a time table for the eventual retirement of Cassini, it will
soon begin a new orbit around Saturn and eventually dive into the planet around
September 15, 2017. URL size)

Here I have a clip of what orbit Cassini will take when it plunges into Saturn:

The team at NASA did a great job, and the Cassini pictures helped bring about this new revelation from both Riley and Michael about the celestials.

N. Alic

29 November 2016
Michael mentioned
during the recording
Subject : From Michael... watch this

Breaking News: Leaked footage of Alien (Skinny Bob) from Zeta Reticula. UFO crash survivor?

3 November 2016
read this hour 330
Subject : Hello

Hello Chris and Michael,
I am a long time Urantia student and am thrilled to find your site! Many questions come to mind and as soon as the election is over I'll write them down. I really look forward to our dialogue and am listening every day.. I am on #15! Wish they were all transcribed as that makes for faster going.

Thank you for your service.. You'll hear from me again soon!

Subject : Michael Call tonight

Hi Curtis,
As a long time student I am seriously excited to find this information and am intrigued.

First questions, as succinct as I can be.. Feel free to paraphrase or edit.

If something has already been adequately covered in another session please advise.

Thanks so much,

I understand that the Elders asked you to help and transferred knowledge to you directly.
You gradually recovered your memories and now are fulfilling their request by
doing the sessions.

Michael how is what you do in accessing higher knowledge
different from channeling?

Can we assume that you are always, in these sessions,
speaking from that higher knowledge rather than your personal opinion?

When did you actually find the Urantia Book
and how much have you studied it?

Are you familiar with the Teaching Mission?
How does it fit into the big picture?

27 November 2016
read this hour 330
22 November 2016
read this hour 329
Subject : Hi Curtis,

Yes still alive and kickin'.
And I somehow lost that excellent link of a study of the amount of glyphosate
in practically every big agri "food" on the shelves in our stores.
We are pretty much all organic now.

Nice post election show Tuesday.
I'm so happy to be rid of the clintons and bushes... all global gov fascistas who think
they actually run things. This guy soros is not gone though.
I predict right now that they'll run Michel Obama next election.
But the Donald will TRump them during his term.
He's already showing the leadership skills required.
I just hope Michael's new paradigm doesn't wipe out my savings somehow.

I love the fact that the kids are so involved. I also love our democratic republic
of representative government. One of the great features is that people keep saying
"we're not unified!!..we can't get anything done!!" Well no DUH! That's the whole idea.
Split but slightly conservative houses, split but slightly conservative judiciary,
executive branch in check by term limits.
Those old founders even accounted for the 3 million plus illegal votes by using
the electoral college of representatives by county!
Here's a quote from the UBook specific to the subject.

2 - (45:7.3) The Melchizedek Sons conduct upward of thirty different educational centers
on Jerusem. These training schools begin with the college of self-evaluation and end with
the schools of Jerusem citizenship, wherein the Material Sons and Daughters join
with the Melchizedeks and others in their supreme effort to qualify the mortal survivors
for the assumption of the high responsibilities of representative government.
The entire universe is organized and administered on the representative plan.
Representative government is the divine ideal of self-government among nonperfect beings.

As to this non-perfect being, I was downsized from my NYC job Aug22
and have been working full time on my Marriage Family Therapy masters degree
toward licensing. One thing is for sure, the spiritual life is intrinsic to this work.
I am amazed at how many people are walking around essentially asleep.

Judy has to have her hip replaced on Dec 13. She fell back in June of '15.
Thanks to Michael and shaharoons for the headsup about hip surgery;
something he mentioned a couple of months back the day after we saw the xrays
showing degeneration of the iliac crest.
She's up for it though. And I'm going to just be here studying anyway.
She does like this servant boy role for me. LOL!

Love to you Marcy, Michael and ALL

Have a nice thanks giving!

Ted from PA

20 November 2016
read this hour 329
Subject : More on glyphosate

Dear Gentle Men,

Happy Thanks Giving from PA. And I think we have a lot to be thankful for.
First, the election was a remarkable example of the genius of our Democratic
Republic system in action. It is astounding that the fundamental documents
with amendments continue to allow us to collectively root out evil and continue
to grow into light and life.

Next we have you and Michael discussing the Urantia book.
Michael's fine and detailed explanations, your interviewing
and those comments from the Shaharoons make me thankful.

Found this on glyphosate.
I hope President Trump understands how big a threat this is.
I am enclosing an interesting link for your consideration.

Ted from PA

3 November 2016
read this hour 328
Subject : Hello

Hello Chris and Michael,
I am a long time Urantia student and am thrilled to find your site!
Many questions come to mind and as soon as the election is over I'll write them down.
I really look forward to our dialogue and am listening every day.
I am on #15! Wish they were all transcribed as that makes for faster going.

Thank you for your service.. You'll hear from me again soon!

29 October 2016
read this hour 328
Subject : A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"All our efforts to enlarge the human concept of God would be well-nigh futile
except for the fact that the mortal mind is indwelt by the bestowed Adjuster
of the Universal Father and is pervaded by the Truth Spirit of the Creator Son."


27 October 2016
Subject : How many days to Mars?

Anyway, I thought you might like one of the last articles I wrote- in which I used data from Cassini Huygen to calculate how long it will take to travel to Mars.

Guess a number of years or days before you read it, and then check my math.
I think you will be surprised.

How many days would it take a manned mission to reach Mars?

We can use data from the Cassini-Huygen spacecraft's mission to Saturn
to set up an inequality to determine how many days it would take a human mission
to travel to Mars on a spacecraft traveling at a similar speed as the unmanned Cassini-
Huygen spacecraft traveled to Saturn.

Saturn's average distance from Earth is about 887 million miles. Cassini Huygen
spacecraft a.k.a Cassini which currently orbits Saturn, after releasing the Huygen probe
on Saturn's moon Titan back in 2006, left Earth on October 15th, 1997 and arrived
in Saturn's orbit on July 1st, 2004. It took just under 7 years, or 6.7 years for
Cassini Huygen spacecraft to reach Saturn's orbit.

Mars' average distance from the Earth is 140 million miles. Based on this information,
how many days do you estimate it will take humans to travel to Mars in a spacecraft?

You can set up an inequality and solve for the length of time it would take for humans
to travel the 140 million miles to Mars, using the length of time (6.7 years) it took
to send the unmanned spacecraft Cassini Huygens the distance (887 million miles) to Saturn.

(We are theorizing that a larger, manned spacecraft would probably not travel faster
than a smaller unmanned spacecraft, even without the air resistance in space,
however we are not absolutely certain of this theory. Our problem is part speculation
and part prediction, but it is more accurate than a guess.)


19 October 2016
Subject : no subject

Hey Curtis, Check this out : NASA Cassini spacecraft photo showing disruption
of a spot on Saturn's outermost discrete ring actually reveals a gigantic alien UFO
spacecraft taking off from the surface of the ring.

Maybe something you can comment on... hope all is well


18 October 2016
read this hour 326

The greatest tragedies in the last two hundred years
can be traced to the Jesuits.
We will now show that the Jesuits planned and carried out
the sinking of the Titanic, and we will show why they did it.

This is from Curtis...
When Tim Kaine said
he was raised by the
Here is the 2nd Paragraph
in what I suggest you read.
One good thing is when
Donald Trump hosts a rally
Thousands try to get in.
When Hillary tries a rally
only a few hundred arrive
and some are bused in to try
to add numbers to the crowd.
16 October 2016
read this hour 326
Subject : Upcoming Election

Hello Curtis, Michael, and listeners...

We're only about 3 weeks away from
the most important election in my lifetime and possibly ever.
It's clear to me that the people overwhelmingly want Trump to be the next president.
However, the establishment is doing everything it can to steal this election from us.
I just saw a report that there are about 20 million fraudulently registered voters.
About 2 million of those are dead people.
My, question is,
if the will of the people is ignored, will the celestials intervene?
I ask this because we are on the verge of world war 3.

Chris in Liverpool, NY

Chris did you see this on... 18 October 2016

O'KEEFE: Dems Incites Violence at Trump Rallies...

13 October 2016
read this hour 326
Subject : Elon Musk and Mars


In your latest show with Michael, you wondered why Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. According to Nancy Lieder, he and the other elites want to go there to ride out
the upcoming Pole Shift, which will kill about 90% of the Earth's population.
The Zetas/Biaviians will not allow anyone to escape, thus they will sabotage
any space flight that has that as a goal.

Regarding the latest explosion while fueling on the launchpad,
here's an explanation for that:

This latest disaster on a Space X launch was a financial and progress blow
to several entities - Elon Musk of Space X, Mark Zuckerberg of FaceBook,
Israel Aerospace Industries, and NASA. That the explosion happened
early in the process, during a pre-launch test, shows that a strong message is being given.
Previous messages to Musk involved his intent to help the elite escape Earth
prior to the Pole Shift, while participating in the cover-up over Nibiru.
When the elite relented, allowing the multi-prong'd announcement about Nibiru to proceed,
Musk was allowed to succeed with an ocean platform landing.
The explosion thus was not aimed at Musk or his company.

NASA was simply leasing its launching pad, and was not the target either.
FaceBook is immensely popular and international, and Zuckerberg had announced
almost a year ago that he intended to promote his via satellites and drones,
to provide service to parts of the world with scarce access to the internet.
Africa is clearly a key target.
It should be no surprise that Africa is also a key target of many elite,
who anticipate the high ground of Africa and its future temperate climate
to be ideal for settlements and survival.
Europe and India will migrate to Africa in droves, prior to the Pole Shift.

Where satellites will be torn from the skies during the passage,
prior to the Pole Shift itself they will function to some degree.
Thus, those who have migrated to Africa, and set up settlements
and formulated defense of their perimeter, will be accessing the internet via
one of Zuckerberg's satellites. As the satellites fail, these will be replaced
with the Zuckerberg drones already in operation.
All communications in the vast region of Africa will be known to Zuckerberg
and his elite allies, who obviously include Israel.
This information would be used for enslavement and control,
and it is this effort that the Council of Worlds will not allow.

Take care!



I forgot to add this to my previous e-mail about Elon Musk's plans to go to Mars:

This is a money making endeavor by Elon Musk.
The dates are all set out far enough into the future that he will not be
challenged to deliver any but showy demonstrations on the Earth's surface. Meanwhile,
as the Earth changes progress, scaring the wealthy class, he will collect their funds.
This will allow Musk and his cohorts to arrange a kingdom on Earth - secure,
well stocked, and very high tech. This is hucksterism at its finest, a complete con job.
He knows from the smackdowns that the Council of Worlds
has given him that he cannot setup on Mars,
the latest the dramatic explosions of the FaceBook satellite launch.

12 October 2016
read this hour 326
Subject : Machiventa Melchizedek's

Gents, You might enjoy Machiventa Melchizedek's perspective
on the democratic process and political parties.

With loving greetings from New Zealand,

11 October 2016
read this hour 326
Subject : What Do you guys make of this... Question 913 Large Object Near Saturn

Hello Curtis and Michael,

Check this YouTube out and please let me know what you make of this:


29 September 2016
read this hour 326
Subject : Perspective

Deeply loved and valued Gents,

In weeks passing your discussions around the current affairs in the US
has caused me to pause and consider that perhaps perspective needs revision.
I value that much of the world affairs be a great concern to most people across the globe.
Rest assured as the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men, and their rule works
for the greater good of the Father's will toward Light and Life.
I came across a celestial teaching that may bring peace and comfort
for those whom have an ear to hear Spirit perspective.
"If one's attention is focused upon what is wrong with the world,
then indeed one's perspective will be distorted in the direction of that blackness,
and so the world will appear to be largely a place of malevolence,
discontent, despair, greed, anger, etc..
It is clear that there is enough darkness occurring about this planet that if one were to
solely focus upon it, the light within them would be darkness indeed;
and then how great would that darkness be!
But, on the other hand, there is evidence of progress and hope which is ignored by
many in the commercial news media because of the false belief
that it would be financially unprofitable.
Because of this focus on the negative it takes effort and intention to discover
where God is at work in human hearts and associations.
Coming from the direction of Spirit results in a different perspective
than coming from the direction of self.
Coming from the direction of self-centered ego
one sees the universe in revolution around oneself.
One sees other people as objects, as means to ends;
one sees a world of scarcity, of competition, of conflict and of despair.
But come from the Spirit, the direction of God, and the world is entirely different.
One sees, instead of objects to be manipulated, brothers and sisters to be loved.
One sees a world of overflowing abundance, of complete emotional and spiritual security,
of a peace that drowns all conflict, and a love which smothers all hatred!
Coming from the direction of the Spirit
one happily allows oneself to orbit around the Center,
the very First Source and Center of the Universe,
comfortable and secure in the bonds of love gravity
which draw you to that Source."

With loving greetings from New Zealand,

18 September 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Questions

Hi Curtis and Michael,

Hope everything is fine with you both.
Michael, I'm so glad to hear that your healing is progressing so rapidly!

Michael, I've been thinking about the talk that you gave last week on the Agondonters
(Pod Cast 322 starting 32:28) and I'm hoping that you can elaborate more.
Can you share with us more on what he said about God and the nature of reality?
And when you mentioned that you weren't sure if he was sentient,
was he "stone-like"?

Love and Joy,


16 September 2016
read this hour 323
Subject : Hello Curtis! Riley Books left?

I'm surprised you and Michael are still doing your recordings.
I've been reading the Urantia book regularly now for almost 10 years.
Wanted to thank you for introducing me to it. Truly an amazing book!

So I moved to Israel for a few years and lost my symbol :-(
Think I may have left it on a wall on a kibbutz on the border of gaza!
Also, some chick stole my Coming of Tan. It was so weird.
She asked to borrow it and never gave it back.
Even when it was in the backseat of her car she was unable to let me take it out.
She would make excuses or just flat out ignore me.
I didn't want to brake into her car or anything for it so I let it go...
Do you have anymore?!

Glad your doing well! You probably dont remember me.
My email address was johndjdoe@hotmail/yahoo back in those days.
We corresponded a few times.
Keep up the good work!

13 September 2016
read this hour 323
Subject : If the Son be Lifted Up

Hi Paul,

The Christian Church has often taken the stance that if the gospel of Jesus Christ
be lifted up it will draw all men unto himself, this is only partially true in the divine sense.
First, in our Universe of Nebedon we have a Father centered rule of the divine adjuster.
Thus the Father fragment or thought adjuster is identified by this most central and divine
characteristic, the impersonal nature of the Father. So we have been given a relationship
that is most difficult to build without additional help. It is also known that if any man
has seen the Son he has seen the Father also. Thus Christ statement that no one can know
the Father except it be though him, Christ. He also said that no one can say Jesus is Lord
except it be by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in the present state of Christian teaching
is a solitary element of the God head but the Bible also states that in him, Jesus, dwelt
the fullness of the God Head bodily. There is 1 nature of the Holy Spirit that is personal,
it is said that the Holy Spirit shall not speak about himself but shall speak about the Son
or more importantly, speak as the Son. This is the Son actuating nature of the Holy Spirit
that works with our human nature to build the divine nature in us. Thus the new creature
is created in the nature of the Father Son through the Son Spirit nature of the Spirit of Truth
in partnership with our nature and the Divine Adjuster. We now are made complete in him
who is the fullness of the God Head bodily in Our Human body or Nature. As a result of this
we can now Participate in the divine nature and build our everlasting Soul.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:50 AM, Paul Simone wrote:
Hi Michael,

Hope all is well with you and the knee operation.
This passage from the Urantia Book has me scratching my head.
In your opinion, what do you think they mean when they say,
"If the Son be lifted up"? Then, of course, how will all men be drawn to Him?

Thanks for everything, Pauljs


21 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Questions

Hi Curtis and Michael,

A joyous hello to you both on this special day, the 21st of August
the day of Michael of Nebadon's final bestowal!
The fact that His Divinity could be contained in the human structure is both
so exhilarating and so humbling at the same time... it's marvelous.

I have a few questions that I would like to ask the Shaharoons.
First, Could they explain connections that exist between the physical,
morontia and the spiritual? For example,
if an event happens in the physical, is there an instantaneous reaction in the morontial
or in the spiritual realms?
And does the opposite happen?
Also, could they offer more insight on spirals?
Does the directional spin of the spiral have meaning?
What is the purpose of the spiral in our spiritual ascent?
I am just so grateful for your answers.
They are like a heavenly banquet to me. Heartfelt thanks!

Love and Joy,

22 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Hi

Discussion that you may find of interest.

Warmest greetings from New Zealand,

25 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Morontial Bush

Hello Curtis,

Most of us won't get to go to the New Jerusem
to see the lively morontia bushes that Michael saw.
But I saw something similar to it this week on TV.
Hope you and Michael like it.

Grace VanderWaal: 12-Year-Old Sensation Sings her original song
"Beautiful Thing" on America's Got Talent:

John from Columbia MD.

23 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Hi

Hi Curtis and Michael,

This is so amazing to me - to see a video of the New Jerusalem.
It starts at about 2 minuets 12 seconds in.
Maybe you both have seen this footage before but it just floored me to see it.

Love and Joy,


15 August 2016
read this hour 320
Listen to Donald Trump
read His speech from Teleprompter (he speaks his mind and uses a Teleprompter if he wants to get everything he wrote said).
Mr. Trump presents the entire story and the spot All Americans are in.

Youngtown, Ohio 15 August 2016

watch other rallies on...

15 August 2016
read this hour 320
Subject : Hi

Hello, have you read this chapter, one of the most interesting... Urantia Book paper 42

5. Wave-Energy Manifestations

42:5.12 (475.8) 10. Hertzian waves - those energies utilized on Urantia for broadcasting.

Hope all is well, recordings are wonderful


14 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Agondonters

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"On Jerusem the ascenders from these isolated worlds occupy
a residential sector by themselves and are known as the agondonters,
meaning evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing,
persevere when isolated, and triumph over insuperable difficulties
even when alone."

50:7.2 (579.1)


13 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Another Video

Hello Curtis,

I just finished another video.
This one features New Jerusalem.
Let me know what you think.

I Hope Michael is doing okay.


8 August 2016
read this hour 322
Subject : Video

Hey Curtis,

I just listened to last week's hour today and
heard your request for me to resend the video. Sure thing.
I made it a Windows Media file but if you need a different format I can change it.
By the way, only the third photo of each sequence is enhanced.
The first is the original and the second is the original zoomed in.

Also, I actually did play around with the New Jerusalem photos
but I didn't notice anything unusual.
The celestials probably wanted to be as obvious as they could.
I'd still like to make a similar video with the photos,
but, without enhancing them.

Chris in Liverpool, NY

4 August 2016
read this hour 320
Subject : Unexplained Light Flashes Above Arch Tuesday Morning > CBS St. Louis

I (Curtis) found this one on...

check everyday for what Matt Drudge wishes to post as news. ~ 30 Million views in 24 hours

22 June 2016
read this hour 320
Subject : Confused

I tried to read and understand what is real here,
but don't have time to investigate properly.
Got any clue? NASA scam? ~
Mars photo and Egypt photo ??

Tony K from Doylestown PA

1 August 2016
read this hour 319
Subject : It is a fact

I thought this was interesting, from the Urantia Book.

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"Literally and figuratively, spiritually and personally, the Father and the Sons are one.
It is a fact: He who has seen a Creator Son has seen the Father."

20 July 2016
read this hour 319
Subject : Re: Orb video

I'm glad you like the video. Enhancing images is easy with the right program.
With these images, a simple auto enhance was enough.
I could manually adjust every detail possible but it wasn't necessary here.
Making and editing videos is a hobby of mine. So, if you ever need any assistance
in that regard, just let me know. In fact, if I can help you with anything I'm always here.

I just ordered a Silver Pulser from SOTA and gave them your number.
Hopefully, they will send you something.



19 July 2016
read this hour 319
Subject : Hello Curtis,

No problem. It's always good to hear from you. Here are the pictures.
There is a purple glow around the orb that changes shape in every picture.
The cropped pictures should be full sized and enlarged.
I've noticed that some programs show them as tiny images.
I'm also sending you a video I made of these pics.
With your permission I'd like to upload it to youtube.
I can't wait to listen to tonight's hour.
There was quite a response from last hour.

P.S. Didn't Kathleen or Wendy send you a similar picture of an orb?
I remember an eye shape.

Hey Curtis,

I took the pictures you posted on the last hour and cropped and
enhanced the orb. The results are pretty interesting. If you'd like
them let me know.

Chris in Liverpool, NY

18 July 2016
read this hour 319
Donald Trump aboard his own Boeing 757
Donald J. Trump
Right Side Broadcasting
Hosting TRUMP Rally
schedule listed on site.
Listen/watch ~ Alex Jones
Save the Constitution
Read ~ Matt Drudge
Drudge selects articles to post
Over 30 Million readers.
For your
to these sites...
19 July 2016
read this hour 319
Subject : Blue Spheres

Dear Michael and Curtis,

I was just so moved and gratified to hear your response to my email of last week
and to hear your conversation about the photos with the beautiful Blue Orbs.

I was particularly touched by Michaels exploration of adjuster attunement and
entanglement as I have felt quite entangled and attuned with Michael
from the first I heard the podcast.

One of the ways the celestials have found to encourage and guide me for many years
is through the use of the number 54. In the summer of 2014 I attended a Urania Book
Conference in Amherst Massachusetts. I had been reading the UB for about
a year and a half at that time and knew nothing about the segment of UB readers
who were receiving "transmissions" from various teachers and other non-terrestrials.
Well it seems that this discovery was the purpose of my attending that conference
as I quickly found myself in conversation with several people who were open to
and pursuing this type of ongoing teaching transmissions from invisible presences.
One of these several people was John from Columbia County, Maryland,
a long time listener and occasional contributor to your podcast.
John introduced me to your recordings and the first time I listened, I was moved by
a remarkable reference to the number 54 in the first episode I listened to.
I was immediately further touched and moved by both the quality and the "music"
of the message being presented and have been listening ever since. Thank you John!
John and I have remained good friends. So again, it was so moving to hear Michael
speak of adjuster entanglement in response to my letter.

I was also touched and comforted by Michaels encouragement to remain open to
and expectant of the "higher call" or "commission" as he called it, that may be coming.
I have long sensed that that is the case and the sense of it seems to strengthen
day by day lately. When I first read of the mortal corps of destiny in the UB,
this concept too had a familiar resonance for me.

By the way, a couple of minor corrections are in order. Firstly, my name, Dana,
is pronounced with a short A as in rhyming with the words banana or manna.
No worries gents. Everyone makes that mistake until corrected. And secondly,
I may be the only man on the planet who has that name.
Yep, this particular D
ana is a he.
Again, no worries: everyone makes that mistake too. Just for the record.

Again, thank you both so much for this great good work that you do.

Blessings from the big apple,
Dana, rhymes with banana.

16 July 2016
read this hour 318
Subject : Orbs

Hello Curtis, Michael, and listeners...

Inspired by the recent talk and photos of orbs, I decided to take some pictures
of a sunset with my smart phone. After taking about 30 pictures, I looked through them
and noticed a bunch of orbs on only one of the pictures. Two of the orbs are more visible
than the rest, so I enlarged and enhanced them. One of them seems to have a face.
The other looks similar to the other orbs in the pic. I think it has an interesting look.
I'm also sending you the picture taken right before this one. It's a similar shot and has
no orbs. Maybe it's just a trick of the lense. I will also point out that these pictures were
taken through a window. Anyway, I'd love to hear Michael's thoughts on this.
Thank you for doing what you do. It's been a pleasure listening all of these years.
Your first hour was April 24,

Chris in Liverpool, NY

15 July 2016
read this hour 318
Subject : Blue orb, my expereince

Hello Curtis and Michael,

I was listening to the last 2 podcasts, and wanted to share my own experience
with seeing a similar blue orb almost 9 years ago.

I don't know if this was an actual celestial experience or if it holds any meaning,
for all I know my mind could have been playing tricks on me. But what ever the case,
I feel at the time it was very significant in my life.

It was probably around spring time back in 2007, I remember the atmosphere
around that evening, because I was sitting out on the deck of my friends house
that overlooks a little valley, and it was a warm spring evening with light still out
and the moon in the sky. I was still a teenager at the time and not long before that
I found out about he 1111 progress group and midwayers with a tiny intro into the
Urantia Book. I remember having our conversation taking on deeper meaning and
we started talking about the future, and I believe I started shared a lot about finding
Riley Martin.

It was at that moment that I had this weird feeling, and I looked up at the sky
and saw this giant blue orb, I can only describe it as a plasma like orb that was wispy
and shining. It was very bright... and looked almost exactly like the last picture
that was sent, except during that day it was about as big as the moon was in the sky.
But I felt it was a lot closer to were we were, maybe less than 1000 feet in the sky.
It stayed in the sky for maybe a few seconds and then just blinked out.

The whole event happened in maybe a few seconds...

But the feeling I had when I saw that orb in the sky was hard to pin down,
both a type of excitement and hope, and the feeling that it was up there
for a little bit before i even noticed it.

N Alic

14 July 2016
read this hour 318
Subject : Book

In early February 2015 they came first in a vision.
This February 2016 they came tangibly. Exactly 1 year
They came not to do me harm but to enlighten me of how they are able to see from afar
how we are destroying our own planet. They cherish their planet and asked Me
why I think we don't do the same. When they left me that cold night they made it clear
that I can research them but never to the extent that they've researched me.
They somehow knew that I wouldn't doubt them and also not hesitate to share our visit.
I've been scared to come forth publicly because I know the doubters will call me crazy
I heard your name on The stern show via Riley Martin.

Sent from Vivacious iPhone

12 July 2016
read this hour 317
Subject : Blue sphere email redo

I haven't had time till today to try and reconstruct the email that had been mysteriously self edited the other day. So below is my attempt at reconstruction.

Also, Curtis, thank you for your email response. I am not sure from your response whether or not you are able to see the small blue spheres that appear in the photos.
It appears in the middle of the photos about about half to a third of the way between
the sun breaking through the clouds and the top of the buildings. These photos are
taken from Sheep's Meadow in Central Park looking West toward Central Park West. Could you let me know if you are able to see the orbs and thanks.

Additionally, Curtis, I was in the park the day after I sent you the first email
and I took another picture of some clouds, facing in a more north-easterly direction,
and another blue orb appears. This one appears in the lower left quadrant of the photo
in a shadowy part of the a cloud. I haven't figured out how to get my photos onto my
computer yet so I will send this latest photo to you in a separate email from my phone.
Please know that I have taken many photos of cloud formations and it is only in these
four that the blue orbs have appeared. I would love to know what Michael thinks about

Here is my reconstruction of my interrupted email of the other day:
Hello Curtis and Michael,

I have been a regular listener for about 2 years, and have very consistently had remarkable synchronistic experiences as I listen. What I mean is that I will frequently, (virtually every episode) find myself pondering things or reading words or having very recently had conversations or thoughts that then get repeated, often word for word, by Michael in his wonderful wandering discourse. I have regularly considered writing you
to recount to you some of these remarkable "patterns" but as the list has grown,
I have just settled in to enjoying them on my own and waiting for some more clear "pressure" to arrive before writing to you of these experiences. Well that pressure
has occurred this morning as I listened to the broadcast of July 5 2016. I have recently
purchased my first smartphone and have been enjoying taking pictures of the beauties that regularly grace my daily walks in Central Park in NYC where I live. The other day
i took 3 photos of an astounding cloud formation that I had noticed in the sky to the west of the field called Sheep's Meadow where I had been walking. Yesterday I was visiting with a good friend when I decided to show her some of the photo's I had been taking. When I opened to these 3 cloud photos, to my excitement and surprise, I saw a very distinct and beautiful blue sphere in each of these three photos that I had not seen when the photos were taken. When I saw these spheres I had a clear inner knowing that this may very well be my first "close encounter" to some other friendly higher "intelligence" and I was reminded of hearing Cory Goode talking about his experiences with what he calls the Blue Sphere Beings. I expressed my excitement over the presence of these blue orbs in the photos with my friend and that conversation led to another conversation about an experience I had had several years ago where I had learned that my thought adjuster was of the "experienced" or "non-virgin", as Michael as put it in this latest broadcast, sort. I was told by a woman who seems to be in possession of the ability to tune into the thought adjuster of other people and receive information about the "historical biography" so to speak, of other peoples Father Fractal. She told me of three of several "incarnations of my adjuster, one of which was in the person of someone who was very close to a teacher son on a planet that had entered light and life, and another was as a person who lived in a culture very similar to that of our Native Americans before the European invasion.

So today when I heard Michael speak of both his recent experience with a blue sphere as well as the experienced nature of his Thought Adjuster, I felt that the time had come for me to come out of the closet, so to speak, with my latest experience of synchronicity whilst listening to Michael. As a little icing on the synchronicity cake served up as I listened, I was further tickled to hear Michael talk about Smartphone technology since I have found myself giving more thought than usual to this marvelous technology as I am experiencing these wonders for the first time recently with my new and first smartphone.

Thanks to you both for the wonderful great work you are doing in getting these beautiful conversations out to us.

Blessings from the big apple,

Four photos by Dana in Central Park New York City
All 4 images cropped and resized by Curtis
4 July 2016
read this hour 316
Subject : Watch "David Icke - Saturn Isn't What You Think It Is Either" on YouTube

Hay Curtis,

How is it going?
Check this out, if you have not...

Happy Fourth, Be independence.

All my best,

27 June 2016
read this hour 315
Subject : Questions

Hello Curtis and Michael,

I appreciate so much all that you and the Shaharoons do in
bringing these messages forward to us. Thank you all.

Today, I would like to ask if the Shaharoons would explain
why it takes such an incredibly long time to spiritually advance in eternity?
Is it just because when the difficulty of living is removed the character building
opportunities are few and the making of an impression upon the soul is more difficult?
And could they please give more insight on time lines and their purposes?
For example,
do different time lines contain a fragmented part of ourselves
or are they exclusive unto themselves?

Love and Joy,

20 June 2016
read this hour 314
16 June 2016
read this hour 314
Subject : Interesting

Hey Curtis,

Things are happening.

NASA Spots Mysterious Disruption In Saturn's Ring

Have a good one.


Mike (from Utah)

Subject : Saturn's ring being disturbed...

Hi Curtis,

I saw this picture on my daily Coast-to-Coast news e-mail and thought of you.


Saturn Moon Not Guilty
18 May 2016
Subject : Curtis my dear light Brother in the same Way

hello, my darling Curtis

sorry i am french ladie my name is bernadette of france (south near Montpellier Le cap d Agde)... OK

He m is pleasant thanks to translate google CO you born because I have had and read for a long time by "Jay of Urantia" broadcasturantia translated into French, this work is remarkable fidelity of the Book of the Earth, for since my birth at the same time that blue book I remain a respectful and dignified Deadly bottom of Urantia
who have allegiance so long POUEr this energy of Light that characterizes me ....

Dear Curtis, your work EST excellent, as for us here in France, many spiritual uneducated, and my life is so long programmed like many here on this sick planet, miserable and cruel still buried under incandescent Luciferian ashes, but we triumph we are increasingly enlightened, and you are part of the Elytesd com, through your remarkable dedication, as I liked to disa is Jay,

Personally, alas no VOCAL translator to listen to the brilliant messages, and I think our heavenly instructors, Son Daynals, or energy polytheists must understand because I feel isolated, even on Uversa we co born to other languages, and here on Earth no little voice translate the English, what mental retardation

Sweet friend, I thank you for your time taken to read and answer my fraternal message and re mercie our cosmic watchers WELL Bienveilleurs, auquels me as I saw three times their superb light vessels I reserve our marvelous Divine teachers, my gratitude, my love of my INTERNAL FRAGMENT I work in the Spirit like you, and so long until my closing Physics, my support, my help in this gigantic work we do around the world that is sick Urantia, together with our Instructors brilliant Celestials, I feel humble and the gift of the co creator of this awakening hovered Tears Earth.

Curtis, my heart is joyful, positive for the many partners in this vast celestial Organnigramme far we are never alone, and I essa ie as we asked Michael notrez Sublime Creator of Nebadon dispatcher that education alone is worthy of being read, know my reserve as long "IT" to put his feet in mine, and I remain a "Hybrid Urantia 'full of self-denial to the source first center, by His Grace, strength his love I am still alive in the service of this just cause, just like you in the Com
thank you for the answers of "Shaaroons", so devoted, so good to help us in this land of chaos Urantia 2016.

My questions are many, but "they" know the answers I get in the Spirit of Love and Sharing. By this long message get a dazzling ray of love Lazer spiritual exquisite tenderness associated Towards OUR ANGELS, Median, son Vorondadecks, Lanonandecks, Master Spirits, Nebadonia, Supreme Being, and Michel Our Maui "scribe ascending mortal on active duty for the will of the Universal Father Beloved.
A missionnee Destiny Reserve bodies on Urantia in 2016 "in this rainbow from my attached photo"
Bernadette France
Babette zarrouk on face book

3 May 2016
read this hour 310
During our last hour 309... at about 15:43...
my power failed... here was the reason...
Rosemont Cafe Fire

3 May 2016
Subject : Bridging the Gap


I got this today from the Urantia Book people and thought it to be a unique
way of explaining one purpose of a Thought Adjuster.

What I get from it is that our vibratory distance from God causes
a tension in us that the Thought Adjuster compensates for.


Subject: Bridging the Gap

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"The Adjuster is our compensatory equalization of the enormous universe
tension which is created by the distance of man's removal from God
and by the degree of his partiality in contrast with the
universality of the eternal Father."

107:0.5 (1176.5)

Your daily "Thought to Ponder" is brought to you by Urantia Foundation.
For more information about The Urantia Book and Urantia Foundation,
please visit, or call us at (773) 525-3319.

3 May 2016
read this hour 310
Subject : Question about fallen destiny

Hi Curtis

I hope this message finds you & is of some relevance & usefulness.
I have a question to ask of you or Michael.
The thought came to mind out of the blue to send you an email.
I have been a listener for a couple years now.
I found my way to your website after listening to Riley's show who I found my way
to after hearing Riley on the Alex Jones show.

What is the destiny of those who have chosen to
align themselves with the fallen here on planet.
The ruling class, are they acting on behalf of good? ,
creating a playing field for us here on planet.
I have heard of rituals they take part in to break the connection with the thought adjuster.
To become like animals, free to do as they please,
free of remorse or guilt, to be free of guided direction.
Will they be given another chance at life?
Will bits be chipped away & they be sent back here to try again.
Will they be stuck here like others or will they merely cease to exist
when there time here is up.
Is that why it is said they plan to merge with machinery & live forever.
That sounds similar to what is talked about on the New Jerusalem
where a more enduring body is given.
Could say synthetic body or is this body more natural than
the engineered body we have here on planet?
I am interested in What is your or Michael's take on such things
& if some clarification can be given.

Sending Good Wishes


I suggest you listen to Alex Jones and his crew such as David Knight.
He has Roger Stone and many others on that you will not hear on global media news.

His show runs 4 hours and continues until the next day.

5 March 2016
read this hour 304
Subject : Question

Hello Curtis and Michael,

Hope all is well with you and your families.
We are doing great and everything seems very calm here.
Winter's winding down and Spring seems to burst forth with every bit
of mild weather we have.

I have been thinking a lot about all the different topics that you've covered
in the last couple of months and have had a hard time forming the question
that I would like to ask the Shaharoons.
I guess that the best way that I can say it is
that I would like to ask the Shaharoons if they could give us more insight
into the evolution of mankind as we go forward
and how that ties into our ascension.
Heartfelt thanks to all of you.

Love and Joy,

10 February 2016
read this hour 302
continued in 303
Subject : Universe architectal spheres

Dear Gents,
I recently came across this presentation of the architectural spheres
which I thought you might find of interest as Michael visited only one
of the 647
,591 architectural spheres in the universe of Nebadon.

I shall refrain from letting my imagination roam freely for eternity
will be required for us to view the many stopping places prepared
in the Father's Universes :)

With loving greetings from a small island in the
South Pacific known as New Zealand,

9 February 2016
read this hour 301
Subject : Re: Fascinating set of maps

Here you go Curtis my dear friend:

I'm glad you liked the maps.


P.S. Ask the Shaharoon if the 'New Jerusalem' has move away from Saturn
and is over Venus now. I'm getting reports of it being seen off of Venus now; especially in the morning sky. Pauljs

5 February 2016
read this hour 300
Subject : Re: Fascinating set of maps

Hay Curtis-

Thanks for the maps you sent, really interesting, people would benefit seeing
these, and maybe, open up their eyes as to how lopsided we are here in North America,
and also, how good (or bad) we have it here, as far as things. An interesting one for me
is America in 1969 with the internet connections... I really think this relates to the Space
Program; D.U.M.B.s (underground bases); Palo Alto, CA, and the CARET (Commercial
Applications Research Extraterrestrial Technology), back- engineering programs.

The Tesla equation is probably the most important part of our lives, to make it better.

I wrote you a letter about a year ago and I believe you have it on your website.
This is where I will review and start to think about how to tackle the Sirius question...

Again, get back to me on your thoughts about Harmonic 288.
And did you ever hear about 432 Hertz vs. 440 Hz?




The hertz (symbol Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI)
and is defined as one cycle per second. It is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz,
the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves.

One of the unit's most common uses is in the description of sine waves and musical tones,
particularly those used in radio and other audio-related applications.
It is also used to describe the speeds at which computers and other electronics are driven.

29 January 2016
read this hour 300
Subject: Fascinating set of maps

These maps will surprise you a bit - very interesting ~

This is a fascinating set of maps showing a variety of similarities - and differences -- in the world as we think we know it. It may change your perspective on both.

1. This map shows the world divided into 7 sections (each with distinct color)
each section containing 1 billion people.

2. This map shows (in white) where 98 percent of Australia's entire population lives.

3. It may not come as a surprise but more people live inside the circle than outside of it.

4. This map shows what is on the other side of the world from where you're standing.
For the most part it's water.

5. Apparently you can't get Big Macs everywhere. This map shows (in red) the
countries that have McDonalds.

6. This map shows the countries (in blue) where people drive on the left side of the road.

7. This map shows countries (in white) that England has never invaded.
There are only 22. (In the WORLD!)

8. The line on this map shows all of the world's Internet connections in 1969.

9. This map shows the countries that heavily restricted Internet access in 2013.

10. This map shows (in red) countries that were all Communist at one point in time.

11. This map shows (in red) the countries that don't use the metric system.

12. This map shows (in blue) places where Google street view is available.

13. This map shows (in green) all the landlocked countries of the world.

14. And this is what the world would look like if all the countries with coast lines sank.

15. This is a map of the all the rivers in the United States.

16. And these are all the rivers that feed into the Mississippi River.

17. This is a map of the highest paid public employees in the U.S.
(Quite telling as to what our 'priorities' are.)

18. This map shows how much space the United States would occupy on the moon.

Sent by Pauljs

1 February 2016
read this hour 299
Subject : Seven Adjutant Spirits

Dear Gents,

I trust this finds you all in well being.
We are enjoying one of the hottest summers in New Zealand
and the sound of summer is a joy to behold.

I wish to convey my sincerest gratitude to Ted Shah'roon for his recent teaching
on the topic of the mark of the beast. I was particularly encouraged by the
immediate reward of overcoming these animal traits and the enlarged concept
of the Infinite Now.

If the Shah'roon so desire, could they please brush up our understanding
of the conscious reception of the gifts of God; the seven adjutant
of the local universe Mother Spirit which make way for the seven higher spirit
influences Urantia Book Paper 194
Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth.

With warmest greetings from New Zealand,

19 January 2016
read this hour 298
Subject : Thoughts on Riley

With the passing of Riley, I just wanted to share my thoughts on his life
and what he ment to me and probably many of the listeners.

When I first heard Riley story back in 2007 I was at a point in my life
were I was in searching mode with not a clear direction on where to go,
but a true desire to grow spiritually. Finding out about Riley just clicked with me
so deeply that it almost seemed familiar in a way. I said to myself
this was it,
I finally found it. And then finding out about Michael and the urantia book.
It's as if all the puzzles fell into place.

The celestals told you that there was only 1 ticketer, and now he has passed away.
For all the issues Surrounding his life, he was still a good man to his listeners,
and helped guide many like myself towards greater truth. I am fortunate enough
to have gotten a chance to speak with him and get to know helloearth and you guys.
He will always be in my thoughts.

I know there is a paradigm shift about to happen. I can feel the stress in my own life
and although find comfort in getting to know and understand my adjuster.
Whenever I listen to helloearth show it fills me with true hope and drive t
o achieve
the destiny we are ment to achieve. I will miss Riley and am so thankful
to have found all this in my life.


11 January 2016
read this hour 298
Subject : Riley

Hi Curtis,

That is quite a surprising announcement. I know you got to know Riley very well
and must be feeling a sense of loss at his passing. I had never met him
but I felt a sense of loss when I read your words.
It looks like this year is already living up to Michael's words with the passing of Riley.
It seems the strong ending of one chapter and the quite new beginning of another.
Much comfort to you, Curtis.

Take good care.

Love and Joy,

11 January 2016
announced in hour 298
Subject : pod cast 295

Hi Curtis,

Here is the transcript for Pod Cast 295:

Love and Joy,

Hour 295

Michael : Anyway, uh... this year ahead that we have, we're looking toward next year. This is the beginning of a paradigm shift. And it starts uh... like, like we see the
physical movements about us, the changes in our weather, the changes in the uh...,
uh... the action of the planet, the numbers of earthquakes, tsunamis - changes.
These changes will also be reflected in ourselves - in our instability in our own hearts.
Keeping yourselves aligned to the Divine Voice will be very important during these times
because of the pressures that will be put upon us will be such that would want to
draw us to the more rudimentary uh..., uh... instinctive natures of the physical body.
And these will draw us into more of the animal thinking or the animal way and
this is where we don't want to be. It's like, it's like the planet's being pressured
to act violently and yet, we in our behavior right now in to the next year may be
under a type of emotional pressure maybe kindled by uh... various changes
in our paradigm, maybe economic failures. Uh... but there is another pressure.
It reacts upon our spirit and it also may weaken a uh... attunement to the Divine,
the Divine Energies. So what it requires is like being, being more sensitive and
requires us to become more attuned to the Divine Fractal to overcome the negative
uh... aspects that will be placing themselves in our, in our lives ahead of us.
This is what will uh... also beam out, you might say, uh... an identifying uh...,
uh... identifying beacon; that's the word I was looking at. Each of us can actually
produce this identifying beacon which will uh... give the Celestials a marker that
tells them, ah, this is somebody that's uh... well attuned and they are actually
pinging back, answering a type of resonant hum that is, that is uh... what we're
looking for. And if there become troubles that we need to overcome, they'll be
right there uh... to assist. And that is uh... where we, we've got to take our stages
in the years to come. In other words, we're not walk, we're not going to be walking
in the park anymore. Uh... the park is going to be falling apart a bit and because
of that there will be other tensions and pressures uh... that will require us to, to
have a higher acuity to be acutely sensitive to the Divine Voice within us.
And that is something that takes complete alter uh... focus and to be
no longer focused on the negative aspects of our lives historically.
You know, things behind us but looking forward instead to the things in front of us
in living. And how we do that is by continually asking and receiving this continual
Guiding Voice. And it's amazing how it will become very, very, very active in real life
experience until it's just a part of you. Uh. this is, this is where uh... it's going
to become very important uh... in the years ahead and this year coming
uh... will be really put to the test a lot.

Curtis : Wow, wow, really?

Michael : Uh huh.

Curtis : Hum... this year coming?

Michael : Yeah, so like ah... people talk about having a good year and a happy new year -
new years be happy. Well, the new year is uh... coming is going to be a new year
and we hope for a happy new year. But that happy new year will become, you might say,
really attuned when we attune ourselves. Actually, Jesus Christ gave us some attunement
guidances uh... about how to, to continually arrange ourselves. And he said, you know,
uh... happy or blessed are those that, you know, hunger and thirst for the right things,
the righteousness. Cause, then we'll have this infilling of righteous understanding.
And, uh... happy are those who uh... are uh... make peace because uh... it takes work
to do that, try to figure... and then in such an instance when peace needs to be brought
into our lives uh... we will receive it. Uh... in other words, there will be essentially
exterior peacemakers that are, you know, external to us, you might say, our
Celestial Guardians uh... may uh... help uh... promote it and then, additionally uh...
there'll be others. These are the Be-attitudes in which he gave at the
Sermon on the Mount. The ideas of uh... of those things. Uh... so those people that
review the ideas, I'm not going to do a teaching on it. But the idea is that each one
of them have their rewards. In other words, when we rely and everyone is and every
single one of those attitudes are really pinged or uh... brought into reality because
of the arrangement of ourselves, our lives with the Divine Voice, the Divinity Fractal
within us and they end up giving us happiness, giving us covering, giving us even the
ability to, you might say, uh... overcome them - attacks, you know in a way that
doesn't attack back.

Curtis : So you said, our development has been halted because of ah... the craziness
that's going on the world and, and uh... this coming year is going to be,
really put us to the test?

Michael : Well, the development of the planetary or civilization essentially progressing
to the point of coming into Light and Life has been uh..., yeah, you might say halted
or put to the point where it needs to go through change. And that we cannot progress
much further because of the deceptive nature of leadership. You know, you can't
continue to lie and think you're going to run a civilization that is illuminated.
You know when you turn the... It's like we're in a dark room right now. You know,
we can only hear voices. Well, you gotta turn the light on. You can see the mess
that's in it, you know. More (laughs) more and more turn the light on. So that's,
that's where we're at. We need to get rid of some of this stuff and we'll be actually
uh... not being able to progress if, I'm talking about the entire planetary civilization,
if we continue to do things deceptively. But we've got some interesting characters in
there that are, you know, coming to the stage which is like ah... one that is more or
ess uh... I guess you might say, not trying to become a divisive and, you know,
politically correct speaker which is
Donald Trump. He shows many of the characteristics
uh... that are, we are supposed to develop. Uh... I'm not saying our personality has to
be like his but we need to develop into the kind of character that he is. Having ability
to do things uh... to go forward; is very, very smart guy. But he comes forward with
ah... some ah... basic ah... information that is like (laughs) straight forward,
you know, it's not deceptive in any case. Tells it like it is. Not talking with uh...
a divisive, hidden agenda. I don't think he needs to have a hidden agenda because
he's really uh... not needing to be manipulated by other people because he's got his
own source of finance and income. But anyway... that's one of the ideas of ah...
looking at things right now. You can see it more or less ah... from ah... the old school
people who are like really talking with many other things in front of them. They're not
speaking the truth from their heart. Cause, you know, they are well trained in lying with a straight face, yeah, you don't even... In fact, they're so well trained, they don't
even know they're lying. Cause the key behind, I found out by ah... the two great people
that are able to ah... pass lie detector tests are actors and politicians. Uh... actors
because they can play the role to the point of belief and politicians who are just
because that they end up knowing that they uh... have to project true belief when they
actually are smothering the Divine Voice within them. Both of them uh... are in a sense
uh... are trained but the worst ones are the politicians because they... cause they are
trained not to listen to the Divine Voice. They listen to some other voices. Anyway,
that's one of the... We're also seeing a lot more UFO's. Uh... and they're getting to be
kind of clear because of ah... I guess because of the fact that everyone is carrying
cameras now with their smart phones, you know. But it's going to get even more.
So, look for an ever increasing amount of sightings. And I think the National UFO Center
as well as ah... others are spotting a lot more uh... UFO's or hearing about them being
reported. But these are the things we're looking into.

Curtis : These are the things you're what?

Michael : We're looking, we're looking into the new year. We're looking into
(garbled) some, some trials. We just need to attune ourselves more ah...
to... sensitive, become more sensitive to Divine Leading. Anyways, take time.
And you'll notice, you'll notice that many of them will try to drag us into a more
primal state of being. Yeah. OK, well, anyway...

Curtis : Well, well there's those cities in Europe there, Italy, uh... several cities in Italy
just stopped cars. Stopped the cars from running and every other day this group of cars
will run and this group of cars... One day they just stopped all the cars.

Michael : When did this happen? Recently?

Curtis : It's ah... yeah, it's in today's... It's on the Drudge Report today.
And there is the Colosseum with no, in the background with no cars - two people
on bicycles. And they just, the air pollution there is just so overwhelming, they just
had to do something drastic. And that's what... It's interesting that you should bring
Donald Trump because he will do something drastic to change things.
We just can't keep going down this same road.

Michael : Yeah, so in a sense these are the things that ah... are going to be facing
our, our ah... next year ever increasing strange weather - you know, develops these
types of "dead air." You know, you don't have the air flow necessary to clean up
this, would normally be just ah... somewhat smoggy day becomes a suffocating
ah... seriously suffocating, you know. And ah... other areas getting wind storms,
getting, you know, you're getting, you're actually experiencing where you're at
right now a little bit warmer weather, right? Then you should be.

Curtis : Yes, we've ah... I was in a short sleeve shirt ah... just outside in the last
few days.

Michael : Yeah, right. And other areas in the Midwest I think some place...

Curtis : Denver was -51 degrees Fahrenheit. It tied their record low temperature.
Well, I don't know if it was Denver, but it was in Colorado.

Michael : Yeah, well it's around there. Isn't Denver a mile high?

Curtis : Yes, a mile high.

Michael : So it probably be there too because they're high. Well, the jet stream
is getting screwed up. Some people are blaming it on some kind of ah... weather
modification but it's really uh... a trial that's coming upon the entire Planetary System.
Our, our, our, our Solar System is being, you know, I'm... impacted by a, you know,
a energy that is actually coming from Deep Space - traveling at or greater then the
speed of light. So, it's causing our Sun and you're saying, ah... Tesla said what?
Suns are oscillators or stars?

Curtis : All of them (are oscillators).

Michael : All of them. And there was something and we called... In order to have
an oscillator, you have to have something called regeneration. A regenerative type
of oscillation means that it's like a... remember you turning over your bicycle and
spinning the tire?

Curtis : Uh huh.

Michael : Well, OK let's call the tire and oscillator because it goes round and round
and round. OK?

Curtis : OK.

Michael : But every once in a while if you wanted to keep that tire going you had
to give it another pat or rub, rub it. You know, push it, you know. That would be
called a, a ah... regenerative type of action. It's not really regenerative.
You're actually putting energy in. Now, with a ah.... our Sun being energized from
some place has been ah... pushed, you might say, by this movement through the
Ecliptic Plane and it's causing it to act weird. Not only ah... the Sun, but our actual
Planet ah... itself which is exposed to the dynamics of magnetic flux and energetics
that have to do with the oscillation. Our Planet also oscillates. You were talking about
Tesla measuring no-low fields and wave lengths of kilometers. You know, in HAM radio, we talk of wave lengths in meters. You know, very short wave lengths, less
then one meter and, you know, nanometers or microwaves. That's how you get
microwaves. You have the idea of less then a wave length - micro, tiny. But ah...
many of them were like, we started off with one meter, like HAM radio we have two
meters, centimeters, 60 centimeters, whatever, going on till we have 20 meters,
30, 40, 160 meters. But in terms of what Tesla was able to measure. He measured
wave lengths in kilometers, many kilometers which had to do with our own,
our Earth's own self-resonate frequency. And he detected those. Now, if they are
being perturbed by another energy that is sort of like ah... pushing our hand on our,
keeping our bicycle, you know, tire going. But this energy is not coming from our
physical hand but from some other source outside which could be anything.
You know, if you were a bicycle, you got... you shoot some water on it, that tire
will continue turning. If you, you know, take a garden hose and shoot water on it
it'll keep turning. Imagine that similar but it be an expression of some other energies
that are coming. And this is what's happening right now but it, not only effects ah...
the physical dynamics of our Sun and our Planetary System but also our emotional
system our, our life system and especially living systems. Some will have to do with
our emotions and our thoughts and how we do things because of that.
And these are going to be like more and more impinged upon until... That's why
Christ said, there will be earthquakes and changes in the weather and these kind of
phenomenon. And people, people will start acting up and they would not necessarily
be ah... stable. It'll start with the young groups first. The older ones are more stable.
But the younger ones and those that are younger. People from, you know, what's
happening in the a, a, the world today with ah... the rise of different phenomenon
of people like the "Arab Spring" was... a lot of them are made up of college age
people or just within that and just after that age young adult. And these are the
things that are going to continue to be impinging upon our planet. Uh... the source
is ah... off planet but it's our be... behavior is also influenced by it. Not just
geopolitical problems but actual ah... energies that are impinging upon. We know
now that life of course has a lot of ah... effects that can be placed upon living Beings,
living, even base, living cellular materials which can be impinged upon by different
energies. One of ones that I talk about is a good one that we ah... that I have been
noticing and I've been really, really enjoying is this, you might say, a true panacea.
It can do a lot which is pulse electro-magnetic field and uh... my little Sota devices...
I bought another one. I think I'm going to buy a few more. These things are really
phenomenal - and healing and uh... overcoming disease, infections and just amazing
growing cartilage back uh... healing bone and things like that. All these things are
held up in pulse electro-magnetic field radiation. And uh... but if it's of the wrong
kind it can cause very, very bad things. And it may not be pulse electro-magnetic
field that is impinging itself upon our planet right now. I think it's something much
different like uh... gamma ray type energies that come from Deep Space.

Curtis : Well, well we're gonna close out this year, 2015, with this recording and
we'll speak with you again early next year. January's the next month. Let's start
a whole year all over again, 2016, which ah... should be a wild ride this, this year.
It is going to be...

Michael : Not to say this last year wasn't a wild ride. You got the good side of the
bad, crazy weather right now on the East Coast where you're at. You know,
like you say, Colorado is getting the bad part.

Curtis : It'll get cold. We're going to have Winter sooner or later.

Michael : Sooner or later, yeah.

Curtis : Last year Winter started in October. Well, we could say, Aloha and you could get your call and talk to you next year.

Michael : Alright, Aloha!

Curtis : Alright, Aloha! Michael

Michael : OK, Bye Bye!

Curtis : Bye!

22 December 2015
read this hour 294
Subject : Congratulations to Elon Musk & SpaceX
First stage of Falcon 9 rocket returns to Cape Canaveral
after launching 11 satellites into orbit ~ 21 December 2015.
Full webcast of SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch >
Subject : Tesla printed on very fine paper


I forgot to mention that I went all the way and bought Imagekind's top of the line paper
for my Tesla print; Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl.
You'd not believe the difference in lightness of color.
Just an FYI for you.

7 December 2015
Subject : Paul Simone's art store

Paul Simone's art store

13 November 2015
read this hour 291
Signed by Paul Simone
Thank you
Paul Simone
for your wonderful color image of
Nikola Tesla from the famous black and white photograph
of 1890 by Napolean Sarony.
See Paul's email of
30 November above.
Tesla printed on very fine paper


I went all the way
and bought Imagekind'
top of the line paper
for my Tesla print;
Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl.
You'd not believe the difference
in lightness of color.
Just an FYI for you.

Subject : pod cast Hour 289

Hi Curtis,

Here is Eric's and your conversation for pod cast 289. It was just wonderful!

Love and Joy,

Pod Cast Hour 289

Curtis : So, as far as ah... as far as what they call the "Hollow Earth," a whole area and they ah... We've seen drawings with suns, with a Sun in the middle, just looks like... and clouds. Sounds like the New Jerusalem.

Michael : Yeah, uh hum... yeah.

Curtis : In a way...

Michael : It sounds like a, you know, a ah... manufactured, uh... a mined out area.

Curtis : Uh hum.

Michael : Yeah.

Curtis : So, can Shaharoon tell us if there is such a place? Or, if there is such a place? Or, if he could show us how to find it? Cause ah... I've read stories about people climbing a mountain and going behind a rock and finding a passageway and going, going down this long tube corridor and then seeing a, a... like a head light coming toward them. And it turned out to be a sled from old technology but ah...very modern. Crazy story, but that was years ago.

Eric Sharhroon : Oh yes, this is Eric.

Curtis : Hello, Eric Shaharoon.

Eric Sharhroon : Yes, it is interesting that you would say that. But in the light of things concerning old technology, you must remember that many of the structures that were initially placed upon the Planet Urantia were, you might say Bases uh... Way Points, structures as we have on the Moon presently here. Orbiting planet or orbiting moon ah... does have a active facility of ours. And it is used as a intermediate point on an observation area. We ah... do, also do some gathering of material - mining. But most of the material that we need is much easier found. On Urantia, early structures were placed upon the surface but would not endure. Ah... especially during the time of the Ice Ages. And we found that structures could be more enduring if they were placed beneath the ground. And they were not as expansive as you might have thought they were in the descriptions that others have used to describe these under-world areas. But they, indeed, are large. You can literally fly ah... an aircraft in it. But they are ah..., you might say... specialized Bases, presently. We still are not able to reveal every detail of what goes on because there are many, many things that do take place there ah... that have to do with the governance of a Fallen Sector.

Curtis : Hum...

13 November 2015
announced hour 289
Eric Sharhroon : The governance of the Fallen Sector requires that there be others involved in the continual, ah... operation in the very remote regions. And as you're well aware, ah... ah... your Heavens are ah... quite spread out and Urantia is far on a very ah... distant area of ah... some of the locations of the closer more well developed ah... both planetary and ah... environments which were structured or as the Urantia Book calls them, architecturally developed - Architectural Spheres. You might say we follow similar patterns in the way in which we structure some of these inner-Earth structures. They tend to be spherical, yet, connected by inter-connecting tunnels. These tunnels are not necessarily just a, you might say, a open gap. They are literally connected through inter-depend... inter-dependent dimensional pathways. These seem like open connections if you were to move through them but they are not. If you were to operate or look with, to them from a different perspective which is within your own environment they would seem like solid rock. But it is not the case in many of these openings which are essentially the same way we can move through solid material. Therefore, some of that which was seen and observed was as only a "view" not as a real experience in terms of overall exploration of these cavities. Again, some of the many, natural, natural openings and the natural openings sometimes do interface with the... you might call them inter-Earth or inner-Earth ah... structures ah... artificial - as if we were making them. They actually appear as, you might say, a type of metamorphic growth-changes in the material. And it results in not necessarily requiring mining or movement as you would structure a tunnel you dig through and remove materials leaving a, a , a opening ah... These ah... many of these that were structured we use a very different method and one that ah... you will be learning one day. How to do and how to use. And you'll find that there are many planets that will have structured themselves to become hollow. The reason for that ah... many of these becoming hollow is because these structures or planets have become ah... irradiated by various sources of energies, especially their own sun. Ah... their magnetic fields have become ah... very weak if not nonexistent. Ah... Planet Urantia is definitely not the case. There's a very lively electro-magnetic field, a shielded, which if it was erased would simply eradicate a great portion of life on the surface. And the need for moving underground ah... would ah... for a higher civilization would be not necessarily a difficult thing to accomplish. But in the case of what is spoken about this ah... various explorations and different ah... incidences where people have actually come back with testimony of observing the underground world ah... it is true. So, ah... they are not populated by your human population today because it isn't necessary. In the early Earth structures that were necessary to build ah... they were ah... placed under the ground. As you can tell, structuring a sphere, large sphere in space is ah... time consuming. Although it's much more elaborate, it can be much more beautiful then a structure that would go underground such as what you have on other planets ah... populated closely within your own Solar System. An example, first of all, would be your own moon. The next would be other close by planets such as Mars and Venus are those which have underground ah... structures also.

Curtis : I've heard Venus has an underground world or an underground civilization.

Eric Sharhroon : Well, your old, ancient ah... human populations did ah... create underground cities. Ah... these were quite elaborate. And of course they were very primitive but, nevertheless, they ah... moving underground for a population of humans was at their time a necessity. So, ah... there were other times in which other populations were guided by us to move underground. Ah... you would look at ah... some of the ancient histories or even legendary origins of people. Ah... the Japanese on their island community, ah... were ah...led by our people to ah... save themselves by moving into an underground domain in which was fabricated already and made ready for them and their dwelling for a time after which they were allowed to return to the surface.

Curtis : Are you referring to in the middle of the 40s, the 1940's?

Eric Sharhroon : No, this is much, much longer a time period, thousands and thousands of years ago.

Curtis : I see. And, Shaharoon, your saying the Japanese went underground at that time... thousands of years ago?

Eric Sharhroon : Yes, in order to survive the bombardment.

Curtis : Hum... And what was happening on the surface of the Earth at that time at that area of the world?

Eric Sharhroon : It was a mix of natural bombardment from your own Sun and some that did come from out of your Solar System.

Curtis : Ah... Could you be more specific what you mean "out of our Solar System?"

Eric Sharhroon : Yes.

Curtis : That means that out of all our planets in our Sola Sol... from outside our Solar System?

Eric Sharhroon : Yes.

Curtis : Are you referring to trouble?

Eric Sharhroon : No, this is something that would happen and could happen to your planet again.

Curtis : Oh.

Eric Sharhroon : You would not have enough warning. The velocity of such a energy bombardment would be nearly that speed of your detectors. It would require us knowing and simply moving. We would in time have such a advantage, perhaps, you might call it, to be able to move faster then the velocity of light to be able to warn you people. It would be very selective, not a broad sweep.

Curtis : Hum... hum... And, uh... was this only centered around the Island of Japan from out... or was this, was this the whole planet that was affected from outside our Solar System?

Eric Sharhroon : It was ah... the entire planet.

Curtis : Was this a shock wave? Or, what could you tell us? And, what was it from?

Eric Sharhroon : It was a shock wave from and exploding planet, a star as well as its' planets that were consumed in a mighty, ah... explosive action producing a bombardment of more then just highly charged particles but energetic waves that some of which you know about , others which you do not. As you are aware of, the Sun's recent bombardment of your planet only a few days ago - a flare as well well as its' ejections from the Sun did impinge upon your planet creating a smaller interaction. Some of it resulting in earthquakes. But they can be much, much, much more powerful energies that set off both Sun as well as coming from the actual primary wave from outside.

Curtis : This ah... shock wave or explosive action thousands of years ago, were the, were the Pyramids in Giza built at the time or were they not built at that time?

Eric Sharhroon : They were built at the time. Ah... the ah... the Complex was built where the, the Pyramids are today. You see, the Complex is built on a Complex which is built on a... so the Pyramids stand upon a Complex of ancient, much older structures some of it which is no longer there. Evidence, you will find that the oldest element that is visible there is much, much older then the Pyramids.

Curtis : Hum... And what is that that's older?

Eric Sharhroon : The ah...

Curtis : The foundation, you mean?

Eric Sharhroon : The ah... sculpture of ah... the giant sculpture of the animal-man.

Curtis : Oh, the Sphinx, that we call the Sphinx.

Eric Sharhroon : It has been distorted many times. It is quite old. It was there.

Curtis : And, recently within the last, I'll say fifty years, they showed how there was water erosion around that "animal-man" at one time. You can see the lines of water, of what water would do. It seems like nothing else would do it but...

Eric Sharhroon : Yes, but it was a much different climate then. It was very, very tropic. Very, very, very different.

Curtis: So the Sphinx was there before the Pyramid Complex was there?

Eric Sharhroon : Ah... the Complex was there. The Pyramids were built upon the Complex. The location is, is, was selected much, much earlier then when the Pyramids were structured there. But the Pyramids themselves were a Guidance Structure initially. You know, to ah... have multiple functions. Simple pyramidal structure as it is, inert, without the installations inside of them still will function as a energy absorber and distributer. The energy that is absorbed then distributed has a lot to do with the health of the area. But the overall climate must match but it does not anymore.

Curtis : Do you mean the overall climate of our entire planet?

Eric Sharhroon : No, the entire planet is of course shifting and you should well be aware of your own sciences understanding of the movement. And, of course, you understand that the area around there was much, much greener. Even rivers have dried up. So, you know, it was a important structure in terms of bringing forth highly productive ah... you might say, fruitful areas.

Curtis : So the Pyramids were... We have all these drawings that show how humans could build the Pyramids. My gosh, we didn't have ropes or people on the planet to pull those huge boulders up 450 feet in the air. And, ah... people often wonder who built the Pyramids and why were they built? Well, you just said, they were a ah... a Guidance Structure and a energy absorber and distributor.

Eric Sharhroon : Yes.

Curtis : And would this, would the Pyramids still function as that if it was ah... activated again?

Eric Sharhroon : Ah... they are in a way a very low intensity way still functioning in a similar... Because a pyramidal form is very important in bringing forth that triangular nature of triangles. There is more to it then that.

Curtis : Yeah, there's a lot of very interesting things about the Pyramids. They're perfectly lined up to the North Star and there's a ah... a shaft in there that ah... when you, when you get to the bottom, in the Pit, that it doesn't matter whether it's daytime or nighttime, it points directly at the North Star. Was, I always thought that that was almost like ah... a ah... Celestial Signature to show who built them or where, they, where the builders came from.

Eric Sharhroon : From the North Star?

Curtis : Well, I don't know from the North Star. But this Shaft points toward the, you know, lines right up with the North Star when you're down in the Pit. Course, you have to have a mirror in there. It goes up and then it shoots up again. But, ah... the light from the North Star comes in that, in that passage way. I often wondered where the signature is of who built them and it's interesting that they still, that they still could function.

Eric Sharhroon : Do you not consider that a signature?

Curtis : Well, ah... I guess if we don't know how to run it or control it, or use it or operate it or... It's like... Well, we have these things called helicopters. And if you can't fly a helicopter, all you can do is get in and, you know, read the time on the clock or get in out of the rain if you can't do a, if you can't, if you can't function, if you can't use the equipment. So, I feel like the Pyramids is something we just can't use because we don't know how to work it. Are there instructions or what can you tell us about how to run the Pyramids?

Eric Sharhroon : There are many things that the Pyramid was made for but the strongest part was necessary to stabilize it for the distribution of special energy. Special energy that you talk about, that I talk about, is what is available to us to use. It makes possible inter-dimensional function, energy, travel, time dilation, time gating. Time dilation sometimes is required in, to do work with materials ah... material formations, ability to soften, even solid rock to a very low temperature, in fact, natural temperature. Yes, there are many other things that you will learn shortly. But, most importantly, you must turn from the divisiveness that has stifled your civilizatio's ascent toward the Divine Nature.

Curtis : So you said, we will, we will learn these things shortly?

Eric Sharhroon : Yes. You must remember that discoveries that you make today are really rediscoveries, a form of special learning.

Curtis : Uh huh...

Eric Sharhroon : Can you imagine to say, entire world structured with the same concept of the pyramidal design throughout and that which supported the pyramidal design there? What a boring place. Everything is the same.

Curtis : Everything is the same?

Eric Sharhroon : Yeah, how would you like that? You might say, we allow you, for your own evolution, even in design and application. That creativity is the Essence of the Divine Nature. To stifle it would be stifle-ling the very Divinity that flows within all of you. Creativity is Divinity. Standardization is anti-Divine.

Curtis : Hum... (laughs) That's beautiful! That's a... that is just... Creativity is Divinity.

Eric Sharhroon : The Essence of It.

Curtis : The Essence of It.

Eric Sharhroon : Why do you think that you search for the Creator? Cause He put a bit of Himself in you, in us... that we may be allowed to be alive to make the necessary life movements, decisions to be just that - creative and Divine. Intelligent, hum... many times intelligent doesn't always make "intelligent decisions."

Curtis : Yes, that's where they make the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons.

Eric Sharhroon : Yes.

Curtis : Not for to ah... prosper humanity. And ah... it's just a shame that humans are suffering so much on this planet and it just doesn't have to be. Seems like the wrong people are steering the masses in the wrong direction. Nothing like natural food and natural pure water. That's all we really need. Or, maybe, Shaharoon, you could think of many other things we could really need or really should have. Is there a ah... is there a magic thing you could tell us to ah... aide the people who really aren't creative or deep thinkers to open their minds to ah... a better understanding for our lives? It seems like people are in, seem to be in a, what we call a rut or just going in the wrong direction. Creativity is, I mean that's how we got out of ox-carts and got away from horse-drawn carriages.

Eric Sharhroon : What is wrong with horse-drawn carriages?

Curtis : Nothing, it's very reliable but if you want to, if you want to get from this part of the world to the other part of the world or if you want to travel a distance our automobiles are... We have headlights and, you know, comfort inside and we can travel at what we consider a decent rate of speed just to get around a little bit in our own community. But our, our Solar System is really our, our own community, our own neighborhood and ah... ah... just to be able to... I mean we send our space craft out to Saturn and take pictures of your Architectural World and we can see them from telescopes and we have several pictures but ah... There's a group of people on this planet who will not allow that to be shown and they keep a blind eye to the whole thing. It does stifle our creativity is what is, is, is what the problem is. So intelligence is ah... is very important for us to ah... to exercise. Thinking - we need to be better thinkers. But, I like hearing what you have to say about the Pyramid. Is there something else you could tell us that we don't know?

Eric Sharhroon : It is most important that what you already know you include in your life experience. The Divine Voice that resides in you is the key that opens all the mystery. If you persist in Its' Leading, you will find yourself experiencing a wealth of experience. Where you're at right now is temporal, temporary abode. But you must gather for yourself as much life experience that takes you hand in hand with the Divine Voice and in appreciation for All That Is, both natural and that which you make yourselves. For they are all a result of the Nature of the Divine Voice within you. Do not escape that Voice. Or if you do escape that Voice, a great void will swallow you up. You will loose the compass and bearing that is necessary to navigate into the areas which are not known and make proper choices. Without that bearing upon that timing and that initial Fragment of the Divine within yourselves, there can be no wondrous thing that can happen to you, no magical influence. If you loose that, you loose that very Essence, the spark and wonder of life. Therefore, say to you, give an ear and have your voices ready, not simply only to ask but also to sing a voice of appreciation for that which you've gained so far. And moving forward from that point with that voice of appreciation toward the Divine Voice, signal a true influence unflow because it will. Because in that appreciation would be a sharing of the same Voice throughout making a New Destiny Creation of your own Abode, One of Light and Life, One that will never end.

Curtis : Well, we would like to live on and never end. There is always wonder to see.

Eric Sharhroon : Even that will perish even if you do understand that. All things must be renewed. And this continual renewal process is not something that happens once or twice. It is a continual and ongoing process. You might say, you continue and as you put your foot forward a new walkway appears right in front of you. And as you continue your ah... walk in alignment with the Voice, that walkway will continue to appear just in front of you discovering more and more as you move on. But if you escape that Divine Voice, your next step may cause you to fall off this path. And if you do fall off, ask, and you'll be put right back on it as if you've never fallen before. And then continue your exploration. I bid you farewell, I, Eric Shaharoon, farewell.

Curtis : Farewell Shaharoon, thank you so much for coming on and enlightening us once again. I... we all love to hear what you have to say. And uh... very interesting. Wow! Ahoy, Michael.

Great Thanks goes to Kathleen
for her wonderful effort and work transcribing part of hour 289
for all of us to read.
Subject : Questions

Hello Curtis and Michael,

Every time that I listen to your pod casts I feel like I am opening a precious gift,
a heavenly gift. I carry such a living gratitude in my heart towards both of you,
towards the Shaharoons, towards James and the other questioners and listeners.
I feel it is such a high privilege to be a part of all of this.

I have had a few things on my mind lately that I am hoping
the Shaharoons may be able to shed some light on.
First of all,
in Pod Cast 285 at 21:57, Ted said,
"The nations will stand before us having The Lord Most High Universe Creator
looking upon them. The New Jerusalem, there which we are,
orbiting but not yet implanted upon your planet
will have a time as it was pointed out in to the old man,
the prophet of old. His name was Isaiah."

I have listened to this excerpt many times and I am wondering
if the New Jerusalem is currently orbiting Urantia?

Ted continues on to say,
"Isaiah could see as we would show.
In that day which is very close, the assembly of the multitudes will be
enlightened upon your planet infused with knowledge
which I try to share with you and hope that it successfully embeds
seeded truthfully in your planet and ignited in the fire
in the flame of greater truth and understanding.
In that day, people will come and say,
"Let us go unto the Mountain of the Lord,
to the House God of Jacob, to the Ancients,
to those who were
writing upon scrolls upon scrolls of paper and parchment
that He may teach us concerning His Ways and that we may walk in His Paths."
This is very much what you asked for.
The Urantia Book speaks, yes, of the Nature of Divinity, the Divine Ways."

When you speak of the "Mountain of the Lord," are you referring to
the New Jerusalem implanted on Urantia?
And that the time that this happens is very soon?
... the time when multitudes of the people of Urantia will go to the New Jerusalem
to learn the Nature of Divinity, the Divine Ways?
Can you speak more on the changes that precede this time?

In loving gratitude...

Love and Joy,

19 October 2015
read this hour 287
Subject : Earth and Moon image from Nasa's Deep Space Climate Observatory

Hi Curtis,
Just a quick note:
I saw this Earth and Moon image and thought of Michaels story of heading to Saturn
and seeing the Earth and Moon shrinking in the window view.
That was when he realized it wasn't an Apollo video.

Keep up the great work!

John from Columbia MD.

Photo from:

Video of transit:

7 October 2015
read this hour 286
Click image to
Watch on YouTube... then see...
Planet Earth seen from Space (Full HD) Original
Subject : Podcast 280

Hi Curtis and Michael,

I have spent this Labor Day weekend in a labor of love.
I have written out the words of Ted Shaharoon from pod cast 280
for you to post, Curtis. Deeply felt thanks to you, Shaharoons, for the enlightenment and for the Love letter. They are both priceless to me
and I treasure them in my heart. And to you, Curtis and Michael, I hope that you realize deep in your hearts my love and gratitude to you both for what you have brought forward into my life. As always...

Love and Joy,

7 September 2015
read this hour 281
0:29 Curtis : ... and occasionally we hear from Shaharoon using Michael to transmit his voice into the recording. And I want to thank James from North Walles Pennsylvania... I appreciate you tremendously James... thank you for sponsoring the hours. And I wanted to say hello to Bernadette in France. She wrote and at the end of what she wrote she said... who is Shaharoon? And that is what we asked last hour. ~ Hello Michael

1:03 Michael : Hello Curtis

1:04 Curtis : Hello. Welcome back and glad the hurricane didn't effect Hawaii too much. ah... Weather but ah. Hot as can be here... and I wanted to say about ah... Shaharoon. It ah... is great having him come on and ah... explain things to us about ourselves that we didn't even know. So that is always an eye opener.

1:44 Shaharoon : Yes Curtis... this is Tadaktic.

1:48.375 (Who said this ???) : Hello

1:48.550 (Who said this ???) : Ted

1:49.075 Shaharoon : I am here.

1:50 Curtis : Hello Shaharoon... Glad you came on so quickly... hello.
I have a ah... I have a question for you Shaharoon if you want to start right there. Lets see... this is from Kathleen in Kentucky 24 August... she writes...

Hi Curtis and Michael,

Hope you and yours are doing great. We are all doing well here.

Your pod casts just continue to offer up enlightenment after enlightenment.
It feels as if a spicket has been turned up and I am amazed at what pours forth each week.
It is as if one thing clicks into place and then the next piece is brought forward.
It took a little more effort on my part to keep up with this new flow but lately
it's as if I have found the rhythm to it and I'm moving more in the flow of it.
It is such a wonderful feeling.
I want to express my deep gratitude for what you make possible.
Thank you, Curtis and Michael and to the Shaharoons also.

Michael, when you mentioned how we are passing through the Galactic Plane,
I went back and studied Pod Cast 160 (19th Sept. 2012)
in which you spent a good deal of time explaining what that meant
and some things that we would experience.
Now that we are actually passing through the Galactic Plane, I would like to ask
the Shaharoons if they could expand on what is taking place as we make this passage,
what will take place as we continue on.
What can we expect with this focus of morontial energies?
Will there be sudden changes?
How long is this passage?
What does a "time wave" mean?

Love and Joy,

Thanks to Kathleen
for transcribing
the words of
from Hour 280 /
Pod Cast 280
28 August 2015
read this hour 280
Shaharoon : Thank you Kathleen. The concept of movement through the Galactic Plane is what you are experiencing presently and it does have some physical and also some, you might say effects upon living, the living - you as a Human Being. These things are an influence of the various energies that are focused upon the Plane. The Plane itself is a highly focused and not well understood by your scientists, uh... the technique of energies and dynamics that have to do with the setting up of such a Plane. But it is related to the dynamics of energy, electrical energy. You might say, energy in its' simple form. If you were to look at every Galactic Plane there spinning about, spiraling out from a central axis, is the connecting point by which galaxies are united in a universe. That is an important thing to understand. Your galaxies are not isolated. You presently know your galaxy, The Milky Way, as your home but your Destiny is beyond it.

All physical Beings who have been given a soul and the relationship with the Divine Fragment, the Thought Adjuster will be allowed to ascend by their very nature, having both a consciousness and a soul functioning with a Divinity Fragment has the possibility and true Destiny, if they desire, of making it through such connections through galaxies. In other words, a greater home beyond The Milky Way. It is in such a way that these forces include spiritual energies. Spiritual energies can only be perceived by spiritual attunement. I repeat, spiritual energies can only be perceived by spiritual attunement. You are not a low form of life. Indeed, you are a high and very special form. One given a soul. Your one morontial possession. That morontial possession, indeed is a gift of your development and a token, truly, of your Higher Destiny. Do not forget, do not forget your Higher Destiny.

As you are within this field of force of energy, morontial energy, spiritual energy, take time. I do not say take all your time. But, take some time out of every day to gain attunement within. First, attuning to your own Divine Voice within you as an individual who will begin to open as if an eye was opened to the sights and sounds and perceptions of this Higher Realm of Reality. You see, you have no destiny beyond your sphere of in... of life if you do not gain spiritual attunement. But your, and has been shown through many, many, many developments such spiritual energies can effect the reality plane in which you live. In other words, the spiritual things can actually manifest in real and physical things and events and circumstances arranged by will creatures as yourselves, as we are. It is our great desire that you attune yourselves regularly to the Divine Voice personalizing Himself within you and you personalizing yourselves within Him. In other words, the engagement of true, new personality development. The neo person, the new needs to grow. But if left alone and unallowed to make input into your desires, into your will chosen lives, you simply will be cutting yourselves off from the influence and advantages of this higher energy plane. Right now, you might say your battery is ready to be charged up. And if you are charged with a significant charge that is not of the Morontial Plane... In other words, your cup is full, not of the essence of life, but is full with the desires of life in this Plane of existence which you live in right now. Your life is short but it is important, extremely important. What you feel your life is with the relationship to this area, to your engagement with others, to you might say civilization in part but with the greater and higher civilizations that are and do exist in the Higher Realms.

Thanks to Kathleen
for transcribing
the words of
from Hour 280
We have inspired many things within your planet. Your Ancients did devise various ways of symbolizing their relationship to us as we tried to impute into them the understanding of the Higher Realms. As a result, many temples were built that were stacked up that had a resemblance of higher houses such as a pagoda stacking one house upon another until ascending to the height that equals approximately seven. Many times including the full eleven heights of dimensional home. You, at the lower level, if you do not realize that you have a higher level will spend all your time simply functioning at that level. Have you ever looked at ants busily at work within their realm of existence? They seem impervious to your gaze. They are busy about, moving about busily getting things done. Much of that can be duplicated by your own lives. But do you ever wonder as you gaze upon an ant that others gaze upon you and hope that your consciousness grows from that of an ant to that of a Son Divine, a Child Divine? Will you stop and gaze up and understand that there is more toward your existence then that of an ant? I hope so. Indeed, I know so. For those of you who hear this, my voice, have chosen to listen to it as insight into that realm of attunement. Simply take time daily. Attune yourselves. Listen and you will hear. You will hear our voice speaking. And I am not saying it is my voice. I am saying it is the Divine Voice which is our voice also. For by the same voice, we all attune ourselves. Heaven and Earth are not separate. They are united and linked by this extra-dimensional plane.

Moving back to the Ecliptic Plane of the Galaxy... The energies of the dynamics of electromotive as well as others are understood somewhat of your scientists. But these spiritual energies that are also included in that Plane are not understood because they are not perceived by scientific experiment. Rather, they are perceived by the intuition of your own receptor. You might say, your extrasensory ability to hear. this is an important and very personal gift to you such that your receptivity becomes more acute as you spend time daily as the energies are truly moving, you might say, you might begin to hear more clearly the Divine Voice.

But in the Physical Realm, look about and you see changes in your planetary weather systems; you see changes in dynamics in your convulsive nature of earthquakes and volcanism. Grand currents that move in the oceans are moving and changing. The dynamics of your magnetic field upon your planet is a movement right now. You see this as a terrible thing, something that may cause an end to all life. This is not so. Life will not terminate on this planet because we, as Guardians of the Destiny of Urantia, will not allow such a thing to happen. And if it be beyond, far beyond our capabilities, then the most precious Ones, you who have been attuned to the Voice Divine, will be evacuated in both physical and morontial form. Such an event has been predicted and perhaps even prophesized. But do not let it be the focus of the manner in which you attune yourselves to the voice of the Divine because that goes far beyond your life upon this planet. If you attune yourselves to the Voice, you are well aware that there is more to your life then the things physical. More important then food or clothing, the car you drive, the work you do, the daily business that you have to go through, you say, in order that you might live. But in that living, take a time out every day or night and absorb this morontial energy that you may never have the chance again to drink in with such great splendor, giving you a great boost. You might say, a true lift in your development.

from Hour 280
Grand Spirits have been allowed, the Great Spirit, Holy Spirit assists you in the change in which you need to make so that you will live a life in the physical, yet not purely physical. You will live a life in your bodies, within your minds and concepts but have a grander experience even with the Celestial Consciousness. And it is important that you gain relationship to the Divinity within yourself by which you will have even a relationship to those sent to you to personally help you in your lives, in your development as you gain a Divine Embrace as you also give an earthly or physical embrace to the Divine. That is the time, your time, in which you spend to embrace this relationship. You, in the Physical Realm are locked within time itself. Taking a small bit of that time out to embrace the Divine is your ability and your way of expressing a Divine Embrace. Your Divine and your Human Embrace toward the Divine who is not locked within time. Yet, that bit cut out from your daily normal lives has a great effect upon your development and your nearness to us. You see, the brotherhood of man, the brotherhood of all of us is made up by a spiritual bloodline, you might say that you gain in these times and you gain in your lifetime. Understand again, that your Destiny goes even beyond the Galactic neighborhood, The Milky Way and the spheres that make up your local system. The fallen system of Satania in which you are is a challenge, for even your neighborhood, neighboring worlds were challenged. Many of which fell, fell down under the veil and the dark. Making their way back to the light, gifted, many of these have been challenged. You who have and seek the Light and understanding and greater understanding of the neighborhood, know this, that the things pertaining to the Physical Realm will be altered somewhat. Some by your own technologies and much of it because of your personal attunement to the Divine Voice. Life as it is on your planet will undergo some changes simply because of priorities of purpose It is one that we have been working with you to develop that attunement. Again, not to the physical or mental but to the Spiritual Plane - the Spiritual Plane which units us all and which share energy lanes. Energy lanes even between galaxies upon which your physical selves cannot journey. The journey between galaxies are made on a Spiritual Realm. Your scientists do have a concept and understanding that such a thing would be impossible to do on the Physical Realm. All that which makes up you as a physical Being would be torn apart in such a journey. But in that journey, you will be able to make and understand and be part of the greater neighborhood of the Grander Universe and making your way because you have developed into the Associated Divine Sons of the Foremost and Kind.

Do not forget your time - your daily time. You can use many techniques. A day freely walking among the trees in the park, a day at the beach, a time of day, quiet time, before a meal, after a meal. There are many times, the morning time, the evening time. Make a time. This is so important. Develop your Higher Destiny Attunement while you have breath in you - do this to gain the rewards of Higher Destiny. such was the message of the Creator Son, Jesus Christ to you. Believe on Him and He has made the Way for you. For truly, there was no other messenger as great as Him into your world, sharing the same message yet walking your very same path. He's showing you the Way like no other messenger ever could. What a gift! What a gift you have to have such a messenger, the very Creator of all the Universe! This I leave with you right now, One, Joshua ben Joseph, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Son of the Living God whom I hope you would make your Lord who you would become attuned to as well as His Father through the Divine Unity of the morontial energies present and the influence spiritual. These are ever flowing. We can give names, familiar names but it is your relationship to them them that is most certainly supreme in importance in your lives. Therefore, do not worry upon the things pertaining to your lives. They'll be given to you and fulfilled in you in your walk if you take your time and make your presence known to Him, the Creator Son, the Voice Divine within you. As He will make His Way known to you.

from Hour 280
Look about and see the changes and understand that they have indeed forces that are coming upon your planet, not by your own making but upon your planet because it is by His Making. A change is coming. I guide you to that change for attunement, to higher attunement, to grander attunement to entire planetary attunement. Confusion will leave. Light will shine. Knowledge will flow. And the technologies that you hope for will become apparent as we will give them to you one at a time by inspiration in a manner in which you receive even such a voice as mine...

Shaharoon : Ah... yes, I see it. Do you ever wonder that we ever write love letters? Indeed we love you. How then do we write such letters? You wonder, ah... crop circles, they're a message, yes?

Curtis : Yes.

Shaharoon: We have many who will write such messages and many different ways of expressing them have been shown. Sometimes we actually do things that help you. But messages, letters of communication are often something that we experiment with. As your technology moves to higher levels, we can use them to express our indeed our heart felt feelings for you. It is not incorrect that it be perceived, that light apparition, as a heart because as we have found out and know it is a symbol in which is nearly universal in your people a a symbol of love and as such we present it. The others are artists. The orbs are indeed true. they fabricate such a thing. It is that simple.

Curtis : Well, that's a nice message, Shaharoon. It's nice you uh... share with our listeners that you know they're listening.

Shaharoon: Ah... it is also a message to express that we are aware of you through the channels and lanes in which I have been talking about. These spiritual channels which link you to a higher realm and a perspective. In other words, as we can gaze upon you as you can gaze upon ants. Understand that we can try to communicate with you as you could try to communicate with ants. but ants are mechanistic. They are not spiritually attuned. They are attuned to living force but not the consciousness and spiritual attunement that I am talking about. So, when you become spiritually attuned to us, we can send you messages and even as I use a beloved son of ours as borrowing his vocal chords so these messages can come to you on a personal level - One on One. And that is wonderful - One on One...

from Hour 280
Curtis : Shaharoon, is there anything in Mars that would be worth, interesting for us to go visit and see? Personally... like...

Shaharoon : There are many curiosities that are there. There are relics of installations that were placed there at one time. But these installations have gone perhaps, below the surface.

Curtis : I see.

Shaharoon : I would say that you would find Mars no where near as beautiful as your own world. Take good care of your world. Why look to a deserted relic?

Curtis : That's how I feel.

Shaharoon : Instead, understand and as you have well understood, yourself, Curtis, that there are indeed worlds, and one orbiting Saturn that is much more interesting. And it's filled with great wonder. It is a place of launching out within the Realm, within your Galactic Realm, not Inter-Galactic but Galactic. Where physical Beings interact and interchange on the Heightened Realm of Development. You might call it a part of the "Staircase to Heaven." There can be finished many areas of your Ascended Career ahead of the normal way which may sometimes take many, many lives beyond your own. But if you attune yourselves to the Divine, that, indeed, can be cut short and your development and your appreciation of the Realms of Worlds of Wonder and which you will share the construct of many, many lives building monumental, glorious structures unbelievable by your standards as being ever possible to exist. The New Jerusalem is nearly beyond comprehension. Yet, I believe it still is within the realm of the grasp of your imagination.. It is a small thing in comparison to that which you can explore if you graduate beyond the realm even of your mindal experiences and curiosities. Yes, to go to Mars is indeed a great thing such as discovering a new land voyaging and realizing your planetary structure and moving about your planet. It is all part of the development. Yes, and the neighborhood and the physical neighborhood in which you dwell. But much more importantly, when you move into the Realm in which we dwell which is in the space beyond your planet, even in between the spaces of the spaces. We expect that you hold in your hands, in your grasp, a well understood understanding of the free invitation into our Realm which you are invited. Simply learn how to read it because it is spirit. Simply learn how to understand it because it is spirit. And if you do, the invitation has been read. And we will gladly forward you to a Higher Destiny and Realm. This is our purpose for you. And our purpose for ourselves is to keep you aware of your Destiny. This is just one of many.

This voice... grows weary... and I will release it.
Good life to you.

42:23 Curtis : Farewell Shaharoon.

42:31 Michael : Yeah

42:32 Curtis : So nice for you came on and talk with us.
I loved how you ended this by your free invitation and... this is our purpose to you. That's beautiful.

42:51 Michael : I'm glad you got that part........

1:10:58 ~ recording ends

from Hour 280
Hi Curtis,

Hope everything is going well for you.

After listening to Pod Cast 276,
I felt urged to get Michael's written message from Shaharoon out in written form.
I know it became more and more comprehensible to me as I worked through it
to get it written down so I am hoping that it helps other listeners to the pod casts. Anyway, here it is below.
I worked through it pretty quickly so that you could get it as soon as possible and check through it. Thanks for everything Curtis.

Love and Joy,

31 July 2015
read this hour 277
I corrected the text to work with html on the internet.
Sorry I did not check
through what Kathleen
wrote of Michael's words.


Pod Cast 276

In which Michael explains a recent chat with a Shaharoon:

Michael: ... a chat with him recently but he started talking in language that I fully didn't understand. In English, of course. So, I started writing it down. Well, might if you... it was concerning, you know, as we in, you know, the entire world has many major religions or Faiths all concerned with the Human Destiny uh... where what, what happens to a person after they die. We're trying uh... you know... We know a person is born and then they go through life and then they die. This is my huge complaint about the purpose of life. And it was the great call that I had out to the universe and I... the reception the rec... it was received and then the whole journey and unveiling came about in bringing the story of the New Jerusalem. The, the fact that we are just one, very young part of an expanding universe of sentient Beings, of people. And uh... I uh... looked at the concept and said, there is so many other people; you know, you've got people of partially every Faith has only part, is only partly correct. It has in itself only a, a partial understanding. And it's good enough because the first step is the most important one - the choice to go uh... and do this uh... choice that we have but it's not well known. Different Faiths give different methodologies. And one of them was the things I remember as a... having to lead people through was something in Christian circles called, "The Sinners Prayer." But it's not ubiquitous through all Christian Faiths and or even in other Faiths. But it's more like a, uh... the Apostle Paul declared that, One must uh... accept that uh... Jesus Christ is uh... Lord and Savior and make, basically say a prayer of acceptance of His Lordship.

... Then I received, started to receive this message that came out this way, this says, "The Divine Prerogative of Ascension is immutable, immutable prescription of Human Ascent, the Human Ascension Career cannot be dispensed with, with simple words." This one sentence was the answer in part and it went on to say, "But it is the everlasting right of every Human Being today that this choice is yours to make and to live the Conjugated Divine Nature of Human to the Divine." This is, in other words, it's saying, it's a lot more then words. It's our entire life and that our living is so important. The conjugated, uh... the conjugate of both Human and Divine is this joining, conjoiningness, not a freakish thing but a developmental prerogative. That word, prerogative, means something like a special right. You know, it's like a inalienable right concept. It's a Divinely given right for every Human Being to be able to make this choice and then to live the conjugated role or life within the ascension career.
Wow, so I was thinking, he's using fancy words here. Cause they were so fancy for one. So I just started to write them down. It's not how I talk. I talk like this. (laughter) It's kinda dif... different when he starts to try to give you answer and it comes out this way. It goes on too, he went on to say uh... and it goes on to say, "to conjugate both the Human and the Divine Nature into our completely new variance of the living expression in a kaleidoscopic and absolutely Divine Way and Nature. To profuse the symmetry of both the Human and the Divine embellished by the vicissitudes of our living or your living. But it was brought to me that way. So, its' sort of fancy, yeah? (laughter)
So this came to me and I had to write it down. Cause, it's getting like, what are you talking to me about? So it sounds almost like the Urantia language. But that is really a answer to my question, "Is it enough for a person to just bear oath through the, what we've called the "Sinners' Prayer" or to any form? But it basically goes on to say, it's really living, even the vicissitudes of living. These many, many trials and works and different pressures and choices and every kind of thing that will basically set a kaleidoscopic... You know what kaleidoscopic means, right?
Curtis: Uh...well I know what a kaleidoscope is... kaleidoscopic?

Michael: Yeah, kaleidoscopic, many dif...

Curtis: Many different views.

Michael: Views, exactly! And these views are actually quite beautiful. And these are the things that are recognized. Because one of the things about the Divine Nature, the higher level Divine Nature - we're able to be read much like a book. You know, and this is one of the things I gathered really quickly being with these Celestial Beings. Their telepathic understanding of you is very, very fluid. They easily uh... understand. They bear your image. You know, our life. You know, people talked about... I remember some ministers saying, you know, how we have a wonderful crown of righteousness, a gown of great uh... majesty and glory that is given to us beyond for... But this is really what it's all about - this morontia development of the soul is something that is really a radiance that is what they are able to see and realize upon our lives, you know, individual nature, but one that radiance the embellishments, you know, from our lives, you know.

Pro-fusing the symmetry of both the Human and divine. Pro-fusing means to really embed into our nature a new nature, a new and living way - Many of the, the customary words that were given to the born again experience. But being with these Celestial Beings, they "see" you. So, you know, when we are "seen as we are known" the, the truth is that we will be recognized by what we are known by. Maybe not our physical appearance, because that physical appearance may very well change as it did with uh... Christ, Jesus Christ's resurrection. Because even his disciples didn't recognize him. They recognized him by his personality and his references and by even his, perhaps telepathic inferences. These things are what is developed.
So, you know people are terrified sometimes thinking about, wow, you know these, these uh... Celestial Beings or these uh... aliens, supposedly. They're just like us except they're monsters, you know. Having been with the ones who are faithful and true to the Primary Purpose and that Primary Purpose of the Human Mortal or the Mortals which are called Human. Actually, we're not the only Humans around but... Mortals. Isn't it the immutable, immutable... it's a Divine Prerogative, Divine Right of Ascension that prescription is to really have, to be given out freely. Not, you know, through divisiveness or held on by specific doctrines and teachings. Although many of them will lead down the path toward the same goal and that's why many times it's not necessarily corrected by the Celestials because it is enough to lead the person the right way. And this is what I returned to discover among many other things, including our own abilities having to, you know, discover technologies and wrapped in a lot of technology and wonder at the AMA... I'm amazed at the movement of how much we've ascended technology. You know, at one time the Age before uh... the Information Age was the Age of Industrialization. And when you look at industrialization... the capture of energy and use of energy to give the Human more freedom in expression in their lives if for this purpose, for the embellishment to the vicissitudes of living toward, you know, really much more beautiful appearance in the Celestial Realm. That beautiful appearance is one that makes people interested in you. You know, are we purely uh... individuals for the purpose of being just like the Angels? Actually, we're not. We are actually destined to be more then the Angels, more then many of the citizens that already dwell within the Domain. That's why we have assistants who through our lives' vicissitudes gain their Nature enrichment - their enrichment and our benefit. And it is to our benefit. That's why it's so important that we uh... move uh... in our lives with this awareness, a continual awareness of the Divine Prerogative - the Divine Right, especially ordered and commissioned for the individual Human Being. Not just on our planet, but we're concerned with ourselves here so, therefore, it's our, our, the Human Prerogative of Ascent and the choice. And when the choice is made to live life many different ways to different choices, to become a truly Divine Being. And the solutions to many of life's challenges will come our way and are made easily if we would but understand how things work in the Realm of the Divine.

In the Realm of Resource and Development, if you look at One's life and you say, well if it's just finance and money that makes our life real, real and enriched, then, the rich people should be the Ones who have the greatest uh... enrichment and fulfilled lives. And, when you do study and come to know people who many times have a lot, you find out that their lives are empty. They're continually enslaved by their wealth and they no longer are able to enrich themselves in life experience that is something that challenges their Nature and brings real character into their Beings. And par... and is part of the, the process of conjugating both the Human and Divine Nature in a personality. And this is something that is quite amazing uh... when you see... it's... that it's not, you know, having a lot of money that will make the Divine experience successful. It's maybe the opposite - having maybe not enough or a little bit and continuously enriching One's choices - the vicissitudes of life's experiences, having many angles and many, you know, viewpoints into the kaleidoscopic career of One's life. And this is kind of a way in which, man, I feel, you know, it's like, "I think I better write this down cause it's getting a little heavy." (laughter)
So I'm trying to untangle this for everyone.
Michael sends this link of a UFO Cube over Texas

[MIND-BOGGLING] Black Portal & Alien Cube UFO Over Texas! 6/29/2015

7 July 2015
read this hour 274
Subject: Youtube video-Saturn

Hoaglands Secret Space Programs ~ rough cut

Hello Curtis,

I've been really enjoying the show lately.
I wanted to send you this 2009 presentation I discovered on youtube.
The video isn't great as far as quality goes, but it is interesting.
The main focus is on an anomaly found within Saturn's rings.
But, at the 31:15 mark, the presenter shows a picture of New Jerusalem
and discuses what the object might be.
New Jerusalem appears to be surrounded by three smaller bright objects.

In Light and Life
Chris in Liverpool, NY

for finding this

Chris from Liverpool New York
Richard Hoagland says
at 31:42
... is... this little guy
when I looked at this... and I said... wait
what is that doing there?
And why does it have this kind of interesting geometry
with one
..... ..... .... and two little ... ...

This is a star... alright... this can become a gray head or not
but this geometry configuration just can not be accidental
neither is the fact that, Cassini took the pictures.
And whatever it was...
and I think
it may be an actural vehicle of unusual design
was anyhow next the rings

All of you... ... practically knew that Cassini was going to take the picture
and it was possing as a message.
Those in Washington and other tabloids
do not mess with us... cause we control energies
you can only dream about.

That again is part of the speculation... 32:50 (tape was disrupted)

Beyond Knowledge Converence
Liverpool England
September 2009

Thanks goes out to
Miles Johnson
for recording this.
It could be the only copy
found on the web.

21 April 2015
read this hour 268
21 April 2015
read this hour 268
Richard Hoagland
pointing to what he found
near the rings of Saturn.
Architectural World / New Jerusalem near Saturn's rings
with 3 protecting spheres
just as Riley drew it.
I placed his drawing on
the cover of
The Coming of Tan.
21 April 2015
read this hour 268
The video is cut off when the front cover of
Ringmakers of Saturn appeared (see image here)
owned by Norman Bergrun... at the 32:48 point.

Bergrun's attorney contacted me 15 years ago
saying to remove the images I had on my web site
including the cover of Bergrun's book shown here.
All images were said to have been altered and
therefore the property of Bergrun.

Why would anyone wish to alter NASA Cassini images?

21 April 2015
read this hour 268
Michael Hour 261



I am here right now. Would you like me to say. This is Theoteractic.

If you would dare, allow me to comment upon the desired information, this we cannot share. We can only share that we have been very aware of the situation, and we have been given tremendous resource to accomplish the grand lift. The grand lift will not take place suddenly and globally in one sweep. There shall be special lifts and there has been many, many. The voice I use, Michael, he was a special lift, a raptured individual, but brought back that we could accomplish the preparation for the great harvest. But before the harvest can be, the tilling of the ground must be, the sowing of the seed, the growing of the crop until the harvest begins.

You have known that there is evil, and it has grown up together with the good. It is us, we who are in charge of some small part of the development of this great harvest. But ultimately the points that were brought out are true. Your individual destiny, all who have an ear understand, make now your corrections in steering the course for your divine destiny. For by so doing you assure yourself a place of great value for your soul, not just for your body. For your body will still indeed perish and cannot inherit many of that which we have put in place.

Let me remind you that the organic body that you live within, your physical development period is not able to withstand the transition and must be shed in order that you might inherit what is known as a morontial state through another higher body. So whether you, in such a lift, perish a physical death, remember an instantaneous lift, nearly at the same time can also take place. Do not fear the things that may come upon your planet in this transitional time, because in the grand awakening and unveiling great fear can come upon those unenlightened. Those who are enlightened who have prepared themselves well can find themselves truly enraptured. The preparation take them close together.

Daily if you can, align your hearts to the celestial mind held in your divine central source within you. This I say to you, the timing is close, yes. The exact day we know not. But I can say the structure of the elements have been put together about your planet, even as much as could hold millions to billions of actual physical people, yes, not just the soul. But will it be accomplished in this manner? We know not.

We are all being brought to this point in which the great purifying shall take place. There have been many whove been brought forth to help and teach, and through the centuries before great vessels were already in place. The New Jerusalem was already in place. So know that the additional only multiplies the affect necessary to tilt your planet toward truth, toward light, toward life. But it is still in your hearts to open as many eyes as possible and as many hearts for the pressure of the Spirit of Truth still embodies you all. Give light when it is needed for you are the light bringers.

Say I, Theoteractic (Ted) Shaharoon to you, bid you farewell, good life and light.


Thanks to: John from Columbia Maryland
for sending in this transcription of Shaharoon.
Elon Musk
builds spacecraft
Grasshopper Divert / Single Cam

Grasshopper 744m Test | Single Camera (Hexacopter)

NASA can not do what Elon Musk's Grasshopper can do.

China can not do it...

Russia can not do it...

Boeing can not do it...

What is the Pentagon's secret space drone doing?

12th paragraph
While the X-37B requires a rocket to boost it into orbit, its success may be helping to
revive dreams of a true reusable space plane that can take off and land like an aircraft.

Elon Musk ~ Spacecraft can do exactly this
while NASA and Boeing are still dreaming. > watch above

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James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 23 June 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 July 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 August 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 September 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 October 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 30 November 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 27 December 2015
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 26 January 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 23 February 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 25 March 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 25 April 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 25 May 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 June 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 July 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 August 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 23 September 2016
Thank you
James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 24 October 2016
Thank you James from North Wales PA for 1 month of hosting ~ 30 November 2016

Hosting 89 months from Curtis and Marcy
Hosting 42 1/2 months from 5 of our listeners.

I wish/hope to promote/sponsor SOTA products once again on
My theme would be to avoid the name ozone... replace ozone
with what ozone truly is... oxygen atoms... or call it invigorating air.

Our listeners are encouraged to write to SOTA Instruments
direct to Russ and say they have heard Michael and Curtis occasionally mention their products.
Or write them and thank them for helping improve your lives.

13 February
read this hour 264
Hi Curtis!

[New post] Russia Builds Tesla Tower

Have you heard of this?
Putin is smart... has spent years changing their currency to a gold-backed system too. They're tired of the U.S.A's fiat system!
Hope all is well & you're rolling along with the increasingly intense ascension energies.

Cheers, Christie B

Drone Footage: Tesla Tower in Russian winter

Published on Feb 11, 2015
Normally hidden from prying eyes, Ruptly was allowed take exclusive drone footage of the stunning 'Tesla Tower' in the Moscow region. The vast research site is home to general enormous voltage impulse generators that potentially have the capacity to equal Russia's entire electricity output.

Tesla Tower Restarted near Moscow - Spectacular! Thunderbolt-shooting

Note the toroid shape windings on arms tilted upward.

Just as the drawing Riley drew of a Tesla commuication device near Pluto.

16 January
read this hour 259
Subject: Circular Glowing UFOs Perform Odd Maneuvers Above Massachusetts (VIDEO)
6 November
read in hour 250
Subject : Mark Twain pays a visits Nikola Tesla's lab 1894

An oldie goldie just for you Curtis.

I hope everyone can see how this image Tesla had a photographer take shows Tesla came from another world to accomplish a feat
such as this.
7 November
Ozone gas injections receive attention on a show bigger than CNN.
It is Alex Jones out of Austin Texas 20 years producing a news show without strings.
About a year ago I tried to introduce your water ozonator into their menu of products.
They now sell to their amazement... an oxygen product and they see the results of Oxygen.
Last Friday 7 November
Alex Jones in his 3rd hour... had on his platform... Dr. Robert Rowen MD just back home from Africa.
Listen from... 0:58 to 17:44

Great to see the subject of oxygen and ozone on a major platform.
What a boost to the awareness of oxygen and ozone.

Watch ~ Alex Jones News ~
Alex Jones is the CEO and host of his show.

Live Show runs 3 hours... starts... 03:00 Honolulu... 9:00 Pacific... 10:00 Mountain... 11:00 Central... 12:00 Eastern
then repeats until the next day.

16 August
I cannot verify the following numbers but apparently somebody has had their calculator working hard.
Listen to : Alex Jones
reporting the news
for 20 years
without control
from these 6 corporations
Drudge Report
Neil Armstrong Would Not Swear on a Bible that He Walked on the Moon

Did we walk
on our Moon?
Why not?
the reason
is damaging indeed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subject: VISUALLY CONFIRMED: Enormous Craft Detected on Moon

Hi Curtis,

Did you see this?

good article

3 March 2014
I first heard about this:

Then it was Removed
7 March 2014

All of this was kept secret until, quite by accident, the LROC images (which are generally made public) were uploaded to the publicly available GoogleMoon service, where intrepid users came upon the enormous object. Now, the whole world can see this "object" on the moon --- the secret is out.
Monday, 20 January 2014 11:58
January 18, 2014 -- (TRN -- At least one enormous object of unknown origin has been visually verified as having landed on our moon. As a result, on Wednesday, January 15, three Terrier-Orion rockets blasted off within a span of 20 seconds from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EST (0600 to 1000 GMT) on hush-hush missions for the Department of Defense (DoD).

TRN has obtained photos of the unknown spacecraft and has an audio interview with an outside consultant from NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) who confirms that for almost two years the
U.S. government used the McDonald Observatory in Texas to track the approach of two of these enormous objects. A year ago, in January 2013, the objects had gotten to 200,000 miles past Mars when they suddenly vanished.

Realizing these two craft were approaching earth and might not be visible to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) depending upon where they went, the Government reactivated the previously cancelled Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) to be launched to the moon on September 6, 2013. It took almost 100 days for LADEE to be placed into proper lunar orbit because NASA utilized gravity instead of rocket fuel to achieve this. By December, 2013, both the LADEE and the LROC found at least one of the two enormous objects had landed on the moon, in a crater the size of the City of Chicago.
Link is broken
Curtis Saved
article right here...

"Dr. Eric Norton 1 " has worked as a consultant for the National Security Agency (NSA) and NASA for about 12 years. He has worked on many projects for the government, most recently with the Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) which is involved in several research projects with the underlying goal of gaining a better understanding of the meteoroid environment so that the MEO models can be improved. They basically monitor the skies, track meteors and other objects in space.

On January 22, 2012 Dr. Norton" was called to travel immediately from his east coast home to the McDonald Observatory in Texas, which is one of the largest optical telescopes in the entire U.S.. He was booked on a flight out the same night and was met at the destination airport by an Agent from Homeland Security who whisked him to the Observatory on a matter of national security.

Upon arrival, Norton says he met with other colleagues who said they needed his help to identify something which had been detected in space, and showed him images taken from the telescope over a period of months. "What I saw was an array of massive, three-dimensional, black structures in space, in straight-line formation, advancing in direction of planet earth." Norton said he knew this because he was also shown images taken three months prior, which depicted the very obvious course of direction of these things which, he said "had moved millions upon millions of miles closer within just 3 months." The speed at which the objects were moving was utterly incredible.
Dr. Norton said he was brought in with the understanding that his job was to aid in gauging exactly what type of composition these objects were made-up of. Were they man-made, natural or unnatural to anything seen before it?

Using the scientific instruments provided by NASA, Norton and his team were able to discern the fact these were not naturally-occurring materials. They were, to their best - but limited- understanding, some sort of metallic, carbon-reinforced material, several thousand times the structural hardness of what we have today; be it naturally-occurring diamonds or carbon nano-tube technology.
As the objects got closer, Norton and his team could see through their telescopes the structural features of these things in high detail. "They were shaped in the best way I can describe, as a three-dimensional L-shaped craft" said Norton. He said he used the term "craft" loosely because he doesn't know if they are piloted or vehicles at all in the strictest sense. "All we knew is they were moving and moving fast" he said.

By January, 2013, the objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles past the planet Mars. At that point, almost instantaneously, the objects vanished from the telescope lenses. "It was almost like they flipped a switch; we couldn't see them on any form of radar we have or any visual medium" he continued.

From February through April, 2013, Norton and his team scoured the skies looking for the objects to no avail. Norton was sent home and told to be ready on a moment's notice to continue his work if needed. For almost 6 months, he heard nothing. That changed in October, 2013 just before the US Government budget shutdown, when Norton telephoned a colleague and found out the enormous objects had suddenly re-appeared at our moon and had taken-up positions behind -- or on -- the moon. According to Norton's colleague, all hell was breaking loose in government to try to determine what these things were, where they were from, and what they were doing. There were all questions, but absolutely zero answers.
At the time this article was written, for over 1600 days NASA has been operating the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbital Camera (LROC) to take high-definition images of the moon surface. Despite being active for over 1600 days, LROC has only imaged about twenty percent (20%) of the moon's surface. Unable to re-task the LROC to go on a wild goose chase for objects that may or may not be near the moon, NASA had to come up with a way to compliment LROC but do so in a fast and inexpensive manner. The solution: LADEE.
In 2008, NASA proposed the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) as a robotic mission that would orbit the moon to gather detailed information about the lunar atmosphere, conditions near the surface and environmental influences on lunar dust. Scientists have long sought a thorough understanding of these characteristics to address long-standing unknowns, and help them understand other planetary bodies as well. LADEE was to be a NASA lunar exploration mission led by Ames Research Center in collaboration with Goddard Space Flight Center.
In 2010, the Obama administration cancelled the LADEE program because of budget cuts, but in 2012, when the objects for this story were detected, the LADEE program was suddenly resurrected. NASA knew it would take over a year just to build LADEE and a rush order was placed to NASA's AMES Research Center to build the LADEE probe.

The probe was launched on September 6, 2013 via a Minotaur V rocket, formerly designed as an intercontinental ballistic missile for delivering nuclear warheads. To reduce fuel costs, the mission was designed to require 30 days to travel to the moon achieving arrival through the use of earth and moon gravity instead of fuel. After arriving, LADEE underwent "check-out" for 30 days before beginning another 100 days for science operations. LADEE arrived at the moon around October 6 and finished check-out around November 6.
In December, 2013 LADEE's Ultraviolet and Visible Light Spectrometer (UVS), which determines the composition of the lunar atmosphere by analyzing light signatures of materials it finds, detected something very large and very different from anything "lunar." The object was located in a crater which is about the size of downtown Chicago. It was L-shaped, like a wedge, gave off no radio signals but did appear to have seven areas where light of some type was either being emitted or being reflected.

Thanks to LADEE having found the object, NASA knew where to look and sent the LROC to grab high-resolution images. Those images are classified, but low-resolution images from LROC made it out to the public via routine LROC publication. They ended-up as part of GoogleMoon where intrepid users found the object. Here now, the low-resolution images of an enormous object, which was tracked by the U.S. Government for millions of miles before it soft-landed on our moon:
In hour 287
we talked about this craft with Sharhroon.
It is not there now.
20 October 2015
Perspective shot for location

In 2012, the U.S. confidentially shared information about the inbound "objects" with other governments. Shortly thereafter to the surprise of many, China announced it intended to land on the moon and launched its Chang e-3 in December. That launch took place and China became only the third nation to make a successful soft-landing on the
moon with its Chang e-3 lunar lander. Upon landing, the Chang e-3 deployed a rover called YUTU. The U.S. has been in contact with China to see if it is possible to have its Chang 'e-3 moon lander or its "YUTU" rover travel this far to obtain more information. No word if China will assist.

The enormous object has shown no sign whatsoever of hostile intent, but whatever is going on up there seems to have the U.S. Government concerned. On January 10, NASA's Wallops Space Facility in Virginia made a sudden announcement, with only three days advance notice to the public, saying THREE rockets would be launched from Wallops between January 13 and 15, between 1:00 AM and 5;00 AM on a classified Department of Defense Mission.

The short notice was unusual; the Wallops Space Center usually provides more than a month advance notice. In fact, on January 15 three Terrier-Orion missiles were launched from Wallops within 20 seconds of each other. Their cargo was not revealed to the public and the mission is classified.

The Terrier-Orion is a small rocket that is not able to reach the moon. It can carry a small payload about 120 miles into space. So whatever the Department of Defense launched must have been small enough to fit on that rocket, yet powerful enough to be used as a defense, or perhaps to analyze whatever is on the moon. Either way, the government's lips are sealed.

The audio interview with "Dr. Eric Norton" can be heard HERE

The coordinates to be used in GoogleMoon Viewer to see the images above are: 22degrees42'38.46"N, 142degrees34'44.52"E.

The mass-media has begun covering this story. Outlets such as the London Daily Mail, New York Daily News and The Hindustan Times of India have versions of this story, but none of them has the initial, long-range-telescopic image of the craft that TRN has, nor do any of them have the audio interview with "Dr. Norton" whose name was changed to protect his identity.

1 "Dr Norton" is a fictitious name utilized to protect the identity of the source.

Audio of Eric Norton
kept by Curtis
just in case it was removed from the internet.
it was removed... although
I posted it right here on
the Listen Page.
V-Wing Craft

drawn by:
Riley Martin
page 337
The Coming of Tan

first published in 1995 by:
Curtis Cooperman
second printing 2003 by:
Curtis Cooperman

I have some copies to sell.
Find Curtis on Amazon selling
The Coming of Tan

$25 for a clean copy
14.01 for a copy with a spot.

V-Wing Craft
one circle in center
three circles on each wing
7 Circles Total
Posted 22 April 2014
Huge UFO comes off moon during eclipse.
Sent in by Pauljs 18 April
Hi guys,
You can see a very large UFO suddenly come off the surface of the Moon
and move up and into space. Then it appears to go behind the Moon.
That this has got to be enormous in size.

Skip the ad
31 January 2014
Hi Curtis and Michael,

Thanks for checking out the forum and for your kind thoughts. I think that this forum will provide a way for listeners to the pod casts to have "small conversations" as the Sharoon suggested in Hour 117. This pod cast (117) was a very powerful one and was a confirmation to me that I was on the right path in this endeavor. As I look back now, this whole series of events began only a few weeks ago on the night of the 26th of December. That night a little bit before 7:00 I looked out my window and saw the most amazing thing. It was a huge ball of light traveling in a straight horizontal line going north to south. As it reached the middle of my view, it exploded into a huge star burst pattern and then collapsed into a tiny point and disappeared. It was breathtakingly beautiful and I felt such a mixture of deep emotions but most of all, I felt loved. When I woke the next day, I read all about the fireball reports throughout the midwest and I started thinking that maybe that is what I witnessed and I just put the thought aside... But the feeling never left me that it was something more then that. It wasn't long after this when I started getting strong impulses and thoughts about doing something on the internet followed by a strong desire to bring it to fruition. I am not very skilled with computers or the internet, but anything i needed was provided by the skills of my family. All bumps in the road to accomplishing this were quickly smoothed over and now this forum stands as the fruit of that process. I pray that it is pleasing to All... the hidden hands in all of this and to our Creator Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon. Lastly. if you and Michael don't mind please pass the address on to the listeners: then press: Kathleen's forum... and let us all join together in conversation. With deep gratitude,

Love and Joy,

Royal Rife ~ Suppressed Medical Knowledge

One of my favorite interviews talking about this amazing man
Royal R. Rife
from San Diego
This shows
who is in control
of your health.
Hello Earth
Location on the
Delaware River

Line in river points to where we
are on the New Jersey side.

You like the Saturn Earth Connection?
I'm happy it floats your boat.
There is more to post of Michael's discoveries.
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send your thank you(s) to :
Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
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Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Otis T. Carr~~~~~~knew Tesla
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
last update
12 October 2018 ~ 17:33
site creator & host
Curtis Cooperman
Historicity Productions
91 River Rd.
Stockton, New Jersey 08559
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
..............................Part 3
................hour 333...Part 4
............. Michael ~ Images