Michael from Maui |
65 minutes
Tuesday ~ 29 September 2015
It is considered one of the |
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page |
.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2 ...............hour 284..Part 3 .................Michael ~ Images |
with QuickTime Player or/if there is a gray rectangle to the left with no player go back to Part 3 click on direct download to listen to this hour as an mp3. |
In this hour 284
Understanding life's purpose. |
Subject : Fruits of divinity
Dear Gents, I trust this finds you well. We are enjoying the renewed beauty of spring Love is the desire to do good to others. I often ponder on the wonder I would greatly appreciate if the Shah'roon could expand on the fruits of divinity, Sincerest and warmest greetings from New Zealand, |
23 September 2015
read this hour 284 and will read this again next hour |
Tesla Motors ~ Electric cars made in the USA
Launches All Electric SUV Model X ~ tonight 8PM PST Reactions to the Tesla P85D |
29 September 2015
Subject : Energy pulse
Dear Gents, My own understanding of the following matter is very limited and I hope the Shah'roon could shed some light on this recent event of the 'Large microwave energy pulse', and if this has any relevance to last week's discussion on Urantia's current movement within the galactic plain. As always, loving greetings from New Zealand, Large Microwave Energy Pulse From Outer Space Hits Planet Earth! |UFO Sightings Hotspot |
4 September 2015
read this hour 281 |
Subject : Podcast 280
Hi Curtis and Michael, I have spent this Labor Day weekend in a labor of love. Love and Joy, |
7 September 2015
read this hour 281 |
0:29 Curtis : ... and occasionally we hear from Shaharoon using Michael to transmit his voice into the recording. And I want to thank James from North Walles Pennsylvania... I appreciate you tremendously James... thank you for sponsoring the hours. And I wanted to say hello to Bernadette in France. She wrote and at the end of what she wrote she said... who is Shaharoon? And that is what we asked last hour. ~ Hello Michael
1:03 Michael : Hello Curtis 1:04 Curtis : Hello. Welcome back and glad the hurricane didn't effect Hawaii too much. ah... Weather but ah. Hot as can be here... and I wanted to say about ah... Shaharoon. It ah... is great having him come on and ah... explain things to us about ourselves that we didn't even know. So that is always an eye opener. 1:44 Shaharoon : Yes Curtis... this is Tadaktic. 1:48.375 (Who said this ???) : Hello 1:48.550 (Who said this ???) : Ted 1:49.075 Shaharoon : I am here. 1:50 Curtis : Hello Shaharoon... Glad you came on so quickly... hello. Hi Curtis and Michael, Hope you and yours are doing great. We are all doing well here. Your pod casts just continue to offer up enlightenment after enlightenment. Michael, when you mentioned how we are passing through the Galactic Plane, Love and Joy, |
Thanks to Kathleen
for transcribing the words of Shaharoon from Hour 280 / Pod Cast 280 |
28 August 2015
read this hour 280 |
Shaharoon : Thank you Kathleen. The concept of movement through the Galactic Plane is what you are experiencing presently and it does have some physical and also some, you might say effects upon living, the living - you as a Human Being. These things are an influence of the various energies that are focused upon the Plane. The Plane itself is a highly focused and not well understood by your scientists, uh... the technique of energies and dynamics that have to do with the setting up of such a Plane. But it is related to the dynamics of energy, electrical energy. You might say, energy in its' simple form. If you were to look at every Galactic Plane there spinning about, spiraling out from a central axis, is the connecting point by which galaxies are united in a universe. That is an important thing to understand. Your galaxies are not isolated. You presently know your galaxy, The Milky Way, as your home but your Destiny is beyond it. 6:08 8:18 |
Thanks to Kathleen
for transcribing the words of Shaharoon from Hour 280 |
We have inspired many things within your planet. Your Ancients did devise various ways of symbolizing their relationship to us as we tried to impute into them the understanding of the Higher Realms. As a result, many temples were built that were stacked up that had a resemblance of higher houses such as a pagoda stacking one house upon another until ascending to the height that equals approximately seven. Many times including the full eleven heights of dimensional home. You, at the lower level, if you do not realize that you have a higher level will spend all your time simply functioning at that level. Have you ever looked at ants busily at work within their realm of existence? They seem impervious to your gaze. They are busy about, moving about busily getting things done. Much of that can be duplicated by your own lives. But do you ever wonder as you gaze upon an ant that others gaze upon you and hope that your consciousness grows from that of an ant to that of a Son Divine, a Child Divine? Will you stop and gaze up and understand that there is more toward your existence then that of an ant? I hope so. Indeed, I know so. For those of you who hear this, my voice, have chosen to listen to it as insight into that realm of attunement. Simply take time daily. Attune yourselves. Listen and you will hear. You will hear our voice speaking. And I am not saying it is my voice. I am saying it is the Divine Voice which is our voice also. For by the same voice, we all attune ourselves. Heaven and Earth are not separate. They are united and linked by this extra-dimensional plane. 15:11 16:41 |
from Hour 280 |
Grand Spirits have been allowed, the Great Spirit, Holy Spirit assists you in the change in which you need to make so that you will live a life in the physical, yet not purely physical. You will live a life in your bodies, within your minds and concepts but have a grander experience even with the Celestial Consciousness. And it is important that you gain relationship to the Divinity within yourself by which you will have even a relationship to those sent to you to personally help you in your lives, in your development as you gain a Divine Embrace as you also give an earthly or physical embrace to the Divine. That is the time, your time, in which you spend to embrace this relationship. You, in the Physical Realm are locked within time itself. Taking a small bit of that time out to embrace the Divine is your ability and your way of expressing a Divine Embrace. Your Divine and your Human Embrace toward the Divine who is not locked within time. Yet, that bit cut out from your daily normal lives has a great effect upon your development and your nearness to us. You see, the brotherhood of man, the brotherhood of all of us is made up by a spiritual bloodline, you might say that you gain in these times and you gain in your lifetime. Understand again, that your Destiny goes even beyond the Galactic neighborhood, The Milky Way and the spheres that make up your local system. The fallen system of Satania in which you are is a challenge, for even your neighborhood, neighboring worlds were challenged. Many of which fell, fell down under the veil and the dark. Making their way back to the light, gifted, many of these have been challenged. You who have and seek the Light and understanding and greater understanding of the neighborhood, know this, that the things pertaining to the Physical Realm will be altered somewhat. Some by your own technologies and much of it because of your personal attunement to the Divine Voice. Life as it is on your planet will undergo some changes simply because of priorities of purpose It is one that we have been working with you to develop that attunement. Again, not to the physical or mental but to the Spiritual Plane - the Spiritual Plane which units us all and which share energy lanes. Energy lanes even between galaxies upon which your physical selves cannot journey. The journey between galaxies are made on a Spiritual Realm. Your scientists do have a concept and understanding that such a thing would be impossible to do on the Physical Realm. All that which makes up you as a physical Being would be torn apart in such a journey. But in that journey, you will be able to make and understand and be part of the greater neighborhood of the Grander Universe and making your way because you have developed into the Associated Divine Sons of the Foremost and Kind. 26:20 |
from Hour 280 |
Look about and see the changes and understand that they have indeed forces that are coming upon your planet, not by your own making but upon your planet because it is by His Making. A change is coming. I guide you to that change for attunement, to higher attunement, to grander attunement to entire planetary attunement. Confusion will leave. Light will shine. Knowledge will flow. And the technologies that you hope for will become apparent as we will give them to you one at a time by inspiration in a manner in which you receive even such a voice as mine... 31:26 Curtis : Yes. Shaharoon: We have many who will write such messages and many different ways of expressing them have been shown. Sometimes we actually do things that help you. But messages, letters of communication are often something that we experiment with. As your technology moves to higher levels, we can use them to express our indeed our heart felt feelings for you. It is not incorrect that it be perceived, that light apparition, as a heart because as we have found out and know it is a symbol in which is nearly universal in your people a a symbol of love and as such we present it. The others are artists. The orbs are indeed true. they fabricate such a thing. It is that simple. Curtis : Well, that's a nice message, Shaharoon. It's nice you uh... share with our listeners that you know they're listening. Shaharoon: Ah... it is also a message to express that we are aware of you through the channels and lanes in which I have been talking about. These spiritual channels which link you to a higher realm and a perspective. In other words, as we can gaze upon you as you can gaze upon ants. Understand that we can try to communicate with you as you could try to communicate with ants. but ants are mechanistic. They are not spiritually attuned. They are attuned to living force but not the consciousness and spiritual attunement that I am talking about. So, when you become spiritually attuned to us, we can send you messages and even as I use a beloved son of ours as borrowing his vocal chords so these messages can come to you on a personal level - One on One. And that is wonderful - One on One... |
from Hour 280 |
Curtis : Shaharoon, is there anything in Mars that would be worth, interesting for us to go visit and see? Personally... like... Shaharoon : There are many curiosities that are there. There are relics of installations that were placed there at one time. But these installations have gone perhaps, below the surface. Curtis : I see. Shaharoon : I would say that you would find Mars no where near as beautiful as your own world. Take good care of your world. Why look to a deserted relic? Curtis : That's how I feel. Shaharoon : Instead, understand and as you have well understood, yourself, Curtis, that there are indeed worlds, and one orbiting Saturn that is much more interesting. And it's filled with great wonder. It is a place of launching out within the Realm, within your Galactic Realm, not Inter-Galactic but Galactic. Where physical Beings interact and interchange on the Heightened Realm of Development. You might call it a part of the "Staircase to Heaven." There can be finished many areas of your Ascended Career ahead of the normal way which may sometimes take many, many lives beyond your own. But if you attune yourselves to the Divine, that, indeed, can be cut short and your development and your appreciation of the Realms of Worlds of Wonder and which you will share the construct of many, many lives building monumental, glorious structures unbelievable by your standards as being ever possible to exist. The New Jerusalem is nearly beyond comprehension. Yet, I believe it still is within the realm of the grasp of your imagination.. It is a small thing in comparison to that which you can explore if you graduate beyond the realm even of your mindal experiences and curiosities. Yes, to go to Mars is indeed a great thing such as discovering a new land voyaging and realizing your planetary structure and moving about your planet. It is all part of the development. Yes, and the neighborhood and the physical neighborhood in which you dwell. But much more importantly, when you move into the Realm in which we dwell which is in the space beyond your planet, even in between the spaces of the spaces. We expect that you hold in your hands, in your grasp, a well understood understanding of the free invitation into our Realm which you are invited. Simply learn how to read it because it is spirit. Simply learn how to understand it because it is spirit. And if you do, the invitation has been read. And we will gladly forward you to a Higher Destiny and Realm. This is our purpose for you. And our purpose for ourselves is to keep you aware of your Destiny. This is just one of many. This voice... grows weary... and I will release it. 42:23 Curtis : Farewell Shaharoon. 42:31 Michael : Yeah 42:32 Curtis : So nice for you came on and talk with us. 42:51 Michael : I'm glad you got that part........ 1:10:58 ~ recording ends |
from Hour 280 |
Subject : pic
Hi Curtis and Michael, Hope that you all are enjoying life. We are enjoying an early taste of Fall here However, the reason I am writing is to send this photo that I took on August 23rd at sunset. I am sending the original photo and also the cropped part of the photo Love and Joy, |
28 August 2015
read this hour 280 |
Kathleen image
23 August 2015 |
Subject : thank you and questions
Hi Curtis and Michael, Hope you and yours are doing great. We are all doing well here. Your pod casts just continue to offer up enlightenment after enlightenment. Michael, when you mentioned how we are passing through the Galactic Plane, Love and Joy, |
24 August 2015
read this hour 280 |
Subject: Universe Names
Dear Gents, I trust this finds you well. My sincere thanks to everyone working at keeping the weekly podcast stay afloat. I find myself going back and reading UB papers again Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters Their mission is also that of elevating the mortal minds and of Human subjects are often known by the numbers of their Adjusters; If the Shah'roon so desire perhaps they could elaborate on this. Warmest greetings from New Zealand, |
8 August 2015
read this hour 278 |
Hi Curtis,
Hope everything is going well for you. After listening to Pod Cast 276, Love and Joy, |
31 July 2015
read this hour 277 |
I corrected the text to work with html on the internet.
Sorry I did not check through what Kathleen wrote of Michael's words. Curtis |
Pod Cast 276
In which Michael explains a recent chat with a Shaharoon: 9:04 |
... Then I received, started to receive this message that came out this way, this says, "The Divine Prerogative of Ascension is immutable, immutable prescription of Human Ascent, the Human Ascension Career cannot be dispensed with, with simple words." This one sentence was the answer in part and it went on to say, "But it is the everlasting right of every Human Being today that this choice is yours to make and to live the Conjugated Divine Nature of Human to the Divine." This is, in other words, it's saying, it's a lot more then words. It's our entire life and that our living is so important. The conjugated, uh... the conjugate of both Human and Divine is this joining, conjoiningness, not a freakish thing but a developmental prerogative. That word, prerogative, means something like a special right. You know, it's like a inalienable right concept. It's a Divinely given right for every Human Being to be able to make this choice and then to live the conjugated role or life within the ascension career. |
Wow, so I was thinking, he's using fancy words here. Cause they were so fancy for one. So I just started to write them down. It's not how I talk. I talk like this. (laughter) It's kinda dif... different when he starts to try to give you answer and it comes out this way. It goes on too, he went on to say uh... and it goes on to say, "to conjugate both the Human and the Divine Nature into our completely new variance of the living expression in a kaleidoscopic and absolutely Divine Way and Nature. To profuse the symmetry of both the Human and the Divine embellished by the vicissitudes of our living or your living. But it was brought to me that way. So, its' sort of fancy, yeah? (laughter) |
So this came to me and I had to write it down. Cause, it's getting like, what are you talking to me about? So it sounds almost like the Urantia language. But that is really a answer to my question, "Is it enough for a person to just bear oath through the, what we've called the "Sinners' Prayer" or to any form? But it basically goes on to say, it's really living, even the vicissitudes of living. These many, many trials and works and different pressures and choices and every kind of thing that will basically set a kaleidoscopic... You know what kaleidoscopic means, right? |
Curtis: Uh...well I know what a kaleidoscope is... kaleidoscopic? Michael: Yeah, kaleidoscopic, many dif... Curtis: Many different views. Michael: Views, exactly! And these views are actually quite beautiful. And these are the things that are recognized. Because one of the things about the Divine Nature, the higher level Divine Nature - we're able to be read much like a book. You know, and this is one of the things I gathered really quickly being with these Celestial Beings. Their telepathic understanding of you is very, very fluid. They easily uh... understand. They bear your image. You know, our life. You know, people talked about... I remember some ministers saying, you know, how we have a wonderful crown of righteousness, a gown of great uh... majesty and glory that is given to us beyond for... But this is really what it's all about - this morontia development of the soul is something that is really a radiance that is what they are able to see and realize upon our lives, you know, individual nature, but one that radiance the embellishments, you know, from our lives, you know. |
Pro-fusing the symmetry of both the Human and divine. Pro-fusing means to really embed into our nature a new nature, a new and living way - Many of the, the customary words that were given to the born again experience. But being with these Celestial Beings, they "see" you. So, you know, when we are "seen as we are known" the, the truth is that we will be recognized by what we are known by. Maybe not our physical appearance, because that physical appearance may very well change as it did with uh... Christ, Jesus Christ's resurrection. Because even his disciples didn't recognize him. They recognized him by his personality and his references and by even his, perhaps telepathic inferences. These things are what is developed. |
So, you know people are terrified sometimes thinking about, wow, you know these, these uh... Celestial Beings or these uh... aliens, supposedly. They're just like us except they're monsters, you know. Having been with the ones who are faithful and true to the Primary Purpose and that Primary Purpose of the Human Mortal or the Mortals which are called Human. Actually, we're not the only Humans around but... Mortals. Isn't it the immutable, immutable... it's a Divine Prerogative, Divine Right of Ascension that prescription is to really have, to be given out freely. Not, you know, through divisiveness or held on by specific doctrines and teachings. Although many of them will lead down the path toward the same goal and that's why many times it's not necessarily corrected by the Celestials because it is enough to lead the person the right way. And this is what I returned to discover among many other things, including our own abilities having to, you know, discover technologies and wrapped in a lot of technology and wonder at the AMA... I'm amazed at the movement of how much we've ascended technology. You know, at one time the Age before uh... the Information Age was the Age of Industrialization. And when you look at industrialization... the capture of energy and use of energy to give the Human more freedom in expression in their lives if for this purpose, for the embellishment to the vicissitudes of living toward, you know, really much more beautiful appearance in the Celestial Realm. That beautiful appearance is one that makes people interested in you. You know, are we purely uh... individuals for the purpose of being just like the Angels? Actually, we're not. We are actually destined to be more then the Angels, more then many of the citizens that already dwell within the Domain. That's why we have assistants who through our lives' vicissitudes gain their Nature enrichment - their enrichment and our benefit. And it is to our benefit. That's why it's so important that we uh... move uh... in our lives with this awareness, a continual awareness of the Divine Prerogative - the Divine Right, especially ordered and commissioned for the individual Human Being. Not just on our planet, but we're concerned with ourselves here so, therefore, it's our, our, the Human Prerogative of Ascent and the choice. And when the choice is made to live life many different ways to different choices, to become a truly Divine Being. And the solutions to many of life's challenges will come our way and are made easily if we would but understand how things work in the Realm of the Divine. |
23:00 In the Realm of Resource and Development, if you look at One's life and you say, well if it's just finance and money that makes our life real, real and enriched, then, the rich people should be the Ones who have the greatest uh... enrichment and fulfilled lives. And, when you do study and come to know people who many times have a lot, you find out that their lives are empty. They're continually enslaved by their wealth and they no longer are able to enrich themselves in life experience that is something that challenges their Nature and brings real character into their Beings. And par... and is part of the, the process of conjugating both the Human and Divine Nature in a personality. And this is something that is quite amazing uh... when you see... it's... that it's not, you know, having a lot of money that will make the Divine experience successful. It's maybe the opposite - having maybe not enough or a little bit and continuously enriching One's choices - the vicissitudes of life's experiences, having many angles and many, you know, viewpoints into the kaleidoscopic career of One's life. And this is kind of a way in which, man, I feel, you know, it's like, "I think I better write this down cause it's getting a little heavy." (laughter) So I'm trying to untangle this for everyone. |
Michael sends this link of a UFO Cube over Texas
[MIND-BOGGLING] Black Portal & Alien Cube UFO Over Texas! 6/29/2015 |
7 July 2015
read this hour 274 |
Subject: Youtube video-Saturn
Hoaglands Secret Space Programs ~ rough cut Hello Curtis, I've been really enjoying the show lately. In Light and Life |
for finding this Chris from Liverpool New York |
Richard Hoagland says
at 31:42 ... is... this little guy when I looked at this... and I said... wait what is that doing there? And why does it have this kind of interesting geometry with one ..... ..... .... and two little ... ... This is a star... alright... this can become a gray head or not All of you... ... practically knew that Cassini was going to take the picture That again is part of the speculation... 32:50 (tape was disrupted) |
Beyond Knowledge Converence
Liverpool England September 2009 Thanks goes out to |
21 April 2015
read this hour 268 |
21 April 2015
read this hour 268 |
Richard Hoagland
pointing to what he found near the rings of Saturn. |
Architectural World / New Jerusalem near Saturn's rings
with 3 protecting spheres just as Riley drew it. I placed his drawing on the cover of The Coming of Tan. |
21 April 2015
read this hour 268 |
The video is cut off when the front cover of
Ringmakers of Saturn appeared (see image here) owned by Norman Bergrun... at the 32:48 point. Bergrun's attorney contacted me 15 years ago Why would anyone wish to alter NASA Cassini images? |
21 April 2015
read this hour 268 |
Michael Hour 261
1:12:52 Shaharoon: I am here right now. Would you like me to say. This is Theoteractic. If you would dare, allow me to comment upon the desired information, this we cannot share. We can only share that we have been very aware of the situation, and we have been given tremendous resource to accomplish the grand lift. The grand lift will not take place suddenly and globally in one sweep. There shall be special lifts and there has been many, many. The voice I use, Michael, he was a special lift, a raptured individual, but brought back that we could accomplish the preparation for the great harvest. But before the harvest can be, the tilling of the ground must be, the sowing of the seed, the growing of the crop until the harvest begins. You have known that there is evil, and it has grown up together with the good. It is us, we who are in charge of some small part of the development of this great harvest. But ultimately the points that were brought out are true. Your individual destiny, all who have an ear understand, make now your corrections in steering the course for your divine destiny. For by so doing you assure yourself a place of great value for your soul, not just for your body. For your body will still indeed perish and cannot inherit many of that which we have put in place. Let me remind you that the organic body that you live within, your physical development period is not able to withstand the transition and must be shed in order that you might inherit what is known as a morontial state through another higher body. So whether you, in such a lift, perish a physical death, remember an instantaneous lift, nearly at the same time can also take place. Do not fear the things that may come upon your planet in this transitional time, because in the grand awakening and unveiling great fear can come upon those unenlightened. Those who are enlightened who have prepared themselves well can find themselves truly enraptured. The preparation take them close together. Daily if you can, align your hearts to the celestial mind held in your divine central source within you. This I say to you, the timing is close, yes. The exact day we know not. But I can say the structure of the elements have been put together about your planet, even as much as could hold millions to billions of actual physical people, yes, not just the soul. But will it be accomplished in this manner? We know not. We are all being brought to this point in which the great purifying shall take place. There have been many whove been brought forth to help and teach, and through the centuries before great vessels were already in place. The New Jerusalem was already in place. So know that the additional only multiplies the affect necessary to tilt your planet toward truth, toward light, toward life. But it is still in your hearts to open as many eyes as possible and as many hearts for the pressure of the Spirit of Truth still embodies you all. Give light when it is needed for you are the light bringers. Say I, Theoteractic (Ted) Shaharoon to you, bid you farewell, good life and light. 1:19:45 |
Thanks to: John from Columbia Maryland
for sending in this transcription of Shaharoon. |
SpaceX Dragon V2 / Unveil Event
Elon Musk
builds spacecraft |
Grasshopper Divert / Single Cam
Grasshopper 744m Test | Single Camera (Hexacopter)
NASA can not do what Elon Musk's Grasshopper can do.
China can not do it... Russia can not do it... Boeing can not do it... |
What is the Pentagon's secret space drone doing? |
12th paragraph
While the X-37B requires a rocket to boost it into orbit, its success may be helping to revive dreams of a true reusable space plane that can take off and land like an aircraft. Elon Musk ~ Spacecraft can do exactly this |
Support from our listeners ~ sponsor on the web
Thank you Brian from Boston for 5 months of hosting. Hosting 89 months from Curtis and Marcy I wish/hope to promote/sponsor SOTA products once again on Our listeners are encouraged to write to SOTA Instruments |
13 February
read this hour 264 |
Hi Curtis!
[New post] Russia Builds Tesla Tower Have you heard of this? Cheers, Christie B |
Drone Footage: Tesla Tower in Russian winter
Published on Feb 11, 2015 |
Tesla Tower Restarted near Moscow - Spectacular! Thunderbolt-shooting
Note the toroid shape windings on arms tilted upward.
Just as the drawing Riley drew of a Tesla commuication device near Pluto. |
16 January
read this hour 259 |
Subject: Circular Glowing UFOs Perform Odd Maneuvers Above Massachusetts (VIDEO)
25 December
read in hour 257 |
Subject: Amazing rocket launch!
Curtis Paul Simone |
2 December
Michael... sent this YouTube... on GMOs
he wanted to play some of this during our recording... Also Michael says to watch Jeffery Smith's other videos. BT Toxins, Jeffrey Smith |
6 November
read in hour 250 |
Subject : Mark Twain pays a visits Nikola Tesla's lab 1894
An oldie goldie just for you Curtis. |
I hope everyone can see how this image Tesla had a photographer take shows Tesla came from another world to accomplish a feat
such as this. |
7 November
Ozone gas injections receive attention on a show bigger than CNN.
It is Alex Jones out of Austin Texas 20 years producing a news show without strings. About a year ago I tried to introduce your water ozonator into their menu of products. They now sell to their amazement... an oxygen product and they see the results of Oxygen. Last Friday 7 November Alex Jones in his 3rd hour... had on his platform... Dr. Robert Rowen MD just back home from Africa. |
Listen from... 0:58 to 17:44 Great to see the subject of oxygen and ozone on a major platform. Watch ~ Alex Jones News ~ Live Show runs 3 hours... starts... 03:00 Honolulu... 9:00 Pacific... 10:00 Mountain... 11:00 Central... 12:00 Eastern |
16 August
I cannot verify the following numbers but apparently somebody has had their calculator working hard.
Pauljs |
Listen to : Alex Jones
reporting the news for 20 years without control from these 6 corporations |
Drudge Report |
Neil Armstrong Would Not Swear on a Bible that He Walked on the Moon |
Did we walk
on our Moon? |
Why not?
the reason is damaging indeed |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subject: VISUALLY CONFIRMED: Enormous Craft Detected on Moon
Hi Curtis, |
3 March 2014
I first heard about this: Then it was Removed |
All of this was kept secret until, quite by accident, the LROC images (which are generally made public) were uploaded to the publicly available GoogleMoon service, where intrepid users came upon the enormous object. Now, the whole world can see this "object" on the moon --- the secret is out. |
Monday, 20 January 2014 11:58
January 18, 2014 -- (TRN -- At least one enormous object of unknown origin has been visually verified as having landed on our moon. As a result, on Wednesday, January 15, three Terrier-Orion rockets blasted off within a span of 20 seconds from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EST (0600 to 1000 GMT) on hush-hush missions for the Department of Defense (DoD). TRN has obtained photos of the unknown spacecraft and has an audio interview with an outside consultant from NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) who confirms that for almost two years the U.S. government used the McDonald Observatory in Texas to track the approach of two of these enormous objects. A year ago, in January 2013, the objects had gotten to 200,000 miles past Mars when they suddenly vanished. Realizing these two craft were approaching earth and might not be visible to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) depending upon where they went, the Government reactivated the previously cancelled Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) to be launched to the moon on September 6, 2013. It took almost 100 days for LADEE to be placed into proper lunar orbit because NASA utilized gravity instead of rocket fuel to achieve this. By December, 2013, both the LADEE and the LROC found at least one of the two enormous objects had landed on the moon, in a crater the size of the City of Chicago. |
Link is broken
Curtis Saved article right here... |
"Dr. Eric Norton 1 " has worked as a consultant for the National Security Agency (NSA) and NASA for about 12 years. He has worked on many projects for the government, most recently with the Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) which is involved in several research projects with the underlying goal of gaining a better understanding of the meteoroid environment so that the MEO models can be improved. They basically monitor the skies, track meteors and other objects in space. On January 22, 2012 Dr. Norton" was called to travel immediately from his east coast home to the McDonald Observatory in Texas, which is one of the largest optical telescopes in the entire U.S.. He was booked on a flight out the same night and was met at the destination airport by an Agent from Homeland Security who whisked him to the Observatory on a matter of national security. Upon arrival, Norton says he met with other colleagues who said they needed his help to identify something which had been detected in space, and showed him images taken from the telescope over a period of months. "What I saw was an array of massive, three-dimensional, black structures in space, in straight-line formation, advancing in direction of planet earth." Norton said he knew this because he was also shown images taken three months prior, which depicted the very obvious course of direction of these things which, he said "had moved millions upon millions of miles closer within just 3 months." The speed at which the objects were moving was utterly incredible. |
Dr. Norton said he was brought in with the understanding that his job was to aid in gauging exactly what type of composition these objects were made-up of. Were they man-made, natural or unnatural to anything seen before it?
Using the scientific instruments provided by NASA, Norton and his team were able to discern the fact these were not naturally-occurring materials. They were, to their best - but limited- understanding, some sort of metallic, carbon-reinforced material, several thousand times the structural hardness of what we have today; be it naturally-occurring diamonds or carbon nano-tube technology. |
As the objects got closer, Norton and his team could see through their telescopes the structural features of these things in high detail. "They were shaped in the best way I can describe, as a three-dimensional L-shaped craft" said Norton. He said he used the term "craft" loosely because he doesn't know if they are piloted or vehicles at all in the strictest sense. "All we knew is they were moving and moving fast" he said.
By January, 2013, the objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles past the planet Mars. At that point, almost instantaneously, the objects vanished from the telescope lenses. "It was almost like they flipped a switch; we couldn't see them on any form of radar we have or any visual medium" he continued. From February through April, 2013, Norton and his team scoured the skies looking for the objects to no avail. Norton was sent home and told to be ready on a moment's notice to continue his work if needed. For almost 6 months, he heard nothing. That changed in October, 2013 just before the US Government budget shutdown, when Norton telephoned a colleague and found out the enormous objects had suddenly re-appeared at our moon and had taken-up positions behind -- or on -- the moon. According to Norton's colleague, all hell was breaking loose in government to try to determine what these things were, where they were from, and what they were doing. There were all questions, but absolutely zero answers. |
At the time this article was written, for over 1600 days NASA has been operating the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbital Camera (LROC) to take high-definition images of the moon surface. Despite being active for over 1600 days, LROC has only imaged about twenty percent (20%) of the moon's surface. Unable to re-task the LROC to go on a wild goose chase for objects that may or may not be near the moon, NASA had to come up with a way to compliment LROC but do so in a fast and inexpensive manner. The solution: LADEE. |
In 2008, NASA proposed the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) as a robotic mission that would orbit the moon to gather detailed information about the lunar atmosphere, conditions near the surface and environmental influences on lunar dust. Scientists have long sought a thorough understanding of these characteristics to address long-standing unknowns, and help them understand other planetary bodies as well. LADEE was to be a NASA lunar exploration mission led by Ames Research Center in collaboration with Goddard Space Flight Center. |
In 2010, the Obama administration cancelled the LADEE program because of budget cuts, but in 2012, when the objects for this story were detected, the LADEE program was suddenly resurrected. NASA knew it would take over a year just to build LADEE and a rush order was placed to NASA's AMES Research Center to build the LADEE probe.
The probe was launched on September 6, 2013 via a Minotaur V rocket, formerly designed as an intercontinental ballistic missile for delivering nuclear warheads. To reduce fuel costs, the mission was designed to require 30 days to travel to the moon achieving arrival through the use of earth and moon gravity instead of fuel. After arriving, LADEE underwent "check-out" for 30 days before beginning another 100 days for science operations. LADEE arrived at the moon around October 6 and finished check-out around November 6. |
In December, 2013 LADEE's Ultraviolet and Visible Light Spectrometer (UVS), which determines the composition of the lunar atmosphere by analyzing light signatures of materials it finds, detected something very large and very different from anything "lunar." The object was located in a crater which is about the size of downtown Chicago. It was L-shaped, like a wedge, gave off no radio signals but did appear to have seven areas where light of some type was either being emitted or being reflected.
Thanks to LADEE having found the object, NASA knew where to look and sent the LROC to grab high-resolution images. Those images are classified, but low-resolution images from LROC made it out to the public via routine LROC publication. They ended-up as part of GoogleMoon where intrepid users found the object. Here now, the low-resolution images of an enormous object, which was tracked by the U.S. Government for millions of miles before it soft-landed on our moon: |
Perspective shot for location
In 2012, the U.S. confidentially shared information about the inbound "objects" with other governments. Shortly thereafter to the surprise of many, China announced it intended to land on the moon and launched its Chang e-3 in December. That launch took place and China became only the third nation to make a successful soft-landing on the moon with its Chang e-3 lunar lander. Upon landing, the Chang e-3 deployed a rover called YUTU. The U.S. has been in contact with China to see if it is possible to have its Chang 'e-3 moon lander or its "YUTU" rover travel this far to obtain more information. No word if China will assist. WORRIES IN THE U.S.? |
Audio of Eric Norton
kept by Curtis just in case it was removed from the internet. it was removed... although I posted it right here on the Listen Page. |
Phoenix, Arizona
March 1997 |
V-Wing Craft
drawn by: |
first published in 1995 by:
Curtis Cooperman |
second printing 2003 by:
Curtis Cooperman I have some copies to sell. $25 for a clean copy |
V-Wing Craft
one circle in center three circles on each wing 7 Circles Total |
Posted 22 April 2014
Huge UFO comes off moon during eclipse. Sent in by Pauljs 18 April |
Hi guys,
You can see a very large UFO suddenly come off the surface of the Moon and move up and into space. Then it appears to go behind the Moon. That this has got to be enormous in size. Pauljs Skip the ad |
31 January 2014
Hi Curtis and Michael, Thanks for checking out the forum and for your kind thoughts. I think that this forum will provide a way for listeners to the pod casts to have "small conversations" as the Sharoon suggested in Hour 117. This pod cast (117) was a very powerful one and was a confirmation to me that I was on the right path in this endeavor. As I look back now, this whole series of events began only a few weeks ago on the night of the 26th of December. That night a little bit before 7:00 I looked out my window and saw the most amazing thing. It was a huge ball of light traveling in a straight horizontal line going north to south. As it reached the middle of my view, it exploded into a huge star burst pattern and then collapsed into a tiny point and disappeared. It was breathtakingly beautiful and I felt such a mixture of deep emotions but most of all, I felt loved. When I woke the next day, I read all about the fireball reports throughout the midwest and I started thinking that maybe that is what I witnessed and I just put the thought aside... But the feeling never left me that it was something more then that. It wasn't long after this when I started getting strong impulses and thoughts about doing something on the internet followed by a strong desire to bring it to fruition. I am not very skilled with computers or the internet, but anything i needed was provided by the skills of my family. All bumps in the road to accomplishing this were quickly smoothed over and now this forum stands as the fruit of that process. I pray that it is pleasing to All... the hidden hands in all of this and to our Creator Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon. Lastly. if you and Michael don't mind please pass the address on to the listeners: then press: Kathleen's forum... and let us all join together in conversation. With deep gratitude, Love and Joy, |
Royal Rife ~ Suppressed Medical Knowledge
One of my favorite interviews talking about this amazing man
Royal R. Rife from San Diego This shows who is in control of your health. |
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