
Michael from Maui
Hour 216

70 minutes
Tuesday ~ 14 January 2014

What have you learned?
I was asked that by Nela
in terms of leaving experience
at visit to the new Jerusalem
What have you learned?

Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
...............hour 216 ..Part 3
1 January 2014 ~ From SOTA Instruments

Hi Curtis,

We are drastically reducing the web presence of the SOTA Products.

Over the years, since our own government battles, we have watched two manufacturers who produced products similar to ours end up in jail because they shared health information relating to their products. We have watched the continual disrespect by government regulators towards natural forms of healing. We have watched companies' shutdown by government and great products disappear off the market, not because they cause harm, but because they are not able to meet the rules set by government bureaucrats.

We are feeling it is a time to rest, to pause, for SOTA. We will continue our Retail Program by working with Practitioners and Retailers who sell to their clients and have no web presence of the SOTA Products. We will continue as we always have by people learning about us through word-of-mouth.

Effective February 15, 2014 your contract with SOTA will be cancelled. This will mean that you will no longer be able to earn commissions on NEW customers and your purchases at SOTA will be at the full Retail pricing.

For your existing customers who have registered with SOTA using your Retail ID, you will continue to earn commissions on their purchases for a period of one year.

We want to thank you, for supporting the SOTA Products, and for doing what you do - helping others to learn more about health.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please feel free to contact us via email at or by calling us at 1.800.224.0242.

Again, thank you for allowing us to have been part of your health team. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors.

Warm Regards,
Lesley and Russ
The SOTA Team

Sad news for us from SOTA

People are put in Jail for
making products that break
oxygen in half as lightning
breaks oxygen in half
and talking about it.


Anyone wishing to own a
water ozonator or other SOTA Instruments please do so
before February 15.
Your purchase helps fund our operation.

SOTA Instruments
makes a beautiful ozonator.
They put my photo next to what
I said about their water ozonator.

Drinking ozone in water is a
cleaner for your

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.Otis T. Carr~~~~~~knew Tesla
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
last update
12 October 2018 ~ 14:33
site creator & host
Curtis Cooperman
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
...............hour 216. .Part 3