
Michael from Maui
Hour 210

67 minutes
Tuesday ~ 26 November 2013

Comet ISON
There is this idea
star dust is completely ubiquitous
everywhere the same yet everywhere found

Saturn Earth Connection
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.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
...............hour 210 .Part 3

Subject: ISON

Hello Michael and Curtis,

If you all get the chance, please check this video out:
Steven Hannard ADG UK
ISON Has Grown Wings ice melting?

I watched it this morning and it gave me quite an impression. This crop circle that is shown in the video:

was one of the first crop circles that I ran across on the internet back in 2009 when I first started this journey. This one appeared shortly after the one above.

And I think that they are connected. The symbols in the first one are very intriguing. I am wondering if the Sharoon's would comment on these crop circles and maybe their connection to Comet ISON.

Blessings to you and your families and to our wider family out there, you enrich my life so much with your thoughts and care.

Love and Joy,

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Saturn Earth Connection
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.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
...............hour 210. .Part 3