
Michael from Maui
Hour 208

70 minutes
Tuesday ~ 12 November 2013

You must always allow the light to
penetrate and not shield it but enjoy it
perhaps under the shade of
another expression of life

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.Michael Connection Part 1
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...............hour 208. .Part 3

Michael sent this:

Subject: Stage is set for Daynals to come forward

Dear Gents,

I felt hard pressed to listen to hour 196 again in which Sa-ag Sharoon expanded on our planet now, considered as a civilized global village, ready for the Higher Order Teachers to come forward to help introduce a more perfect age.

I consider that the Higher Order Teachers and Celestial Guardians do not watch CNN to determine when best to make their appearance, as our current news reporting focusses mainly on that which seems to add to our current state of confusion and backwardness. Rarely does the media report on the beauty of humanity seeking truth and greater love.

Since the natural state of evolution on Urantia has been distorted by the rebellion, I wonder if the Sharoon could share with us if the Daynals will appear in our lifetime on Urantia or if this stage of direct learning and closer advising is destined for a future generation?

I'd also like to share my love and sympathy with all those affected by the typhoon in the Phillipines and pray that humanity may come together and serve those in a time of desperate need.

With warmest greetings for New Zealand,

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.Michael Connection Part 1
.............................Part 2
...............hour 208. .Part 3