
Michael from Maui
Hour 160

64 minutes
Tuesday ~ 19 September 2012
They understand it very well and it is
something that we will have to be moving through
and that date of this year
December 21st
At the end of this hour after I stopped recording we continued talking... Michael spoke about the 30 to 40 minutes we talked before we started recording. Notice Michael did not come onto the recording right away when I introduced him... because it was not him during the recording. I thought Michael sounded different and what he said came from the celestial group near Saturn.
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 160
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Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
Located on the left bank
looking down river
New Jersey on the left
Pennsylvania on the right
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Otis T. Carr~~~~~~knew Tesla
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 160
last update
12 October 2018 ~ 13:04