
Michael from Maui
Hour 147

62 minutes
Tuesday ~ 5 June 2012
Jesus the translator of truth
I had a little trouble with the audio on Michael's microphone
I should have just closed Skype and called him again
and that would have solved the problem.
Sorry... next week it will be better.
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 147
.Electricity for Health
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Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
Located on the left bank
looking down river
New Jersey on the left
Pennsylvania on the right
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Otis T. Carr~~~~~~knew Tesla
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Saturn Earth Connection
introduction ~ home page
.Michael Connection
...Listen ~ hour 147
last update
12 October 2018 ~ 12:00